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Why are all the “new releases” that are offered in this country all Pistols?
It seems that the old days of new rifles, SMG’s and alternative Blasters have come to a grinding halt :confused:


Too many pistols not enough gbb rifles n smgs, they also look like wobbly nerds that dunno what they are doing n seem a little afraid of it kek


To be fair, the last big release directly before this one was the German WW2 gear. And for as much shit as we give him, Danny over at ECCB is genuinely bringing in the good stuff, just at too dear a price for most of us to afford. They’re getting a series of gas AR15s and AKs in.


Trouble with Danny is he still doesn’t know anything about the product. Yes he’s bringing GBBRs in but is really flying blind. And I don’t think much of his workmanship. I was looking at the FN m4 the other day and the lower he showed me was marked up from him pulling it apart. He doesn’t know how to strip an M4 without damaging it.
I grabbed a G19x (as I desperately want a G45) and the 3D mag lip broke on the second mag. The magazine is over sprung as it’s a converted a soft. Popping a light mag spring in didn’t push the slide lock up as it wasn’t sprung for gel mags. The fps wasn’t enough to push hardened gels out the barrel. The modded a soft hop chamber was not sealing properly with the nozzle. I removed all his glue and bullshit and then padded the hop rubber to increase seal. I’ve got it from sub 100 to 240 fps. Gun Jesus he ain’t.

I certainly wouldn’t pay $2000 for a GBBR m4 he has touched.


Blasters are released on WATs website.
450-470 for the sigs.
880 for the steel version of the Combat Master, 1500 for the steel version of the steel Sai 2011. 429-580 for the non steel variants.
My wallet is screaming.


How long have we been waiting for we tech beretta mags? Close on 2 years?


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Im like really torn i want a gbb mp7 or rifle of some sorts but i then have too many pews i feel and then id have ti get rid of something n bleerrr

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Not a big fan of the latest WW2 and other SMG/Rifles being GBB or converted A-Soft designs.

The biggest drawback is poor design in trying to convert to gel, which leads to low performance, feeding issues and breakages of parts.
Not to mention the incredibly low magazine capacities :roll_eyes:

It would drive me insane having to reload any of the MP40’s or GBB SMG’s every couple of trigger pulls……. sorta defeats the purpose of having something fully automatic, but can’t be used for full burst or covering fire for more than 2 seconds :confused:

A return to purposely designed AEG rifles and SMG’s that are 100% Gel Blasters would definitely fix all of these issues :thinking:


With the benefit of time, and hindsight, the recent ww2 offerings are not too bad…after they have been bigmuthadrum-ed.

The mp40 electric mag conversion is working flawlessly, and gives it a decent mag capacity now.
This makes it a useful blaster, rather than a 2 second burst of frustration.

Granted, it remains a little bit wobbly, especially around the stock, but its performance is good, and accuracy much better than the stg.

Bottom line: the mag upgrade makes a huge difference.

The stg’s inaccurate spraying may not be fixable, but it is rock solid and heavy in the hand.

At least they were 2 new different, historical blasters, which makes a change from the endless m4’s we get…


Does any1 know the price on the m17

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M17s are 470.
10 character limit.

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WAT said they are still tuning M17 and M18. May not be shipping for a couple of weeks


Great words in response @BME :+1:
Where would we be without @Bigmuthadrums mad scientists workshop :joy:
As many are well aware, I’m a massive WW2 fan and was very excited to see the release of the MP40 and STG44’s….….yet frustrated at the same time as I could not purchase them :rage:

Same as TAIDI releasing my absolute dream FN FAL that I wanted for my ex-service father to have as a memoir together :cry:

Was disappointed watching all the YouTube tests of these as a gel blaster performance wise, but like the almighty ZB26 that I waited years for, the OOTB performance wasn’t an issue knowing that it could be improved.

Was only the main reason of having a replica of that famous weapon……. same as wanting the MP40/STG44’s as purely a replica for the collection, but also couldn’t see them as an actual useable blaster, unlike the ZB26 with a few upgrades.

Can definitely appreciate an MP40 with the @Bigmuthadrums magazine conversion as a useable blaster in terms of FPS, RPS, accuracy and decent mag capacity :ok_hand:

Unfortunately the standard uneducated Joe Blo that purchases these would have a very hard time trying to do anything with them straight out of the box :confused:


Yeah the site said it the sigs won’t be shipped out until at least a week later.
At least they’re doing something about them and not shipping them out with problems… man Tiger would have a field day with this


They were very open about the work they were doing, replacing springs and retuning the M18. Told me to wait a couple of weeks until they had them sorted.

I appreciate that, on this forum, we don’t have to put up with someone dumping crap on every vendor attempting to keep interest alive in the sport, when they introduce the new stuff we have been clamouring for and it is delayed as they do some fine tuning


Definitely agree with this sentiment.
I’ve always had the best dealings with Wat Int.


I heard the mag is Single stack tho. Inly holds like 10 gels

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10 gels :roll_eyes:
My GLOCK G18C GBB Full Auto Pistol still held 16-18 gels at least………and even that would go through them all in under 2 seconds on full auto :flushed:

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Had another look this morning. M17 and M18 mags are double stack. Cybergun 1911A1 are single stack. M17 and M18 mags look the same with different base. WAT are changing the mag lips and mag springs


Thanks for that info on the double stack.
I emailed them asking for some specs on the M18, and also whether the mags were single stack. They gave me info on the inner barrel (is 7mm, and 75mm long), but didn’t answer my question about the mag.
They did say that they will have spare mags online next week.