What Did You Get Up To Today?

I got a 5 pack of male and female connectors from ebay, they come with 50-75mm of wire hanging out already so it’s definitely a soldering job.

If you can’t be bothered going to that much effort, i can just post you some of mine

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I have some. How many do you need?

Only problem is, with Monday being a holiday, I wouldn’t be able to post them until Tuesday morning.


Just went to my local variety shop (sort of like crazy Clarks just more stuff)
Happend to walk through the toy section and they had a toy Beretta and a desert eagle which looked at a quick glance real only the red tip gave it away.
Both were $5.95 each
With all the shit we gel blaster enthusiasts cop about imitation firearms and there legalities
Yet the local crazy Clarks down the road can sell these toys
Most people would not know the difference if they had a robber waving one around at them

Anyways that just pissed me of

On a side note
They also sold a spring loaded spud gun for $4
Yep I bought one and it shoots 20ft
Even though the box says 50ft

Have a good long weekend everyone :blush:

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Had pictures here somewhere of the same thing :thinking::sweat_smile:

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Couple more high speed hpa lmg builds :sunglasses:


I pity the fool trying to grow enough gels required to fill a @Bigmuthadrums :flushed::joy::+1:

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Thanks for the offer. Spent a fruitless morning going to all the local gelball shops to find that none carry JST plugs. Managed to watch a couple of speedy boy games at Colesseum and realised I still don’t understand how they play.

Came home, went up the shed and salvaged some connectors from an old CYMA gearbox and a dead battery. 30 minutes soldering, a bit of heatshrink and back in business. I know why our US friends call it soddering, because it is a sod of a job

@HelterSkelter I’d be interested in a source for the un assembled JST plugs. Be good to pick some up for the next time I have a failure

Now to figure out if I’m going to drag the coupe out and go and hang out with all the other old farts who don’t have a life


Can’t remember when I actually bought them. Pretty sure they came from Ali.
Couple of links for them-

As for “the other old farts who don’t have a life”, I can identify with that :grinning:


We WERE meant to be taking one of our vintage trucks to a local show today…,.,. but the fkn DOT website is down and can’t get a permit to drive it :roll_eyes::rage:

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It rained - coupe is in the carport with a wet bum

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Thanks - Deliveries from Ali haven’t been too slow lately


Incase you were wondering



I was in Kmart yesterday in the nerf toy section picking up some generic darts for the grandsons.
When this little boy 3_5 years old came around the corner spotted the nerf guns and got all wide eyed at the nerf toys.
One happen to be out of the box so I let him hold it just as his mother came around the corner.
She snatched it of him and told me not to corrupt his mind with my violence.
Well fuck me has society sunk this low that they are offended by toys.
People have become so sensitive to the most little things
What next are they going to ban shampoo because it offends bald people

The human race is doomed


Sounds like she had more violence in her than the nerf toy🤔


My dad was like this when I was a kid. Did not want us to touch a water pistol. He believed that firearms are nothing to be used or treated as a toy. My grandma got me a dart blaster from a local show and stayed at her place for a couple of years but when my dad found out he lost it.
I am now a parent with three kids (oldest being 8) and I can’t workout what he was on about.


I’m lucky that my parents supported my habit


and my teenage granddaughter just shot a perfect score on the revolver plate challenge, which made her grandfather proud. She needs to give her father lessons


Our family was the polar opposite.
Mum and Dad both ex-service and all of our families owned big Wheatbelt farms.
We were given cars, motorbikes and guns earlier than we can even remember…… other than a few old Polaroids to prove it! :joy:

But actually got taught properly with gun safety and the full extent of what shooting/hunting was about.

Certainly served myself, and my brother and sister the very old school respect and responsibility of weapons handling :+1:

Maybe that’s the difference.
We were always taught to respect firearms and never be anything to be considered a toy…… no matter how powerful or dangerous it might be :thinking:


Yes same here. Along with sleeping on your front lawn with no fence in the middle of summer in a CBD.

I blame it on drugs myself, warps peoples minds far beyond the drugs some took back in the 60’s. Effects them for life and their offspring can be effected too. Some of the stuff you see them do while intoxicated these days is in human. Just ask a RN…


Unpopular opinion; service of some description should be mandatory, even just a short stint in the reserves gives people a great amount of experience and helps the community.


I think it’s immoral to force people to serve in the military. Outside of having the training often making it hard for people to re-adapt to civilian life, I don’t like the idea of instilling obedience to the government in your average bloke.

That said, I’d probably support some other sort of national service, like how a lot of European countries do it. A few months working as a PA or something in a hospital, or helping build roads would accomplish the same goals, without putting a boonie hat on everyone’s head.