I did exactly the same, where either a single or dual bearings were used depending on the problems being faced with at the time.
Many old members gave me grief about running two bearing ends in some Blasters, which was understandable where a bearing on the piston end added weight to the piston, but honestly, it wasn’t that much, and drilling holes in the piston could overcome that weight if really required.
Starfield is what happens when you want Star Citizen scope and money but didn’t want to up your story telling and mechanics from 15 years ago. They half arsed it from the ground up and unlike No Man Sky, they have no ambition to improve it post release (granted No Man Sky’s initial gameplay is as deep as a puddle). Just so disappointed with Bethesda these days. Doubtful their next main entry Elders Scrolls or even Fallout game will recapture the glory days.
Agree with that, when Bethesda took on Stalker one and Fallout was there hey day. Now it seems like they a drying the dishes and releasing it with the same shit stuck on it
Nothing new, no creativity. New title same blimmin game. I didn’t even bother looking at vault what ever number it was as that was a dumpster fire so I read.
Stalker 2 was looking good now GSC are making it last I had a go. Some release bugs and things but it looks fantastic. Stalker 1 with more. Quite enjoyed it myself.
Yes the bot problem is too complex and not ready for release last I looked to get the coding like Stalker 1. Random stuff popping up bit annoying. But they are working on it and be updated in the future I hope.
Wired up my moster stratocaster build and discovered the pitfalls of running a too hot bridge humbucker with a moderate output hotrail neck pickup.
Tore my hair out for hours trying to work out why it sounded like an anaemic duck in the middle position with both on. Thought the 3-way switch was geeking out. Who’d have thought that there’d be a problem mixing a 15K Invader style bridge bucker and a 7K neck hotrail? But drop the bridge and raise the neck… et voilà… tone
So it’s either set it up so it sounds great in one or the other positions and write off both on, or swap out the Invader for a lower output unit, something more balanced for that third tone.
Ah, bugger it… I hardly ever play in the middle anyway. Invader bridge for crunch and face melting shred, hotrail neck for old fart cream and jazzy smoothness… and never the two shall meet.
At any rate, it’s finished and you won’t see too many strats like it. and that’s probably a good thing.
A bit of electrical components added to equalise the pickup outputscould be achieved with adding some diodes and resistors for a fully sick Young Einstein mad scientist type build…or just fit the right output pickup’s ya numpty