Aliens Pulse Rifle gelblaster

Vas must be getting sick of all the phone calls

The long awaited Pulse rifle is finally coming. It has been loaded today we’re told and if all goes well, it should be here mid August. These are the dates given to us by our agent.
ETD: 16/07/2024
ETA (Australia Port of Brisbane): 10/08/2024
Est. Final Delivery: 13/08/2024

Thay tuned guys this will be a big one, 500 Pulse rifles and 500 Augs coming.

and the best part - 500 AUGs

Lets see if there are delays, due shipping, due to the shipping pirate attacks!!!
They are re-routing cargo ships…!
Thats the excuse they use, for raising freight fees…

They might have to use them…!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

500 is a lot…but i reckon they’ll sell…!

They are kinda busy shipping real ones atm so fk your blasters :laughing: true don’t take personally because you’ll be involved soon.

I’ll put this one, here…thanks @friendlyfire.

A couple of things to note…

1: i zoomed in on the chrono, on my ipad. FPS ranged from 310-324, so 315-ish looks to be safe. Should settle down to 300, good for fields.

2: The countdown meter looks to be working properly, both on semi and full auto. They have either fixed it to work on gels, or swapped it for a “countdown when the trigger is pulled” system. My gel custom, would count all “wet blobs” going past, and count down very rapidly. I.E. , one semi shot could see the counter drop by 8-12 numbers ( it counted all the drops).

3: The rattling sound, at the end , is most likely intermittent feeding as the mag nears empty. Mine does this as well. The combo of louder , rattling dry fires, mixed in with quieter feeding shots. The mags are not large, coupled with high ROF, empty quickly.

4: Looks like it has a mag prime, on the cocking handle. Mine is just a moving, non functional aesthetic slide.

Not long to go now…!!

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Image of the “precursor pulse rifle” used in Alien Romulus.

This is apparently a leaked image of the model used in the movie, though the ammo counter is missing / covered.

In the “Alien Universe”, timewise, romulus is set in between Alien and Aliens.
The M41a shown in Aliens wasn’t in production yet, and this is meant to be a precursor model.

Looks interesting and OK, but for me, doesn’t quit capture the " Wow" of the OG PR.

James Cameron struck gold, when he designed the original PR.
It has a Spas cage on it…c’mon…!!

This one gives off “Kinda Vector Vibes…”

The grenade launcher doesn’t even look like the pump could cycle…unless its just meant to be a forward grip.

Kinda has STG44 vibes with the grip. So what has capt cameron done is this a new Aliens movie about to release or what?

New flick coming out soon.
" Alien Romulus".

Not directed by James Cameron, some other director.
This appears in the trailer…

I hope its good, recent additions to the franchise have been a bit mediocre.

The art of good storytelling is to leave you wanting more, with unsolved ideas or history, lingering in a unexplored misty island, just over the horizon.
Go to that island, uncover the truth, and it loses its appeal, unless you find more questions than answers, and another island beckons…

Remove all mystery, and all you are left with is endless repetitive rehashing of the same material, as disney has done to the star wars universe.
Nothing original, nothing new, and they’ll milk it until even the fans lose interest, killing the franchise while extracting every available dollar.

Hopefully, this wont be the case here…

Big “Alien” franchise fan here… the “Predator” franchise too :wink:

About the only movies I don’t like are the two hybrid “Alien vs Predator” flicks that came out in 2004 and 2007. It was good to see each franchise continue on with their subsequent films after that.

It’s interesting to look at the varied interpretations of the xenomorphs throughout the films, all different to keep them in line with what would be there natural evolution.

Really looking forward to Romulus… the latest installment. 45 years is not a bad run for a franchise that started in 1979 with Ridley Scott’s original masterpiece.

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Looks good to me I’ll be looking forward to that one.

Been that busy lately I didn’t even know a new one was in the works :laughing: oh well you get that.

The best part of all the Aliens films for me and for the time was the auto turret scene defending down to the last few bullets. That amazed me when it first came out.

I didn’t think much of the Alien v Predator films but still watched them and the video game I thought was pretty good.

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The original Alien, and Aliens, are no doubt the high water mark of Sci-fi flicks.

They both keep on appearing in the list of " greatest 100 movies of all time" lists, regardless of who compiles it.

When they first came out, they were in the “bolt of lightning…unlike anything that’s ever been seen before” category.

I remember seeing both Aliens, and Predator, at the drive in, when i was a very young kid… They certainly made an impact!!

I wanted a pulse rifle, from the moment i first saw one onscreen…!!!

Wish i could go back to the late 80’s / early 90’s, with all the gear I have now…!!
( not to mention all the real estate i’d buy , at 80’s prices…!!! Buy early 80’s and be capital gains tax exempt…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:)

It was awesome and the scene where Vasquez with the smart gun “Let’s Rock!” haha so cool.

Damn you, @Maiphut

“Once you depart from a state of innocence, you can no longer return…”

I did not know, they did a 4K upgrade of Alien, let alone Aliens…

Now there is no choice…
I NEED a copy of each.

But, I dont have a 4k Bluray player…

Will a PS5 suffice.?.?!

Warning: spending spiral inbound… :laughing: :laughing:

Apparently a PS5 will get you started in 4k for sure.

Does a ps5 work well as a 4K blu ray player? : r/4kbluray (

Now I need it too. Damnit :rofl: surely it’s for business purposes :laughing: while I’m doing my tax.

Final trailer released for Romulus.

Some new footage, showing a close up of the “older model pulse rifle”

They’ve gone for white/ red, and ammo bars as opposed to a digital counter.

Jury’s still out on this one…

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Dude “knocked this up, as a tester”…

Built all of that, just on screenshots / leaked images…!! :astonished: :astonished:

Looks like the bottom barrel, is just a torch, and the brown grip is a handle, not a grenade launcher.

Ironic that the original M41A Pulse rifle in “Aliens” was a mash up of real steel parts e.g. Thompson SMG, Spas12, etc.

But this “older model pulse rifle” doesn’t look like it’s based on any real steel that I know of. :thinking: Kind of looks more Nerf. :man_shrugging:

Happy to be corrected though. :sunglasses:


That’s awesome.

About the only possible real steel bit would be the grip assembly and rear receiver with charging handle. Maybe Romulus has forgone the grenade launcher for a torch.
The angled magazine I can’t recall seeing that.

I guess the directors wanted to make it look like a older version predating the M41A or something. If Romulous is set in an earlier time. Is it just a scientists version rather than a suped up Coloniel Marines model. I dunno.

We will have to wait and see. :grin:

Oh haha @BME get on that list! You know you want to! :rofl: :+1: :laughing:

Get on the list…!!

What, order and import some rare items…??

Sounds up my Alley…!!

I’ might bring in some more star wars E-11’s while im at it…!!

I do like the countdown kit, with the speakers, flashing lights, and pulse rifle FX.

I might get a kit of those, and install it on a static HCG model.
Wont go into a gel gersion, as there wouldn’t be enough room…

Dude must be selling up, before the gel pulse rifle’s hit the shores and enter circulation…

$3700 is pretty exxy, but about what these go for in the USA.
They are a limited edition, only 1000 made, with a themed vertical display stand. They were $900 US new.

I have a couple of these, they will only keep appreciating with time.

Also, they can be fitted with the noise / flashing lights / speaker countdown electronics, as they have the space inside.

Not sure about storage laws for these, being in NSW…I think you would need a highly secured room, to have one…


Afaik you need a permit for that in NSW or it’s jail time without permit going off the legislation.

Or it might come under their other rule of theatrical for TV so it probably is alright. F knows don’t live there.