Aliens Pulse Rifle gelblaster

Give it to me I can work wonders with a 9" and a cut off blade :rofl:

A hole saw on an extension bar springs to mind… :thinking:

official word from meadowbrook is…

Use 7.4v only.

Though, i suspect because one hasn’t been pulled apart yet, to check if wiring is safe for 11v.

Also, cutting holes in will void warranty.
I’m not too worried about that, it seems to have a solid box in it.
Nevertheless, i’ll leave it for the next month…

The 11v custom battery is an ACR 11v.
ihobby have them, with JST plugs.

You would need to change the plugs, and file the slot open a bit wider.

I think the original SW airsoft pulse rifle came with a custom, narrow, circular 8.4v lead acid battery…

Thats probably the one thats safe to use, to fits into the slot, no filing, Mini Tamaya and a slightly higher ROF…

Ok, battery situation figured out 100%

I remembered i actually had a couple of those 8.4v Ni-Mh stick batteries, from NZ.
The snow wolf was built to take these.

Sure enough, it fits in the semi circle groove perfectly, no rattling, and the short lead has enough room to connect and tuck inside…

These batteries are several years old, and may not be in the best condition.
I hooked it up to my (newer) mp-40 8.4v Ni-Mh, and got these numbers…

So, ladies and gents, there’s your solution…

8.4v is safe ( it was built for these), fits perfectly (it was built for these) and has decent performance for a smaller mag.

Remember, short controlled bursts…

These should be available in Aust somewhere, or ebay.
The only downside is the charging…the one lead does it all… charging input and gearbox output.

The MP-40 included a ‘Blind’ charger…no lights, no indications, just plug it in and the battery and the charger slowly get warm. Leave it for 2hrs or so.

Stick with that, or get a smart charger, they wont be that expensive.

Of course, the Nano 7.4 lipo just fits, and is a lot lighter.
I’ll probably go for a 11.1v upgrade in the fullness of time, just because i like 1500 r/min from time to time…!! :rofl: :rofl:


There ya go :+1:

Can’t go wrong with running the battery recommended by the manufacturer. :thinking:

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AliExpress sell them with the USB charger.

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Edit…rof in previous post was for 9.6v Ni-Mh.

Several batteries, and i grabbed the wrong one.

8.4v gives around 680-700 r/pm.
Still better than the 7.4v figure of 550-600 r/pm.

Must be high compression working the battery hard…!!

I’m also thinking, a black paint job, for the stock / cage / barrel may be on the cards.

They greyish colour of the new ones, could be improved upon.
Do a Brown Bess, on one as well…

This is the Matsuo modified HCG, black cage and stock.

And, this is the Brown Bess Bitsa, a bit rough, showing all black.

The all black stock / cage / barrel is movie accurate…

Definitely black… :+1:

I like the black / grey SW PRs, it’s a good looking colour combo BUT… not even close to screen accurate.

Although I think the PRs might have been all black in Alien 3?

“Uh Oh.
Now you’ve done it. Gone and made a clean spot.
We’ll have to do the whole thing now, or nothing will match.”

OMG, look at all those pulse rifles! :flushed

Just awesome! :wink:

Just about, every bit of history and fact, ever…

About every PR used in film…!!

Bit of light reading…!!

Yes Dad, I was joking with the 9" grinder :rofl: Should know me by know. Sarcasm :+1:

If you think $850 is expensive for a pulse rifle…

This costs $900 US…!!

I wonder what the warranty is on this one?? :rofl:

I’ve modified and printed someone else’s Nerf Pulse Rifle Mount/Stand to fit this one adding some more stability since its 20x heavier.

-added toeless version.

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Happy with it so far.??
Worth the wait…??

What battery are you using…?

I just got a brand new 8.4v stick battery, from overseas…I’ll do some testing later, and see what ROF it gets…


Nice sneaky toe reflection shot…!!

Damn Glass, yeah just running the 7.4 but i’ve got an 8.4 coming from Aliexpress.

Ah… here we go…

@Maiphut get onto this, matey! :joy:

@BME trust you to find the toes :laughing:

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Looks like the same foot with chronically advanced nail fungus!! :joy:

Or a before and after shot of what your toes look like after Valdimort’s been playing “This Little Piggy Went To Market” with them. :rofl: