Current project on your bench

I would imagine that combined with the young bloke at CEH’s fiddling with the slide pulling it a thousand times, he looked like he had a major case of ADHD and was most likely trying to cause me issues thinking I would bring it back and pay for it to be serviced… nup, not when he fucked it in the first place… feels like I went to a dodgey mechanic :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Got a good mate who’s been helping me out lately and he’s keen on completing his replica firearm collection of guns he used in the ADF and others he got the opportunity to shoot whilst in the USA.

He already has a Tommy Gun and a few others, but was wanting to find the last two models for the collection…an MP40 and M16A1.

I said I couldn’t help him with the MP40, but I do have plenty of boxes full of parts that I might be able to assemble something close to an M16 for him :+1:

Certainly won’t be 100% correct, as we are all well aware of how difficult it is to find the exact correct parts, but hopefully he’ll be happy with a Bob Bastardised Rendition of an M16 to hang on the wall :sunglasses:


x-force has the MP40 with the wood style in stock atm

$500 tho

Cheers mate :+1:
I knew they were available, but as you commented, the price is right up there as a “Toy” replica… whereas his other models in his collection are high quality DENIX type stuff that was around the same price if not cheaper!

The biggest issue though isn’t the price, it’s the fact that we are in Western Australia, so a Gelbaster Replica is definitely out of the question unfortunately :confused:

That’s why I was going to cobble together a non functional M16 shell out of my Gelbaster spares parts inventory instead of finding the big dollars for a proper replica.

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ahh that sucks… best of luck with finding something to sort him out. definitely post the results for both, I’d be keen to see for sure

it’s stupid that one state can have the gel blasters without restrictions but others have to jump through hoops and others can’t have them at all. absolutely ridiculous


I agree and has been a problem since the 90’s Howard ban all states could not agree on a common legislation. So now it’s fucky what goes in my state won’t in the next.

Makes it hard to help a friend out and wafting through pages of legislation that is constantly changed with vague wording. Then you have to be state specific as they are all different just to confuse you some more.

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Because an actual replica poses no concern to public safety but a plastic toy gets police sweating bullets.

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yeah I think some of these law makers are a special type of special and I’m sure their mothers always told them they were special too :crazy_face:

100% correct!
There’s absolutely ZERO laws in regards to full replica weapons, decommissioned firearms and “appearance” laws here in Western Australia… and yet a plastic kids toy will put you before the Courts if some random uneducated Police Officer decides to go down that path :rage:

My mate’s Thompson is a beautiful full steel and timber replica, not a Gelbaster, which is totally legal to go wave around in an attempted robbery without the higher legal proceedings incurred if it was a Gelbaster Replica instead :roll_eyes::rage:

I’ll ask him permission tomorrow if I can take some pics/video of the Tommy Gun, as I think it’s quite a good quality replica for what it is :+1:

Remember our fckstick Police Minister Papalia going on camera to dispute our legal argument in Parliament about being allowed to engrave serial numbers to be able to register Gelbasters?

He went on television and replied to the Parliament that Gelbasters “couldn’t be serialised or registered”…even though our neighbouring state SA had already done such a thing over a year earlier and still operates under this system to this day! :rage:

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I am remembering that is the same moron that flagged an entire room of press with a real M4.
Now I have seen gelballers do some pretty stupid things, but any of them who have played for even a little while know better than this.

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Yes that was a joke I remember. And the overnight ban. I was wtf they can’t do that without a mediation term. But yet it happened.

General electronics question: is it safe to swap out the battery terminals without breaking the battery itself?

Like convert a battery from mini tamiya to XT30 for example.

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If done with precautions yes. I convert many to deans.
The only safe way to do it, is one terminal at a time. Cut, strip, solder, heat shrink one over. Then do the other.
Also it is ideal to soon as you finish soldering, clamp it on the metal to conduct the heat away, especially if the battery wires are quite short. Not always required but it is better than heat going into your battery.

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You mean clamp it to the terminal pin?

Yes, or you can just hold the terminal with some pliers.

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I plan to get some helping hands soon.

So those should “help”.

Yes. Don’t cross the positive and negative while deplugging and replugging. or battery goes poof.


just do one at a time and we should be fine.

one of the wires for a device broke from being shoved in and out of the battery compartment too much so i need something to fix it and move on with my day :smiley:

not exactly in a rush cos i am a man of many expensive hobbies it seems.


The old Ghostbusters line… don’t cross the streams! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But honestly @exakel , it’s not difficult as long as you understand to keep the B+ and B- from contacting each other.

A set of mechanical hands is the ultimate tool to have to make soldering wires much safer and easier, along with acting as a heat sink on the wires as well :ok_hand:

Again having to internet search extensively to ovoid fkn TEMU results :rage:

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