What happened to JazzyWard?

Nice flag @NordMan009 :+1:

Which part of the US are you in? :thinking:

Must be Oklahoma as it hasnā€™t replied :rofl:

Oooooooooooklahoma where the wind comes sweepinā€™ down the plains? :wink:

Gotta allow for the time difference, Maiphut.

Poor guyā€™s probably in bed asleep. :joy:

That reminds me of that scene in band of brothers.

Could try a Ohighway :laughing: Ohio on drugs. Thatā€™ll work

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Youā€™re gonna need to give us more information for that to make sense, matey. :rofl:

I mean, it goes for hours. :joy::joy:

Who invited you :rofl: ā€¦ ā€¦

Scroll up and youā€™ll see what I am referring to.

Looked up wasted my time, wtf you talkin bout willis :person_shrugging:

I invited me. Plain and simpleā€¦with my scale model pistols in tow.

The videoā€¦ Dear lordie.

The ones you were shitting your pants over about getting to me on this forum. Because NSW sucks.

How is that my fault. All I did was help.

I know NSW sucksā€¦ Thatā€™s agreed upon.

At work canā€™t watch dear lordie :person_shrugging:

No I am talking about the clip from Bob I posted earlier cos you guys starting sing that bloody Oklahoma song Ffs. Hahahahaja


Thatā€™s between me and the Doc. You best just leave us be :laughing:

Secretly dating I see.

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That was uncalled forā€¦ donā€™t be that person.

Fair enough. I got nothing against a bro-mance.

:+1: :joy: