We Dont go to Ravenholm Anymore... ( SPAS 12 review)

Something tells me you need a small pair of circlip pliers… :joy:

Great looking unit though… :+1:


Stock painted, and put back on…

What do you guys reckon looks better??
Black stock, or olive…??

either way, looks better than the original…
I think the biggest improvement, is getting rid of the white decals…


The black stock looks menacing, but I reckon that the green breaks it up and gives it a bit of detail, especially with the black loop on the end……. but it’s whatever floats your boat as to what you like best between the two :+1:

Looks much better, nice one :+1:

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Being Italian made you should have painted it red stuck a couple of Ferrari sticker on it and watch how fast the darts fly😅

Made in Chi-taly…!!

Other famous knock offs, include…

Ducanti…, (Not very) Far-rari…,
:rofl: :rofl:

Gonna paint yours.??

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Ferrari F1 cars had the slowest top speed at the last race in Brazil :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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Being Italian made, give it 15 reverse gears and try and measure the fps power on the reverse stroke of the piston! :joy:

NO I don’t paint them

BUT I do
pull them apart,
break what I can
End up with bits left over
Then put it back together like it never happened
All to appease the gods of FPS

Hey, @Bikersmurf
Any chance, you have upgraded your spas spring.?

Any fps reports.?
Where could I grab a suitable 1.6…??
It’s gotta sting, a little…!!

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Any upgrades, yet @Bikersmurf …?
Keen to know…

I have been fixing a friends bike
And if he would just leave me alone and stop adding things to do on the bloody thing.
I might get some of my own stuff done.
The last time he came over I threatened to charge him the same price as the bike shops.
So he has not been near me for the last two days.
What turned out to be a simple service on a 916 Ducati
Has now turned into a near full bloody restoration.
No matter how many times I tell my friends " I am retired". It does not sink in.
Just because I still have a full workshop and all the machines to rebuild engine’s

Does not mean I still want to.

And on top of that the wife is feeling neglected :sob:
Rant over

Oh to answer your original question

That would be a “NO”

All good, dude…
Just curious, that’s all

Have a merry Xmas, with the fam…

BTW, can you do a service on my duke1098…?
It’s down the coast , and close to you…

(Sorry, couldn’t resist…!, :rofl::rofl:)
Merry Xmas.!

I have never worked harder in retirement.
Than when I actually wasn’t

I am seriously thinking o f coming out of retirement and going back to work so I can have a rest😩.

My old man has always said the exact same thing!
He wishes he stayed “at work” for a few years longer as he wouldn’t have been so busy as he has been since he retired :joy:

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Yep. Worked hard to engineer a redundancy payout and then Dumbell Newman cancelled all the IT projects and no more work. Going to work was certainly easier than growing vegetables to feed the wildlife

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so, what do you guys reckon…
which looks better…All Black, …or Black and Olive…??

I was considering doing all black, on a UDL at home…
But, i reckon, the olive looks a bit better…!

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Agree… 100% go with the olive. :+1:

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I like the 2 tone better with the Olive n Black. Looks mean.

The UDL is the " superior blaster"…

Very technically accurate, all switches, levers, side cocking levers, feed gate etc, all there…

Paint is a little iffy and variable, standard but fixable…

it just fires…darts…piss poorly at that…

I wish the UDL could shoot gels, like the yank model does…!

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