Aliens Pulse Rifle gelblaster

I’ll wait for the official warranty OK, before i commit to 11.1v battery useage.

As it is now, the only battery that fits is my 7.4v Nano…and it got stuck behind the wall, trying to get it out. The "tiny 7.4 batts’', which you often see in the smaller blasters would fit, but you need to change the plug.

Xforce may have a ‘custom battery type’, it was built around, ill see on monday.

Failing that, a bit of custom filing is on the cards…

325 is pretty decent fps for these, not too bad at all.
My E&C HK 416 was doing 300 fps on pinkies, maybe it likes larger gells…

Surprised it didn’t drop much FPS on burst fire either :+1:

They obviously have a pretty decent gearbox in them for a “display” type Blaster :ok_hand:

My OLD custom, doing 1500 r/min on 11v is pretty dang good…
Happy with that… :rofl: :rofl:

It sounds like its an upgraded box, of the V6 thommys.

Makes sense.

The gel thommys were a chinese Tokyo Mauri clone, ( remember the chinglish ww2 propoganda on the box art??) with a nylon box and nylon gears. I had my custom upgraded to metal gears, but we were stuck with the nylon shell.

Snow wolf manufactured these pulse rifles, with metal gears and gearbox from the get go, with complete compatability with tokyo mauri parts, so airsoft modders could go nuts.

It doesn’t surprise me , it has a decent box…
They did have to do a bit of work to get the air seals and fps up…initial attempts were sub 200 fps, i was told…

Like Pink Floyd said, BME…


Shame it’s something you have to do straight out of the box, but nothing’s ever perfect with these things. :man_shrugging:

I even remember, on the Xforce preview testing vid…

They had a battery hanging out, and the mag cap off…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Normally, if it were me I would happily modify anything out of the box with no regard for warranty… but a pricey collectors piece like this I would definitely think about it for a bit!
Seems like they could have allowed for a much larger battery compartment in it and for whatever reason didn’t.

Yeah… imagine 100 odd people getting them, and not being technically minded…

All excited in the store…
Get home…cant get the battery in…
Then, cant get the mag cover on…
Try harder and break it…then find out there are no spares…!!

You feel sorry for the guys behind the counter, sometimes…!! :smiley:

Still haven’t seen romulus yet…

This pirate grab popped up on youtube, showing the pulse rifle in use.

Zero gravity, so blood doesn’t fall onto the hull…
I think i’ll see it in a ‘premium’ cinema, with surround sound, for the pulse rifle FX…!!

Anyone seen it?

What. I’m more interested in your foot. :rofl: Nice shot.

Likely kept it down to just over 300fps to make it game viable blaster from what I know :+1:

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I keep it blurry, so you have to use your imagination…!!

Not until you take me to the movies to see it :rofl: :+1: :laughing:

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Come on up, and I’ll shout you a ticket.

Spare bedroom, at my joint…

Just don’t cuttlefish me…!! :rofl::joy::joy:

I might have to play the Alien Shooter game though. Put the party lights on :+1:

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Video already blocked by Disney lol :joy:

Ain’t nobody taking Mickey’s cheese…

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I watched it earlier. Must be me bugger :laughing:

Had a good look with the torch, down my OLD custom PR.

It looks like it had the same ‘blocking plate’ in place, and its had some work done to it…

OLD custom photo…

NEW photo…

It was awhile ago now, but I do seem to remember Ray saying he had problems getting the battery in, and had to enlarge the space. I also seem to remember him saying it was filed, as he didnt want to pull it apart again.

It all works well now, the custom battery fits snuggly with no wobble…perhaps this will need to be done if you want to fit a 11.1v battery in…
No one would ever see it, as its inside an otherwise hollow cavity space.

As it is, only the 7.4 nano battery fits…

I think the slot was custom made, to fit the “custom tapered 11v battery”, with no rattling…

(top one)

Time to get the file out, matey. :wink:

At least you can get to that offending bit of plastic without having to pull the blaster down.

I wonder…

If i have a long reaching dremel bit, you could stuff a rag into it, to catch and block debris, and use direct vision dremeling, rather than filing blind upside down…

A bit more control of the shaping process…

Its all about getting the right battery to fit, the custom 11v fits perfectly, i’ll check to see if they can still get them…with short cables, too…

No getting confused, just one battery type for the PR’s…!