Current project on your bench

Finish the built.

It is an E&C 13" F8 BCM which looks like the John Wick AR-15.

I put a scope on top, and 45* red dot sight on the side, all sitting on top of a 30mm riser.

Then a MLok foregrip to complte the look.

Inside got a stage 3 full mod done up by Shakka at Azrael on the gold coast.

I was going for Camry reliability! 28rrp and just under 330fps.

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Iā€™ve started getting into glow gells and have devised a simple ā€œsystemā€ to allow my blasters to run a hopup and a tracer all neatly contained in a silencer :slight_smile:
Tested last night at GSA and worked a treatā€¦ other than glow gells being shiteā€¦

anyone used glows and gotten decent results in terms of consistent grows? i used the I hobby ones and they were abyismal at a 4 hour growā€¦ undersised and inconsistent across the board :frowning:

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I havenā€™t found a glow gel yet that youā€™d call consistent. :man_shrugging:

All the ones Iā€™ve used wouldnā€™t stand up to any kind of high ROF or FPS, they break easily, sizes are all over the place.

I really only run tracers in average to low powered blasters because all the more gruntier ones destroy them straight out of the barrel.


I did a similar thing when my spitfire tracer died, the only battery I could get to replace it was a little big, but then it fitted in a suppressor which looked better anyway and had room for a hopup behind it.

I have only used augel glows, and possum eyes. Possum eyes were pure trash. I have always stuck to the ausgel glows but I only use them in my LDT mp5s with great success. Never had good feeding of them in anything else, the gel is just to soft, and small.

I leave them in water at least overnight, and store them in water, draining them off for use.

Glow gels suck. accuracy is awful, but man they are fun. And people canā€™t deny a hit if they have glowing broken gel on them.

My mp5s have either the ldt slim hopup in the outer barrel or a sweatheart, then I can just screw on a tracer. The hopup definitely helps, but canā€™t really run it to aggressive so it actually hops, as the gels just donā€™t stay together. Also worth noting, my mp5s sit at 330fps with a normal gel, drops to about 270fps with glows. Again, not good performers, but fun.

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Keymod to Mlock


In the spirit of making Hollywood movie props, and after recently watching the classic movie ā€œBlade IIā€, I think Iā€™m just going to have to have a crack at making his modified MAC-10ā€¦

Itā€™s only really sheetmetal after allā€¦ and not a bad way to dress up a MAC-10.

Whatchya reckon, @BME ?


Better you, than meā€¦

Uzi does itā€¦!!

Could 3D print the parts to fit a BF model.

That muzzle makes me feel uneasy tooā€¦

Would be cool, I always wanted to do it for the first movies one. Again just bonus sheet metal.

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Very late reply due to my absence @Friendly_Fire , but I ran a few of those Urrkii FCUā€™s and were a favourite for their ability to add modern features to my old Gen8 era blasters as well as being able to swap them out and into any other blaster I wanted to run them in :ok_hand:

Never had any issues at all, but like anything mass produced, always going to be a few duds in every batch :disappointed:

I think I still have a couple of brand new units packed away somewhere if you are still interested in having another try with one of these FCUā€™s ?

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Needed one more mag for the MK47ā€¦ Can only find receivers that come with a mag, so I did it and built another one. Bit shorter this time!

Running a JG box, the plan was to be part reliable and part performerā€¦ but not spend a lot. Recent sales helped out heaps for that!

SHS 12:1 gears, piston, m100, bearings and bushes, and a 22tpa neo motor. everything else is standard JG with just an aoe pad to cushion the cast box, a tappet trim and shorten standard return spring.

Then decided to use a spare t238 basic I had, just because why not. Slightly modified a gen9 metal straight trigger, metal selector switch and a metal arp9 style ambi charging handle, add a bit of fancy on a nice nylon body.

Runs a tidy 330fps 26rps, has a good semi, nice auto and sensitive trigger with quick response. Nice and reliable without being to nuts. Perfect for thrashing!

Just have to finalise the inner barrel length and fit a hopup, probly going to hide a sweetheart in it to keep the aesthetic as is.

What t-piece did you use with it? I heard FB ones fit the best but doesnā€™t seem to for me, thereā€™s so much wiggle room in there nothing seems to want to stay put.

Oh no way that is my favorite movie ever.

Bladeā€¦ Frostā€¦ 380 up yo ass :laughing:

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F yeah that was the way to go for sure :+1: :v:

That looks awesome btw :+1:

Sweetheart may or not be tucked away in something :person_shrugging: :laughing:

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Weā€™ll get your Barry Burton looking schmick then weā€™ll go down the rabbit hole on your Uziā€¦

No guts, no glory as they sayā€¦ :man_shrugging:

JG box and nozzle is a almost perfect fit for a SLR tpiece, but there is a little wiggle to it. I have printed a bit of a sleeve for the tpiece to receiver fit, but have to give it a little redesign to make it work. Sadly, the Aztech adjustable is a good fit, and long enough to enter the mag nicely, as is the wells, but both arenā€™t suitable for the box and nozzle. The SLR tpiece does need to have the feed tube made a touch longer, another job for the printer.

I did have a CYMA box in another MK47 with the aztech tpiece and it worked and sat well, but I pilfered the cyma metal box to go in another build.

The MK47 is just a receiver that is not designed for any particular box and tpiece, and there is so much faffing around to get any combination working and sitting nicely. People, if you see anyone on a field, using a mk47 and it runs and feeds well, give them the props as they put plenty of work into it!

Want a rant from Rok? The Aztech ā€œMk47ā€ā€¦ is an SR47. And it really grips my shit that they didnā€™t notice or knowā€¦ and that everyone isnā€™t pulling them up on it. They are not the sameā€¦ ā€œInnovayshunā€ :laughing:

One of their custom builds? Yeah they did that with another one, called one a MCX but it was actually a PDX or a compact M4, ended up getting a short ban on the old forum cause an idiot couldnā€™t accept that Aztec named it incorrectly regardless of all the factual evidence I provided :person_facepalming:t2:

You must document such thing. I wanna play too :+1:

Ah why I mention the other day with Masta Blasta etc. We are on the same page.

I wonder who that was :laughing: