What Did You Get Up To Today?

Tail rotor blade for flying mix master


Indeed good siršŸ˜…
Back into itšŸ‘

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Ole @Wombat doesnā€™t miss much! :flushed::joy::+1:

Finished up the paperwork, payment, and proceedure for my birth certificate today. Finally got that sucker off to Qld BDM.

I hate bureaucracy, but at least the most annoying part is out of the way.


Step one off the list :partying_face:

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Had to read that twice, thought it was qld BDSM first time

Adelaide could use a Mikeā€™s :thinking:

Maintenance and upgrades

Rebuild gearbox and add 460 ChiHai. Strengthen screw bosses


Change to 400mm barrel and add outer barrel extension. Looks better than the short version but no discernible increase in performance (at limit of gel performance)

Change to 100% cylinder and increase barrel to 410mm. Include foot/boot shot



What did @Docbob get up to today driving around somewhere in the good old Holden Roo sweeper :laughing:


Yeah mate, left the workshop in Boddington 1:30pm last Friday, and havenā€™t been back since! :open_mouth:ā€¦except very briefly about 9:00 tonight to drop off a 1932 Plymouth steel bodied
chopped Coupe back to the workshop, so I could empty the trailer to come straight back tonight so I can pick up a 1954 F-Truck tomorrow :open_mouth:
1000 miles in the wagon so far and still going :open_mouth:
Been swapping between the wagon and our trusty Hiab truck and car trailer to get all our work done.
Went from Bunbury in the south, to North of the Perth airport, across to Port Kennedy on the coast and then out to Boddington and just got back to Waroona now to have a feed and sleep at the old pub, so iā€™m all set for another full day tomorrow running the EK wagon all over the city, then jump back into the truck to cart the F-truck out to Boddington ā€¦ unload and come back to waroona to pick up the Wagon and drop the truck and trailer back off!
Otherwiseā€¦ not much going on :confused:


Shoot thatā€™s alot of kā€™s I guess. Are you still moving?? from the old shop.

I only clocked up 300k today to take the dog for his C3, and after ogling around the bike shop for awhile at all the new cool stuff, damn I like how theyā€™ve gone old style graphics and paint on the new YZF R7

they had sitting in the shop a few of them I settled on a tube and tyre for the DS80 I needed :+1:

They had 2 of the track only YZF R7LAFOmnlophij I canā€™t remember the letters, they were $500 more for what I do not know lol


Thought Iā€™d brew some milkies as I wanted to do a run to see how long a 11.1v battery would run.

Got a pack of CEH milkies, Brewed for a bit over 4 hours, graded into under 7.3 and over 7.3

Loaded up a mag of under 7.3 and couldnā€™t get any of them to fly straight. Tried the over 7.3 and had to dismantle the mag to unblock the feed tube.

Tested with some two month old AKAs with normal results

Measured some of the under 7.3 and they ranged from 6.8 to 7.3.

Chucked them and the remaining unopened packets in the bin

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Wait which ones did you bin? im hoping the CEH Milkies not the AKAs

What blaster were you running them through?
What size barrel etc?

The CEH ended up in the bin


Using the Gen8 modified AUG. Barrel is 7.5 x 405mm. Has 360 chihai and 1.18 Ausgel. 270fps approx

A Very busy , few days at workā€¦

A Day off today, had to go down the coast, to get the tax doneā€¦
May as well go ,go down early, and get a jetski blat inā€¦
These winter days, make for perfect conditionsā€¦



Flat as a tack, on the lap around south straddieā€¦


Also, called into Azraelsā€¦
A productive meeting, hoping for two things to happenā€¦

  1. Convert my NZ pulse rifle, to gelsoft, in NZ, and legally import into OZ ā€¦( a bit easier, i already have the airsoft p/r, in NZ, it just needs a few gelsoft parts)
  2. M60 import may happen ( touch wood)ā€¦!!

Early stages yet, if it all works out, I may import a Full metal / wood ZB26, on (available on preorder from evike, convert to gel O/S)ā€¦

Fingers crossedā€¦!


Something not right there mate! :flushed:
That set up done properly should be giving you around the 350-370 FPS range :thinking:

Have two AUGs with Gen8s set up around the same, only minor barrel length variations, and they both chrono between 270 and 300. One has stock motor so its rps is less. They have stock cylinder and piston and double o-ringed cylinder head and nozzle. They have no discernable air leaks and hold pressureā€¦

SLR, CYMAs and ACR with same spring and 1.7v/e also chrono around the same - around 280 - 300