Aliens Pulse Rifle gelblaster

Years ago, when i was looking at getting my first one in, i investigated the process of importing it into various states.

Had a mate in Vic, i spoke to Vic weapons licensing, at the time, they said i’d need a collectors license, and a suitable “vault”, if i wanted to put it on display. Like, a room with a reinforced door, and bars on the window…

Qld had the least amount of restrictions, imported a star wars blaster first, to trial the process, then the Pulse rifle…

B709, all good…

Hope this guy has a permit…

Don’t need anything in SA as it’s non functioning. No appearance laws here, function only.

Pulse rifles should hopefully be in store, late next week!:grinning:

So is the one you’ve got coming in pretty much the same as the SW conversion you had done at X-Force a while back? :thinking:

Very keen to see your review on it, BME. :+1:

Externally, it should be very, very close.

Mine was the shroud kit, built for a TM thommy, Snow wolf always was a PR, from the original build.

The main differences , i think, will be…

1: Mags. Snow wolf airsoft had a thumb wound , wheel at the bottom of the mag, spring fed mag. These PR’s have been converted to be a spring compression, spring fed mag.

The gelsoft thommy/PR has an all electric mag, with terminal on the mag.

2: countdown meter
I hope these are better than mine. Mine had the ‘counting light gate’, which jumped and jumbled shots. I ordered a ‘straight countdown when trigger is pulled’ circuit , but didn’t want it pulled apart again for no good reason.

I hope these have been fitted with a ‘straight countdown’ meter, it appeared to be working much better in the xforce vid.

I only handled my SW airsoft in NZ for a short time, i think there will be very little difference between them externally, and buildwise. We’ll find out soon enough! :smiley:

To be honest, i was much more excited getting my first one, i finally was able to have a firing one in OZ.
I’ve had mine for awhile now, and whilst i’m looking forward to trying these new ones out, i was definitely more excited the first time around…

Nevertheless, there will be loads of people, over the moon to get one, for the first time.
I would now reserve that level of excitement, for a Gen 2 Burton…!!

I’ll try to post a pic of ALL my (Aust) pulse rifles in the one pic…might need a wide angle lens…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Can you believe there was a time, i had none…

I think a big part of collecting, is the thrill of the chase / hunt…


Understandable, BME… you had the only one in the country. :+1:

I remember seeing you with it at the counter at North Lakes… I got home and cried to the missus about it for the rest of the day. :rofl:

Pulse rifles May be released tomorrow, or failing that, early next week.

Did Vas plan all of this, to coincide with the release of Alien Romulus in the cinema…??!

Are the AUGs here as well?

didn’t ask, but I would assume so…
Hold up w/ customs…peoples day holiday yesterday.

Spoke to Meadowbrook store.

They SHOULD be being delivered, to meadowbrook, 2morrow afternoon sometime.

Which would mean, hitting the stores monday.

Should be both pulse rifles, and AUG’s.
SHOULD, being the operative word…

1950’s panavision trailer for Aliens…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You need a party at 5th Oct, it;s going down. Plenty of space to land a Boeing, you can do it :wink:

I’d pay to see that version of “Alien”! :laughing:

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Then, watch 1950’s Predator…!!

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The container has landed at Meadowbrook

Yeah, was down at X-Force earlier and got the word.

Apparently Scottie’s down there now in a lather of sweat sorting out all those boxes of M41As and AUGs…

He had his power thongs on when he left the North Lakes store so you know he’s serious. :laughing:

He was without thongs when they were unpacking

Waist thongs, or foot thongs,??
Have you grabbed an AUG.??

No AUG yet - in the last post they had only begun to unload the container. Probably head down on Monday

I’ve asked Scott to bring up my preorders , for pickup at north lakes 2morrow…
I hope they were able to get spares of the mag end cover caps…