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Binge rewatching this on DVD…

Great example of the cluster fuck that was the 2003 Second Gulf War in Iraq.

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Remember that one wasn’t bad. Had that Aleksander Skarsgard in it that was in a few other things I liked. Can’t remember what they were but thought he was a pretty good not top tier actor. :+1:

Great series. Makes me want to rewatch it.
Fun fact is most of the scenes without gunfights they were carrying Classic Army airsoft guns.

Also here is one for you lot, how many movies in the last couple years do you see guns and go “haha! That is an airsoft pistol/gun etc”. I mean if it works for 99% of people hey. It does make me giggle too often recently.

Interesting that it was completely filmed in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia. Think they did a pretty good job of making it look like Iraq. :+1:

I still have my bluray rips somewhere. It’s a great show and it shows the evolution of the military bravado from WW2 to modern day.

It’s made by the dudes that did The Wire.

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Classic Eastwood movie… :wink:

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great flick! I cant rememer the order of them, but both we really good.

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“Every Which Way But Loose” was 1978.

“Any Which Way You Can” was 1980.

The Philo Beddoe / Clyde combo movies were Eastwood’s highest grossing movies when they were released… did better than the Dirty Harry series.

Reminds me I’m due to watch Unforgiven again, been awhile. :+1:

Another classic Eastwood offering… my favourite western. Gotta say though, whenever I watch it I can’t help but see a few similarities to Josie Wales.

you must love the spaghetti westerns?

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Picked this up today at the local shop $2 shop…

Weird to see the Aussie actor Michael Pate as Vittorio the Comanche chief, and very cheesy acting all up, but a pretty iconic John Wayne movie just the same :+1:

just as weird seeing John Wayne playing Gengis Khan.

Possibly the worst example of Hollywood cultural appropriation ever. :laughing:

The body paint used on the white boys playing Comanches was glaringly obvious in Hondo and right up there with Genghis for cringe factor though. :joy:

I’ve seen too many. Fist full of dollars and so many, I blame my Dad :laughing:

Clint Eastwood copped the spaghetti tag only because of the Dollars trilogy which was because of the Italian director. Italian spaghetti get it :laughing:

theres a good doco on Sergio Leone on Foxtel at the moment.

Bit of a 90s hit…

I figure any movie full of bikes and guns is always worth a watch. :wink:

Remake coming out next year with Jason Mamoa and Tom Hardy as Harley and Marlboro.

Dunno how I feel about that… :man_shrugging:

Society is a weird thing.