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I’m actually just starting this Patent process with another project I am looking to get onto the global market, but even my QC Barrister friend who is helping me out with all of the legal mumbo jumbo has agreed the same thing about the stealing of Ideas/Patents by Chinese companies, so I’ve got a plan worked out which is something where my invention/patent will be sold to the highest bidder and I simply get a percentage of future sales/profits on top of the sale.

It won’t be my problem to fight illegal Patent infringements etc, and should be enough to see me and my family as being quite comfortable without worrying about any of the other stresses/costs.


Absolutely… that’s the smart and really the only way to go these days, Doc… hit and run. :+1:

Sell the rights to someone else who’ll have the worries of patent and copyright infringement while you kick back enjoying the benefits of selling your product once and then you’re done with it.

Hope it all works our for you, Doc. :wink:

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Cheers mate :sunglasses: if only it was something Gelblaster related…… but unfortunately it’s not!

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Cool, going the English Bren gun route :+1: Good luck hope it works out for you :wink:

Anyone know anything about these??

I love a bullpup, and I already have an early ABS QBZ Type 95. But what peaked my interest with this one was the select fire option and split receiver… high price tag aside, that is…

Going from the old two piece screw together receiver to a pinned split receiver would mean a complete remolding of the shell by BF. It’s hard to believe they’d do that. :person_shrugging:

I’ve never bought anything from Zhenduo in the past… do we need a B709 permit to ship from them?

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Sorry to disappoint but…

They’ve more or less completely pulled out of the Australian market entirely after the whole card skimming thing.

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Hopefully one of the AUS stores will get some in.

Bugger… that would have been worth looking at. :roll_eyes:

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Is it like this just with a semi/auto mosfet added? :thinking:

BingFeng QBZ 95 Gel Blaster - iHobby Online

After closer picture inspection, nah don’t think. The new one has some differences, be good to see other side if it still has screws holding it together.

Yeah they look like exactly the same Pup, as the video shown in the Zhenduo advertisement shows assembly screw holes exactly the same as the I-Hobby images.

Weren’t the QBZ’s a standard gen8 mag? Cause that new one looks to be a rocker style

Then they must be bullshiting about the split receiver. :person_shrugging:

That was really the only thing that got my attention… anyone can install a MOSFET.

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Yeah the new one is more true to the real steel with the mag, and the receiver does appear to have a seam just behind the carry handle that looks to me like a splitting point, but front to back not top to bottom.

The Zhenduo video shows that it’s definitely a two piece screwed receiver, exactly the same as the pictures I-Hobby posted…… so yeah, definitely looking like yet another inaccurate and deceptive description of the product :roll_eyes:

isn’t there an airsoft version of China’s new rifle already? the QBZ-191?

Just wondering…any more word, on the upcoming sten blaster.?.?

Also, anyone had any experience, with the LDT MP5k…?

Was this released in OZ…
I seem to remember it at WAT, for a short time…

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I reckon @AKgelblaster might be able to give some insight regarding the new release STEN :thinking::+1:


Oooh, a Sten… :heart_eyes:

Be a nice one to have in the collection. :+1:

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Thanks @DocBob for picking it up. We and some sellers in Taiwan is aiming to get the second batch in Feb (first batch is more a trial batch with less than 1000 pieces). However, it was not produced finally. Checked with Australia sellers, When they know it is made by the same manufacturer who produced ZB VZ 26, they are not very interested in the sten MK II. I think the price does not justify the quality in the previous ZB VZ26 project, this make them hesitate to import the Sten Mk II.

It’s a pity, been looking forward to it. But the order scale does not justify them to make a second batch.

Will you have any available for sale , on your website?

I have no hesitation ordering overseas, if local suppliers don’t want to bring them in…

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