What are you watching today?

Auspost is sus. Always sus.

oof that’s a real pain in the arse.

Not so much Auspost but the courier companies.

I had a sim card do the Australian world tour only to end up in the bliss of Brisbane. I tracked it from Melb, Perth, and stopped at Bris. The major provider of sim card had NFI what happened and reissued me another within a day. To my door. Could have started with that :roll_eyes:

If you know where I live, that courier company was on some wicked smack rest assured :rofl:

Yeah, gotta say…

When I was working as a postie I applied a solid ethic to my delivery day. You got your parcel when you were supposed to, if you weren’t home or had the hound from hell roaming your property you got a card, and your parcel got dropped off at the P.O. same day so you could pick it up after 4pm. Sometimes I’d deliver parcels on my own time if they were on my way home to make sure the customer got his delivery.

Handing the bulk of the parcel delivery over to the subbies who weren’t AusPost employees saw that level of customer service go south. I used to pull up parcel drivers all the time for doing dodgy stuff, but they never really gave a shit. They gave us a bad name, everyone thought we were all in the same shit bucket.


@DocBob Hey Bob, what do think of this concept? If you watch it to the end, he gives a reason why he thinks Porsche has patented this.


Yeah, I thought harmonics and vibration issues as soon as I seen the thumbnail!

There’s many different concept engine designs out in the world… but like this one… they all have issues that keep them from mass production :roll_eyes:

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Bit like the Ducati Desmo engine I guess and why a lot of modern 2 stroke dirt bikes are coming out with counter balanced engines. Will have a look later when I get some time.

Think it was a 1188 Duke I rode :thinking: 10 odd years ago. Went like the clappers but was a bone rattler for sure. More or less race spec. 130klm/hr in first gear before it got near redline was insane.