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Size isn’t everything… that’s what she said… even with a Deagle :wink:

To Be released soon…

Bug-a-Salt "Rooster "edition…

Stop and think before taking it outside…dont be a dick…!!

Upgraded spring, makes it Hard to Cock…

Dont aim near face and eyes…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Also…Bug-A-Salt v3.5…

Gotta admit, looks pretty swanky…!!

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Was perusing the various suppliers and spotted this.

LDT MP5 Steel Spring Magazine – WAT INT

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Interesting… :thinking: wouldn’t mind seeing a long term comparison and field test on these spring mags.

Aside from spring corrosion I can see the advantages of a spring pushing gels up over gravity and a motor doing the same.

Rokrgeek now make gel blasters apparently :joy:
Thou it’s those hopperfed gearbox from those old STD pistols by the looks.


The Rockrgeek distributor here in Australia is Robotime. Currency comes up on their website in US$ as the default, and in the puzzle inventory there’re four rubber band shooting puzzle kits listed for sale…

Change the currency to AU$ and they disappear. Sooo… not available to us here in Oz? :man_shrugging:

Pretty lethal, those rubber bands. :laughing:

Imagine the cops banning rubber bands.

Yea won’t get in without permits B38583636583853858587585 forms

I have yet to see a rubber band do the same damage as a 5.56 or 7.62 round.

Vas has brought in some mag fed electric pistols. Slide cycles and locks back on empty

Is that the XYH Glock 22 you’re talking about, Wombat? :thinking:

Maybe they haven’t had them in long enough to get them up on their website. :man_shrugging:

I see he brought in a fidget spinner that’s really handy :rofl:

Interesting new listing at iHobby. Blow back AEG pistol

Yet the M17 is $100 cheaper

Is that going to be like the 3DG G17s that TacToys were championing back in the day? :thinking:

If they’re as snappy as that one was WITHOUT all the problems I could see myself getting onboard with one. Not having to recharge green gas mags all the time’s a pretty attractive feature.

Price is a little up there though.


This looks like the one Tac Edge was promoting

Only 150fps vs 240 on the SIGs

Yeah, 150FPS ain’t no better than the old Beretta M90Two AEG pistols.

240FPS on the other hand is creeping into the bottom end of GBB performance.

I remember TT raving on about how the 3DGs were the future of gel pistols… and if they weren’t so plagued with problems I’d have agreed with them. If these pistols are problem free and the in-mag bettery setup isn’t as awkward to live with as the 3DG Glocks, I reckon they’ll sell well.

The only downside I can see with an EBB pistol is the relatively small mag capacity… but then again we get that with GBB now anyway. :man_shrugging:

Looking forward to seeing some in-depth reviews about these. :+1:

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The sign m17 looks alright… Probably has a better safety than the IRL version :sunglasses:

The 3DG ones had a 11v battery, to make them more snappy.
These are 7.4v , so hmmm…

Up to 240 fps…?
In reality, probably 220-ish fps, not a monumental leap over the 180 fps of the $99 Glocks.

I’d wait, and see a full review, before considering…

Now, if it was a VP-70, i’d buy instantly, purely on the model desirability…
RE-2 remake, has made that model stand out some more…


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Yeah, it was a weird arse 11.4v battery, something like that from memory but definitely not 11.1v… hard to get them too and having to have a battery for each mag made their unavailabilty a real pain in the arse. They were definitely more crisp than the Berettas and Glocks running on 14.8v though.

I had two of them, courtesy of Cruise over in W.A., one assembled the other in pieces.

Be interesting to see how these newies perform with an 11.1v in them but it looks like one would never even get close to fitting in the mag.

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