What Did You Get Up To Today?

The joys of nerd monitoring…i know what everything uses…!!

background load overnight, if im not there , is about 2.5kw/h , of battery power.

Everything stays plugged in and turned on.

The fridge, when running, draws 140w.
Computer / monitor, about 70w
The tv draws around 300w, so 4hrs of that is 1.2Kw/h
Led lights draw bugger all.
If i run the 2.5 kw A/c in the bedroom overnight, it draws 300w, so 9 hrs is 2.7 kw/h.

Im not doing without, everything is power efficent, and im just careful with use…

Im looking at mums power use right now, and her draw is 243w, from the battery, 72% remaining…( she doesnt use a/c at night, just fans)

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Well my usage is about the same, I don’t have a TV as no reception since they went with digital so did the fkn signal but don’t care coz it’s full of ads anyway. So what’s say a quarters total kwh per quarter on an average if you don’t mind. Just trying to figure things out. I’m pretty sure I know the problem, my state charges 120% more for power than yours :roll_eyes:

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Im off to work now, i’ll pull out some previous bills, when i get back.

Merry xmas, all…!!!

Mums batt went down to 66% overnight, she only drew around 4.5 kw/h overnight, so as i expected…


two other things you can do, to monitor useage…

  1. if you have a digital power meter, note the power readings for import from the grid. Check it first thing in the morning. Check it the next morning, and that will give you that days power use…do it a few times, to average it out.

Solar will be powering the home during the day, so it will show you night time power use

  1. Jaycar sell power monitoring power plugs. They show you instantaneous use, and also total ( resettable). Chuck it on, and see just how much each fridge / freezer burns…

Thanks for the info, appreciate it. Safe flying Keep the aircon cranked up few 40+ days ahead. Pull a few loop d loops make out your Santa :rofl: :joy: :laughing:


Been following this with interest as has been many years watching the integration of solar into domestic and commercial applications since it’s incentivised introduction by the Government all those years ago.

Many people paid big money on residential installations, believing the Government’s pledges on credits and returns to “cut their power bills in half”.

Unfortunately hasn’t ever been the case here, and there was much fine print regarding what the conditions/guarantees were to receive those credits…

Some of the very first rebates (carrots) were offered as high as 19c per Kw returned, but like any government promises, these dwindled over the years and some people are getting as little as 4c these days.

At least they are actually getting something in return, as there’s also a vast majority of systems out there where people are getting absolutely zero for their systems, which has resulted in quite a few people removing them when they are hit with breakdowns/maintenance bills to fork out on something that gives them nothing in return.

Rebates were only offered for the “original purchaser/property owner installers.
Once you sold the property, the rebates were reduced to the much lower price, or removed completely for the new home buyer.
So much for solar systems “adding value to your property”.

This discouraged many of these people from fitting solar to their next houses, having to fork out money for another system that was only going to return them much less than the last system that they never got their money back from selling their house.

When I was working at my local pub for a few years as a maintenance/handyman/yardie…… part of my job was recording the details of their solar input/output twice a day, morning and night.

The previous owners had installed a twin 40 Kw 3 phase system, which put enough power back into the grid to run half of the town, yet never received a single cent in return and the new owner required to maintain the system out of their own pocket.

Various emails, inspections, costs and couldn’t get anything in return due to the “conditions” of the contract stating that it was a commercial agreement with the previous owner and not transferable to subsequent owners.

Pretty poor when the solar system and rebates/billing information shown to the new owner was one of their major selling points for the building.

Our largest issue with the power readings was through the main provider Western Power.
Our detailed meter readings were proving that we were somehow paying for portions of the power that the solar was feeding back INTO the grid!

Even though everything connected through up to date digital meters on power into the property and the solar system digital meters feeding back, nothing added up on either side and was costing the publican a fortune.

Apparently our usage records showed power draw was higher in the early mornings when we had full sun, when pub was not open, all A/C, lights/tills/TAB machines etc. turned off, no guests upstairs and the kitchen closed………than 9:00 on a Friday night without any sunlight, with everything turned on, full kitchen/dining room/TAB/2 bars/live band playing etc. etc.

Even when Covid lockdowns hit, we completely shut down everything possible, including equipment that hadn’t been turned off in their lifetime, such as the huge Glass door Jarrah Bar Fridges, Coolrooms, Kitchen freezers, compressors, various hot water systems etc etc……. there was absolutely nothing running for a couple of months, completely shut down other than the publican and her daughter living upstairs…… and their power bills all INCREASED the whole time!

Was a clusterfck of a time and thankfully the old pub has just been onsold to new people, and no, the publican isn’t getting a house with solar power after moving out :roll_eyes::joy:


That sounds like a shitshow.
Different states had different rules, and, your right, the devil is in the details.

In qld, my 44c feed in Tarif was locked in till 2025, and I knew I would loose it when I moved out. I was in that house for 10 yrs, the system cost 7k initially, paid for itself in just over 3 yrs, and made (slight ) refund cheques for the rest of the time.
I certainly got my monies worth.

My new place, I was happy to increase the size of the system, the battery was the expensive component, and already there. 5.5k for the new system, in nearly 12 months, no bills and nearly 1k refund. Admittedly, the feed in has dropped, but I’m sure it will pay for itself in a couple of years, even more quickly as power prices rise…( I won’t be buying from the grid). .

The 10 year warranties , on batt and inverters, give great peace of mind, and I always install them inside, out of the weather…

As the price of power increases , having a system allows you to use your own power during the day. Tenants love it when I say “ you can the the ac all day in summer, and it won’t cost you a thing”. My vic tenants do exactly that.

So, yeah, diff states have different laws and pricing, all of my systems have worked out well for me, and the tenants are happy paying extra rent, to have solar….

The devil,as always, is in the details…


Exactly mate…… that’s how Solar Energy Systems are supposed to work :white_check_mark:

Unfortunately older Government Contractors, old technology equipment and successive State Governments have all made a shitshow of the whole thing :roll_eyes:

Other friends of mine from this same town are living way back in the hills with no main connections to any communications/power/water etc.

I was walked through their whole set up of Solar/Water/Wind generators, Satellite communications/television, battery storage banks and emergency back up generators many years ago, and they were well ahead the game at the time.

Lived comfortably with no utility bills whatsoever and still had all the mod-cons of any suburban/city house.

Is certainly a great success with the right knowledge and equipment :ok_hand:


I’m seriously thinking of going that way with the unreliable power I get served out here and the stupid $$ I pay for fk all.


Was given a few more Barretts :rofl:


Poor little innocent things…. they have no idea what they have coming up for them :cry::joy:

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That time of the year again :sunglasses::+1:
Watching black swans on the lake :joy:


Im not telling porky pies…

Here is my last powerbill, in credit…

The issue, with my home, is this…

Im away a fair bit, and my house has secure gates, cameras, and a alarm…

They cant come in, and do meter reads…
So, the solution is, i take photos of my meter box, an send it to them…
(they still charge, a " meter reading fee"…)

They still fuck it up ,and send out estimated reads, based on " the meter history:…(i,e, the old tennants) …they send me out a huge bill, even though, its wrong…

i have to , take more photos, “discuss with them” over the phone, to get it fixed up …

Happens every time… i might just change providers…

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No different here in buttfck town mate.
We had a dog in our workshop yard, so the local meter reader would call me on my phone every time he was at the gate to take a reading.

All cool, always was available for him to do his handheld wireless digital device reading directly to the supplier…… and yet we found out our readings had been “estimated” for over a year!

The house on the business property had a fridge and nothing else running, also taking into account that we were always in the workshop from 7 am to 7 pm every day, no aircon, no electrical hot water system, no televisions, no computers, no kitchen appliances……. NOTHING running 24/7 in the empty house, always cooked outside on the BBQ/WEBBER and only went inside to go to sleep and get up and leave early the next morning.
No lights running, no music/stereos/movies etc, just go inside and go to sleep……and yet that house apparently was using $700-900 worth of power each reading :hushed:

Our actual workshop running 12 hours a day with all the tools and 3 phase equipment was around $280-320 over the same period. :thinking:

As per my comments about the solar service previously, even our own business had many months of arguments with our power providers as to what the hell was happening with our billing :rage:

How Thafuck does an empty house constantly consume more than double the power of a mechanical workshop running 12 hours a day :roll_eyes:

Farkin ridiculous…

they would send me bills, for $2000+, a quarter…( based on the history of the meter)

When i scooped my jaw, of the floor, i said…

" do you realise, i have a battery, a bigass solar system, and im not even there half the time.?.?..and, i had a refund for $400, previously…"

Origin are shits, they have multiple accounts depts, in the one organisation…

it was hell , to use my solar credit to pay for a hot water bill, at another property…

Too fucking hard…

Yeah, I continually questioned, emailed, got inspectors out etc etc and got nothing in return :rage:

Funnily enough, we were on the same street and same line as the Waroona Hotel that I spoke about earlier :thinking:

I think that all of these properties were somehow still linked up with the old 1950’s power grid and we were all sharing the costs between every business connected to that dodgy old country system.

In chronological order is this group of businesses who were all connected to the same line:
Waroona Scouts Hall.
Waroona Girl Guides.
My Hot Rod Business.
The local VIBE Service Station.
The Waroona Post Office.
The local Chemist.
The Waroona Hotel.
The Waroona IGA.
Waroona St. Vincent De Paul.
…… and then 4 or 5 smaller independent businesses that completed the end of the street.

There used to be a Sawmill, a Cattle Carting business and a Nestle milk factory on the same line, but have since been closed, so lucky we weren’t sharing their power bills as well!

I can pretty much guarantee that we were all just paying a percentage of the total power usage of that whole town block, not individually paying for each of our own business use :rage:

average it out…
quickest, easiest, cheapest ( for council) solution…

prove it otherwise…!!!

Garage porn shot…

That water can won’t save you when it all goes pear shaped :hushed::joy:

I have the “politician response”, as a emergency backup…

piss on you, and say its just raining…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Basic service departments are on an average a bloody pain to deal with. I tried for over 2 years to get my power overvoltage sorted out to no avail. They did absolutely fuck all about it. I gave up in the end.