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I’ve never seen a VZ 26 gel blaster in the flesh…

I take it they weren’t very good sellers here? Is that because of quality or because it’s an LMG which I would think would always have a smaller niche market than the more user friendly M4s and AKs? :man_shrugging:


I suspect the issue with the ZB26 was, it was initially quite expensive, for a nylon blaster.
And, the OTB performance was anemic.

Easily fixable, air seals and spring made a big difference, but should you have to do that, on a $550 blaster.?

Also the size, bloody huge, not something a casual purchaser would buy…

My 2c…


The zb is already a few years ago, I do hope this previous product won’t scarred the sellers away.

The manufacturer is definitely interested to make a second batch, however the price they asked for, need to meet the quality expectation…

Let me gather more info about its quality and perhaps and get back what’s are the consideration and the price point.

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I luckily managed to get one of the very first available, which worked out well because the retailer messed up with the retail sale price of $550+ elsewhere, but I snatched up mine for $350 before they realised their mistake and quickly updated their price to $550 as well! :sunglasses:

I thought they were very good quality, very solid nylon material, highly detailed and the majority of everything was made of metal or alloy…… so I think it was probably the low FPS performance that was the main factor for lack of sales and popularity at that price range :frowning:

Mine went 170-180FPS through the Chrono out of the box, but stripped it down straight away, done the usual little air seal fixes, fitted green o-ring and I think added a slightly better spring that was laying around out of another standard blaster that seemed like it had a bit more power than the standard ZB26 spring.

Reassembled with all the otherwise standard internals and it pushed 250+ FPS quite easily……. which is pretty impressive considering their 600+ mm barrel length! :flushed:

Only issue I could see was a proprietary cylinder head that had an offset nozzle, with the same proprietary designed tappet plate to suit, so unable to simply upgrade with standard aftermarket heads/nozzles/tappet plates, and a proprietary P90 style inline gearbox, which still used standard motors and internals for everything else, but another problem if looking for aftermarket gearbox shells/replacements.

They were a good solid blaster, but obviously too expensive for their performance and lack of replacement parts available for them :frowning:


Ah, that does sound like a lot of rejigging for something that costs so much. :thinking: but still a cool piece to have.

Sometimes the law of diminishing returns really bites you on the arse… spend a lot, get average performance out of scale with the price of entry.

The second iteration of AUGs were like that… the LeHui version. Great exteriors but the first ones were lucky to hit 150FPS out of the box because of the t-piece mislocation. Pretty simple fix to get it up to a respectable 270FPS, but beyond the abilities of a lot of first time buyers. So they got a bad rep straight off the bat. :man_shrugging:

M60’s are the superior lmg

I don’t disagree…

But, once again, squiddy is cruisin, for a doc bob bruisin…

Haven’t you learnt your lesson yet…?,

And, I thought I blasted you, with the power head…! :rofl::rofl:
You obviously long for death by ZB26…!

You dent the car door, parked next to you, as you pick up your Sten from x force…

What do you call that.??

A Misunder-Sten-Ding…!!

Ka boom-tish…!!

Such a dad joke… :laughing:

20 characters

Was that begore or after you got blasted with ink? :thinking:

Got him from behind, before he saw me…

Gonner-Rear…!, :rofl::rofl:
Ka boom-fish…!

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+1, i would be interested providing i can get a b709 etc etc

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Thank you! Before we go for B709, I definitely more inclined to get helps from an Australian seller for the distribution due to some reasons.

  1. You can get what you ordered and ask for warranty, replacement parts free of hassles.

  2. Looking back, most of the useful knowledge around gel blasters are produced by the Australian community, the participation of sellers is importance to keep up the popularity of the sports and the blaster.

So, I will check any existing suppliers with stocks, and try to find a local seller to carry it. If I cannot make it, I will figure out something further for you.


Saw this and thought of you

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Thank you for your knowledge of the industry and respect for our community and retailers :ok_hand:

It’s extremely appreciated as it’s a rare opportunity to have someone with your knowledge to be able to share information about such products with our members on this Forum :sunglasses:

It certainly helps people to understand the market/industry and have the right information to make informed decisions before departing with their hard earned cash on dodgy retailers palming off dodgy products for a quick and easy profit.


Thanks Bob and all. I can confirm the production size of sten justify the manufacturer to make the second batch now. I will update again on the quality and price, as well as any Australian sellers on the way to take them.

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Try X force tactical.
They have a history, of importing, the rarer models…
And, WAT.

They will sell loads of stens…

Also, please consider UZI’s…and TEC-9’s…


I already gave AkGelblaster the X-Force contacts, mainly because @Vas seems to be in touch with most other Australian Suppliers and the Overseas Manufacturers, so fingers crossed that something might actually hit our shores through an Australian retailer or two :sunglasses:

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lol how did Xforce have the AA12 up for preorder since November and CEH managed to beat them to retail now?

Considering the last time I asked them, late Feb, they hadn’t left port yet.

Unless they have come in but haven’t been added to inventory yet and someone from CEH did someone a favour to get a few, but I feel like if X-force were the ones importing and then wholesaling to others they wouldn’t appreciate them posting up before they do, bit in poor taste if there the case, but that’s only speculation.