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Agree 100% :+1: Tear downs are an absolute pain in the arse… and God help you if you’re running silicone sheilded wiring. It can get torn up pretty easily if you’re not careful.

I found bullet connectors just behind the mini Tamiya handy… at least that takes the bulky plug out of the equation when you’re juggling wires while sliding everything home.

I don’t know if the MP5s that come pre-wired to the front are any easier to handle but I can’t see how they’d be any different. There’s zero clear space in that receiver to run the wires.

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There is basically enough space for the bullet connectors to run through but only one at a time, and good luck guiding them through as once the upper is close on the lower and it’s time to feed em through there is bigger all space in the mag well to see what’s going on… running blind feeling for a hole that barely fits and can’t be seen is fun… I taped a small spare wire to it and pulled it through… then font ruin the mag springs all at the same time. It’s fun.

I feel your pain… :laughing:

Fishing the mini Tamiya through the front of the receiver while trying to slide everything back into place is an exercise in frustration with these suckers.

Worth it though to get the benefit of front wiring.

I spent the day today front wiring a CYMA M4 for shits and gigs… that was fun… NOT!!

Lots o’ shit, not many giggles… :joy:

Probably why I had a stack of MP5’s that had been with boxes full of parts/accessories that people had given up on their builds because of such battery/wiring issues! :joy:

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Ah, the LDT A2s are a dream, Doc…

Big arse solid buttstock that’ll take any battery you like… except maybe a car battery. :laughing: nice big hinged access door. Beautiful…

Forward wiring to go A3 with the stock plain handguard’s problematic because it’s small. The BigRRR torch handguard’s much bigger and lets you run a decent 11.1v lipo.

I guess if you run the buffer tube attachment you could rear wire and run a standard M4 sized lipo, but you can run the same battery forward wired with the BigRRR, so pointless.

These MP5 receivers are like AR style receivers. The gearbox is held in place by the shell. From memory I had to get a little creative with a Dremel on the MP5 shell to rout the wires internally.

Not a job for the fainthearted… and a lot of people run a mile when the “D” word comes into it. Takes commitment to take a power tool to a receiver. :thinking: I’m not suprised you ended up with a stack of MP5 receivers at all. :+1:

Nice work :ok_hand:
Yeah I had a bunch of all types of adapters/A2-A3 stocks/buffer tube mounts and various handguards/Picatinny rail adapters and all sorts of other accessories for them.

A cool one was the stock delete plug that was a metal QD single sling point attachment as well :sunglasses:

Still the pain in the neck forward wired/battery issues, but that was necessary for the short slider/folding frame stocks anyways :roll_eyes:

Buffer tubes were definitely the easiest way to go at the time, when torch mounts/fake Boxes weren’t readily available, such as the PEQ on the UMP45 battery box also in this picture, but were still able to be used on the MP5 with the aftermarket handguard fitted through :+1:

I do like that fishbone on it though… :+1:

Haven’t got one of those… :thinking:

Damn you, Doc… looks like the wallet’s gonna have to take another hit for the team. :joy:

Something else that I might be able to help you out with :joy:
Don’t exactly even know what spares I still have in the big stack of boxes, because I simply went through everything those couple of years ago and made sure to throw out any barrels or gels that might have been in them that could get me into trouble……. otherwise still have shitonnes of random parts, many brand new in their packaging/boxes as you have seen!

Don’t know how desperate you are for such a handguard, but it will take me some time to try and rummage around to see if I still have some :thinking:

Absolutely, if you find one I’ll buy it off you, Bob. :+1:

You really need to have an online garage sale :joy: I have a sneaky suspicion you’re sitting on some pretty desirable accessories, my friend.

And if you can make a buck or two out of it, that’s gotta be a good thing for you. :wink:

Wandered down to TT today to check out the BK MP7. A much better execution. Has metal barrel, ambi-fire select, mag prime from charging handle and a bit more heft. Mag release is a paddle like the LDT. Still A1 type with foregrip rather than pic rail and looks like you have to remove the rear cover to change springs

Not a bad deal for $120

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That’s a great idea, which I will definitely have to get around to doing one day when I get time to eventually go through all of the boxes and work out what is what :thinking:

That’s the major problem I’ve seen in the past couple of years is the fact that there’s nil parts stocks for any of the older blasters, and even the blasters themselves.

I tend to just put my hand up if there’s anyone here who is chasing something that I might have to let them know if I can help them out :+1:

As mentioned before, only going from memory as to what I might have, because it’s been a long time since I seen any of that stuff :disappointed:

@Wombat Wait… Do you mean the Bing Feng MP7 V5?

And you just know there are quite a few peeps like me who like the old school stuff. :wink:

Shame you can’t export to the USA… they’re going nuts over the old gear which, ironically, is new to them. You’d make a killing over there.

LDT MP5 parts are something I am always on the lookout for, at one point I was about to pay $80 for the flashlight handguard, then got the mp5a3 with torch for a good deal second hand instead. If I ever see a picatinny handguard I will be getting it, just to run it with a m203 the way Half-Life intended!

Don’t worry, I’ve had plenty of Yanks asking me about this, but I don’t really want to get involved sending Gelblaster parts out of the country :thinking:

Yes - BF MP7 V5. Lot better build than V3

Yeah… you don’t need these guys knockin’ on your door :laughing:

All they gonna find is a pile of random parts that can’t even assemble a fully operational Gelblaster, nor any “ammunition” to use in one either……… so good luck with that! :joy:

You are a bad influence!
@Friendly_Fire is gonna be going out to get one with his last few dollars that Santa gave him for being a good boy at Xmas! :roll_eyes::joy: