Current project on your bench

thanks for your advice guys, much appreciated.

I think I’ll wait until these other parts for my missos Kublai P4 to get here and then take both to the shop to get sorted at once, rather than pay two separate service fees

two birds, one stone and all


Is the slide return spring in correctly? On one of those (wells, JG, atomic armoury) the slide spring has to go in with the a rebated edge against the barrel

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plenty of wood 1911 grips, ready to go.
No staining reqd…

honestly wouldn’t have a clue but in my opinion is doesn’t look like the pin the spring sits on isn’t overly straight

just tried to straighten it up by rotating the pin…

sorry, don’t know the correct terms yet…

that pin there doesn’t appear to line up straight

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Looking like it would easily misalign and jam up in the spring/rear recess :thinking:

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yeah I mean to me it looks like that pin isn’t straight enough to function correctly

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Like Maiphut said, there are a lot of small parts in that trigger group…

Very possible that abusing it like you described has bent something, worn something, or maybe just knocked the edge off a part made from Chinese steel that had sketchy engagement straight out of the box anyway. Especially if it was a little light on lube.

CEH… meh :expressionless: take it to someone who knows what they’re doing. :+1:


Can you post a pic of the inside of the lower?others might be able to spot something.

I had a GE 2011 that would do the slide lock thing occasionally but never figured out why cause it would just do it once in every like 20 mags.

I can’t imagine that spring retainer being crooked causing it to lock back unless it were proper bent, although in saying that it sits flat on the chamber there so I wonder if that’s miss aligned and is causing the issue :thinking:

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I would but I’m not sure I’m confident or competent enough to open it up that far without not being able to reassemble it properly, being that I’m only a noob at gel blasters, however I do appreciate the offer of assistance, something to think about I guess. I just don’t want to risk breaking it any further

Oh I don’t mean pull the whole thing apart, like you took the slide off and took photos of that, I meant of the other part.

So when you took the pin out and took the slide off, the other part (the grip) is the lower with the magwell, trigger group and hammer assemblies.

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oh shit my bad, yeah no dramas…

hopefully these pics help… like i said I’m no expert but that last pic looks like somethings misaligned there with those three silver bits but I couldn’t say for sure but they don’t look quite right to me, I’d have expected them to look even

Those flat silver bars are just springs, man. For the grip safety, hammer, etc.

Although if they look out of line it might indicate the part they’re putting spring tension on isn’t quite as it should be. :thinking:

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This will cause the slide to jam if the hammer spring isn’t working correctly. Had to adjust this spring on one of my 1911’s


Yeah the only thing standing out to me was that hammer spring being wonky too, nothing else looks out of alignment, tho some spots look a little more worn that they probably should be on the slide rails, but that could just be a result of the jamming too.

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Great little bit of video for anyone with a Hi Capa. :+1: should be a big help.

They’re pretty simple, but it’s easy to see how %99 of the problems come from incorrect reassembly. Understandable that the first time you pull a trigger group out and everything just flops around can be a little intimidating for new players. :wink:


Most problems with 1911 and hicapa that are not seal issues are usually the tri-leaf spring related. Problems occur much faster with a blaster that is left cocked for longer periods. Always de-cock when not in use.
Also almost impossible to tell if the spring is shaped correctly visually, and a bit of trial and error is required. It is much easier to get a replacement, though sometimes you need to do a bit of bending to get it working too.


Ba it’s all good. That is not right. Like I said they have a not good rappore here after one of their workers abused and threatened to kill me with his bikey mates. I said bring it on poof I’ll … better stop now 3…2… ban :rofl:

Yea from my xp the main recoil spring they tend to go. I zoomed in on the first pic and that’s not right. Like doc said above they are made from Chinesium shit and don’t last. It’s cockeyed and will jam the slide up random.

Maybe this CowCow RS1 Recoil Spring For TM Hi-Capa – Tactical Edge Hobbies

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sweet, I’ll definitely look into that. was thinking of upgrade options as well, cheers :clinking_glasses: