I have only been here a few months, but I have been going back and reading a lot of posts. It appears a user named JazzyWarrd is in charge or something, but they were last seen in Nov and last posted in May. Not sure why I care but it just seems odd that the person in charge is not active.
Dunno mate, Jazzy was very active. Don’t think she was in charge as such but very active. I come and go for months in between. Maybe just left the sport?
Maybe they wanted to pursue a career as a DJ?
DJ Jazzyward haha
I can ring her up now if you want. You might not like the answer
Jazzy is fine and just moved to different things in life. That is all it is and none of your business. Mr nosy.
Should rename you to the spanish inquisition
Same conversation as Moderators I had with @JazzyWard a while ago when I noticed had gone quiet on the Forum.
Still all good and doing well, simply busy with life elsewhere like many others.
Ok, sorry about asking. Thanks for saying so though, I am just trying to get a feel for this place.
Its all good.
People are free to share what they want, with whom they want, on this forum.
Discussing some other member’s circumstances and buisness, when they have not been active for awhile, is not cool.
It’s basically gossiping, which is rude and not cool.
You’ll be regarded higher in most walks of life, if you refrain from that practise…
good to know man. I am always happy to learn some edict of a place that I am in.
Yeah, we all go dark on here every now and then… life gets in the way.
It’s not so much the gel blasters that keep me here, it’s the people.
@NordMan009 Maybe throw up a flag showing your country of origin. We have a tendency to assume most new member’s are Aussie if we don’t know otherwise, so you’ll cop the banter, sarcasm, insults etc and we’ll figure you’ll give back as good as you get… It’s the Australian way. trust me, the intention’s not to offend or make anyone feel uncomfortable.
We’ve got a good mix of internationals in here now… must be a little intimidating and confusing at times with the cultural differences.
Do you want a date. That can be arranged. Jokes aside, just leave her be.
@NordMan009 exactly this. Nothing more nothing less.
What’s the big deal. Might have to employ a certain pilot I know and get a direct flight and drink all your beer and make sure you put a BBQ on. You know just to test the waters.
Sorry to break the news to you brother…,…
but their ain’t no Tooheys New, Cooper’s or West End to be found in those countries!
When I was working in the US some of the folks I was working with decided to take the Ozzie to an Outback restaurant in downtown Dallas.
Usual story - “do you want a Fosters?” to which I replied " no one in Australia drinks that stuff. We just send it to US because you don’t know what a good beer is. Does this place have any decent Australian beer?
Guy running the place say “what type of Coopers would you like?” He was from Adelaide. Didn’t mind a drop of Coopers as my previous boss was married to one of the Coopers ladies and that was all they had in their fridge - apart from some stuff from McLarenvale
You were VERY lucky to find a decent beer in the USA.
I could NEVER find any decent beer to drink all the years I was in and out of QLD/NSW, so always resorted to drinking premix cans of Jacks instead!
Best part of coming home to WA after each trip was my beloved Swan Draught and Emu Exports.
I’m actually having one (maybe several) right now!
YES, It’s still daylight here!
You don’t have to break fuck all to me as I already know where it is. The local pub and for a discount. ner ner
Well that helps the daylight thing.
Just pulling the piss outta all you mob sitting in the dark and going to bed whilst I’m still enjoying a beautiful warm sunny afternoon here in Dubyay
I can’t drink but I am gathering that Australia has better beer than the US does and better humor.
Sometimes I think you are in the USA, a day behind and morning here right now