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Put a 3305 Golden Eagle next to real steel RIA 1911 and it’s hard to tell them apart dimensionally

Am I the only one who has a crap WETech

I really wish someone would put out an M14 in blaster form… and I don’t mean the Sage International EBR variant. This one…

Would be a great base for an XM21 sniper build. Mag fed too… :+1:

I can only hope… :person_shrugging:


I have nothing against Star Wars (I saw it in the cinema in '77), but the issue is the AW custom/WE Techs are heavily modified with holes cut in them.

I want a C96, not Han’s blaster.

I want the WE Tech Luger, not the A-180 blaster.

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I think the WE Tech 1911 is even more dimensionally correct than the GE 3305. But the WE is lighter (shame).

The WE Government 1911 is ever so slightly wider (and the grips are also wider). Both are very very close.

The mags on the WE Techs are more (dimensionally) correct to real steel.

The WE 1911 (government) is correct for 1924-1941.
The GE 3305 is correct for 1942-1944 (different front sight).

From 1944 to present day - the 1911s use serrated, rather than checkered/chequered components.

In Korea and Vietnam they simply used WWII made 1911s.

In 1985 they switched to the Beretta/Taurus 92s.

And now it looks like they are switching to SIGs (Glock not happy).

As do i.

They may come, they may not.

In the case of the luger, apparently Vas has had a crack at modifying them.
The issue was, the mag was too small, and neat meaty enough to get everything to fit.

I have the SW blaster…for me its a two for one…

The 2 screw holes on the side aren’t a deal breaker for me, if you were really fussed, you could screw in a blanking plate , sand it flat and paint it.

After that, you just need a plastic mauser, to cut the tip off and finish it.

Perfect…? No.

Better than nothing…Yep.

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Here’s a pic, i posted awhile back, with the C96 undressed.

It wouldn’t be that hard, to fill in the screw holes.

Then, get the tip sorted, and done.
The rest of the model is very solid, the action is quite tight, and perfomance good.
Like i said , the mag is tiny, so it only holds about 6 gels, and a small amount of gas…

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Han Solo is wanting his Blaster back! :sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Its just out the shower, still getting dressed…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Also, didn’t he die in one of the previous movies.??!

( I dont really care…the original trilogy was " lightning in a bottle"… the new disney crap is mostly flogging a dead horse…)

Harrison ford, was quite happy to see his character die…
A bit over star wars, was he…!!

X-force are selling a tracer t-piece and barrel with hopup combo… For the ARP9 of all things.

I don’t get why the ARP seems to be the focus for this stuff, cause there were a few Zhenduo were selling when they started making them commercially but nothing for a standard rifle blaster.


Thanks BME, but the barrel is also too short and missing the front sight!

Pretty cool, wouldn’t mind giving that a run.

Probably because there is no standard blaster, they are all different in some way and it’s XYL anyway afaik so makes sense they do it for their model. Fk knows :person_shrugging:

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Pretty cool though. I like the hopup idea, “self adjusting” though? Be interesting to see how and if it works. I had seen a SLR tpiece with UV leds in it a few years ago but its a shame that there isnt more of this. The old fun of glow gels, you already sacrifice performance in all aspects to have the cool star wars effect, but quite often it was either hopup or tracer unit, difficult to do both.
My MP5s are setup for glow gels, with one having the slim LDT hopup, and the other having a sweetheart, then just attach tracer for glow slinging.
The bonus here is it is less than half the price of a tracer, and has a hopup. Cool idea, interested to see how it goes.

I seem to remember Cruise from the old forum modding t pieces pretty cheaply by installing UV LEDs into them… his logic being the gel spends more time in the t piece than it does screaming past a tracer unit at 300FPS.

Seems he was onto something there… :wink:

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Yes exactly this!
As I have mentioned before, @Cruise and I spent many hours on my back veranda over a Coffee or three showing and sharing our different designs and ideas with each other😎

The biggest difference between our thoughts and designs was that he used T-Piece/Clear Barrel UV LED lighting, whereas I was building custom Glow Magazines!

He was right in his thinking that the light exposure on the gels were higher when glowed in the t-piece and along with his other designs of LED’s running along the full length of a clear barrel……… but I will egotistically state that I think I won these “discussions” in design and engineering that my glow mags were really pretty unbeatable when it came to high levels of UV Light exposure in both intensity and duration :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t get me wrong, his designs worked, but were very complex and had quite a few cons compared to the pro’s when we both got down to the nuts and bolts of both of our ideas.

His T-Piece units worked well, but the amount of extremely delicate and cramped work involved to fit them in place and be able to make it all work within the tiny space available in the receiver with all of the wiring etc was very meticulous and specialist in the way all of the components were modified and fitted together.

The barrel glow design he had relied upon having to use a standard clear plastic barrel, which had LED’s fitted along the length of the inside of the handguard to glow the Gels, which was good in theory and results in how much light and time exposure was applied………. But my “argument” was that Glow Gels are 99.99% of the time used at night/indoor CQB events, and clear plastic barrels were extremely limited in performance/sizes etc.

Imagine your blaster lighting up like a Lightsabre every time you fired it in a dark environment……… not exactly very stealthy!

Final “con” that I debated about these modifications was that every one of these modifications would be done to a SINGLE blaster, meaning ONLY that particular blaster was able to run Glow Gels, and none of those modifications were transferable to another Gelblaster unless it was completely stripped down and all of those parts refitted into another model blaster that you might want to run glow gels through.

Remember that this is years ago before any technology that we have now, where we were designing and building/fitting our own handmade MOSFETS/FCU’s into Gen8’s and UMP’s etc!

Here’s where I’ll give my side of the “discussions” that Cruise and I had about my custom made/designed Glow Magazines………

My design meant that there was absolutely nothing that had to be touched/modified/rewired with the blaster itself……… so that alone eliminated all of the parts/time/money needed to modify to Cruise’s custom glow systems throughout the blasters.

My design meant that you could run any t-piece, aftermarket alloy/stainless/brass barrel that you wanted without disabling the glow ability of his system.

My design was fully contained within just the magazine itself, meaning that whatever that magazine was inserted into, it immediately made that Gelblaster capable of firing the brightest and best performance laser gels ever produced……… WITHOUT actually doing anything to modify the stock blaster in any way whatsoever :ok_hand:

The light emitted from the UV LED’s were fully contained inside the magazine itself, not spilling out through the dust cover or handguard like a lighthouse!

100% fully contained system that lit up the entire insides of the magazine, and every single gel within it for a very long exposure timeframe, as the lights ran directly off of the mag motor feed, from the moment you inserted the magazine and pulled the trigger, the gels would be lit up like Hollywood the entire time that semi/full auto was running……. which is a bloody long exposure period to eventually get to the bottom of those 250-300 gels sitting in that light bath every minute that the gearbox was running until empty.

Simply insert that same magazine into ANY other model blaster compatible with that style of magazine and BOOM……… instantly firing laser glow gels without touching a single thing on the blaster itself :ok_hand:

I developed these around the same time that LDT launched their first Glow Mags, but I had already designed and built a few experimental glow mags prior to their release which were Gen8, SKD, STD, Gen9, Gen10 compatible along with basically any other type of magazine in any type of blaster at the time………. and also had a design in place for GBB Mags when they were invented/released onto the market…… but the WA Bans cut those projects out before I had the opportunity to build/test them out. :roll_eyes:

So yeah………… after all of this ego stroking rambling, @Cruise and I had the great opportunity to sit down together many times and discuss all sorts of stuff, and he was a seriously talented bloke with all of his gadgets and wizardry that was amazing to be shown in person and got to use myself in the backyard of the property :sunglasses:

Haven’t spoken with him in a while now, so might be a good time to find his number off of my old phone and have a catch up with him after having this mention of him on this thread :hugs:

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I too went with the LDT glow mags when they came out and worked great.

I wonder if you could shoe horn this barrel assembly in to an earlier v2/3 XYL :thinking: the rubber hop up interests me also. Price is pretty good, about the same as a glow mag.

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Ah, I would say it’s a shame you didn’t have a patent on that glow mag, Doc. :thinking:

But knowing how patent laws apply in China, and how they don’t mean squat to their manufacturers anyway, it wouldn’t have made any difference anyway. LDT would have gazumped you in the end. :laughing:

Still, it’s a testament to what a couple of keen tech savvy minds can acheive over a few sessions on a backyard property. Cudos to you for the innovative thinking, Doc. :pray: Shame the GGBR glow mag idea didn’t come off, that would be very relevant today.

That level of innovation and lateral thinking seems to have disappeared in the hobby these days. Custom builds seem to be limited to bolt on aftermarket accessories and bling.

If you do catch up with Cruise, give him my best… drop the phrase “Will it keeel?” and see if he remembers. :laughing:

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Yeah, I had a couple of LDT glow mags too… always found them pretty efficient. :+1:

My biggest gripe when they came out was that they were only available as a P mag and not as a stanag.

And despite being touted as universal, they didn’t fit everything that took that style mag.

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Too true that on both points the compatibility and the stanag.

I’m sure I’ve seen recently they have now come out with the metal stanag glow mag. See if I can find it.

LDT - WarInterest Metal Stanag Tracer Mag –Desert Earth – WAT INT

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Ah hell yeah… that’s on the list. Cheers, man. :+1:

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