What happened to JazzyWard?

Yeah, a clip from Bob would have been clearer if written “a clip from Band of Brothers” :rofl:

The clip’s title was self explanatory.

northwest, think seattle area

Seattle is OK. But that was in 2011.

Ah, cool. :ok_hand:

Used to know quite a few people in Seattle, Renton and Everett from my days with Boeing. A lot have moved from Washington state now, retired to places like Arizona and SoCal. Warmer on the old bones, I guess. :man_shrugging:

The Pacific northwest’s always used to be on my top 5 US destinations. :+1:

They’re definitely sleepless though.

Neat. Got friends on Camano Island and in Snohomish, Carnation, Bellevue and Renton. Bummer that I haven’t back for 20 years and most of us are passed our use-by date. Had a great time last visit. Last car purchased out of the US came from WA

yeah, we are hopefully leaving soon and going to Canada.

See i knew you never had a root in your life. You said so yourself for some weird reason.

See if I give two flying fucks :rofl: :rofl:

At least I ain’t riddled with STDs.

You what. Good on ya

No surpises there. :laughing:

I never seen it here? :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: