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Would be my pride an joy in any case.

Don’t buy the one from East Coast Custom, they have butchered the mag and it have problem feeding gels.

I didn’t buy the browning.

Too expensive, for what it is… a somewhat nondescript pistol.
I’d get a denix, for half the price, if i HAD to have a browning…but i dont HAVE to have one.

If Kehle did a model for $150, then …yep… !

Likewise, if Kehle did a luger, p-38, etc, id be onto them.!
They are good value “budget buying”, for the models of historical interest…

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Yeah, 100% agree with you on a KELe Browning… I’d buy one in a heartbeat. :+1:

Perfect as a holster filler for anyone putting together a Vietnam era loadout, and cheaper than the Denix.

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Seems the best way to go for your historic types KELe make them affordable and look great :+1:

The one time, gel is cheaper than the alternative…!!!

If @deadsquid simply MUST have an M60 in Vic…

Get your permits, and start saving…

Up close, you can see its a lower quality mold, of a much larger item…but allowed in Vic, with permits.

For a smaller item , ie a pistol, a impression / mold will show up fewer imperfections and muted details…but…something this big…

They were selling gel m-60’s ,as well, for less ( and better finish)

The MG 34 Looks the goods, though…!!

Tac edge, jumping in with the pulse rifle pre-orders…

Should help to boost demand, and sales…

I think that will sell well. It’s not a crazy price and who’s not a fan of Aliens :+1:

I’ll just stick with my $140 Nerf M41A… :rofl:



I can’t even afford that at the moment :rofl: :man_facepalming:

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A hell of a lot less, than I had to pay for my thommy/ kit / labour to have it fitted…!!

The thommy and the kit, were over $900…and it was a LOT of labour, to get it fitted properly…!!

Oh well, at least i can say i was always the first…!! :rofl: :rofl:

You getting one of these? You know you need it :laughing:

When there are two colours available.?!

What do you take me for…!!!

You will see, in the fullness of time… :rofl: :rofl:

Its funny, 10-11 years ago, i had no Pulsey’s at all…and then i started looking at what was available…

I found one (HCG hero), then another, then another, then a bitsa, then the resin HCG (pulse, and smart rifle’s), then a/soft into NZ, then the kit, now these…and a resin VP-70…(another KEle classic, pls)

thats what happens with any collection, right…!!? over the course of several years…

Enough pulse rifles to break the Sulaco’s back…!! :rofl: :rofl:

I’ve posted this pic before…the top one, is the snow wolf a/soft…(in NZ)
That’s what we’ll be getting, in OZ…
Below it, is the 2008 HCG hero pulse rifle.

They only made 1000 of the HCG’s…they are collectable, i have the original boxes…and they go for quite a bit.

I may sell one, as my collection mounts.
They are legal , in places like Vic, if you have the appropriate permits.
Metal and plastic, non firing, metal parts with no room for a gearbox etc…

But, there are cosplayers / collectors etc who want these, and cant have the gel version in that state.
The HCG version, however, is allowed, with permits…

The HCG has metal shrouds, is very solid, and very heavy…
The snow wolf has plastic shrouds, and is lighter…

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I’d love to have more of the WE historical items - Luger, C96, Browning, but they’re not coming in …

The denix luger, is a pretty good replica…the grip is mostly timber, and the other details are solid, not muted and flakey.

For the C-96, the han solo star wars gel blaster, can be undressed, and only needs another mauser tip, to finish it off…though having the holster/ extender would be nice.

For the rest, keep asking, keep hoping… the historical models are always sought after…

If enough noise is made, someone might hear…

how about an Uzi? Of all the iconic movie guns that havent been brought in, that would have to be near top of list. In nylon or full metal … would have to sell well.

Thanks BME, but none of these are WE Tech quality. The WE also has the proper mags (the Co2 ones looks completely wrong in the other brands - Umarex, Gletcher etc.).

In fact the WE Techs are the most realistic when it comes to magazine dimensions etc. (yes I know mags can leak). The Golden Eagles, Double Bells (single stack etc.) are not the most correct.

The only issue is the WEs are a little on the light side (the WE 1911 is lighter than the Golden Eagle 1911).

Actually, the Han Solo star wars blaster, is a dressed up / converted WE tech C96.

The rest of the blaster, is add on bits, to dress it up.
All that is missing, is the tip. they cut it off slightly, to have the flash hider fit on.
The mag only holds about 6 gels, though…

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I bought the Browning from East Coast, the mag lip didn’t fit the mag itself so they glue them together,. the glue on the mag lip come off and there is a gap between the lip and the mag. I didn’t go back to East Coast and fix it because even through they glue them together it will come off again and again. After that didn’t buy any gel blaster from them