Current project on your bench

Is that an asian model…?

The asians love their 125cc bikes, you go over there and its all you see…

They have so many 125cc models, whereas here in Oz, we have stuff all, 250cc is our benchmark…

Aren’t they the ones a lot of places have been using for rider training?:thinking:

No it was sold in Australia and New Zealand until 2014 I think. 225cc but can be taken out to 300cc
Indonesian, Malaysian and Thai all do heaps of mods on this, but they have certainly given the 125’s a fair go as well.
Those guys are bloody talented in the sheds, I’ll give them that.

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This was a Ride Safe SA bike and only has 8000km on the clock. it was dropped and it broke the footrest on RHS so it just sat there until they got rid of it.
My son in law bought it and used it when he was fixing his other bikes, but he kept it in running condition.
My kids got it off him for my 60th birthday as a project to keep my PTSD at bay. It works too LoL. I’m not sure what other states use but it was the perfect bike for learning, great handling, smooth power etc…just bloody fragile!

My biggest holdup is getting a 17 inch rear wheel, so if anyone knows of a 17 inch Yamaha rear that will fit inside a 200mm swing arm space…please let me know. Spoked not mag and can be chromed rim.


Quickly roughed out a metal hand guard for the MP5 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looking functional, comfortable and mean as mustard mate :ok_hand:

Cheers mate👍
Someone mentioned straight mags and now that’s stuck in my brain :rofl:

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I think I lost your other MP40 mag you wanted me to convert :rofl:



Straight up, you better not be kidding me…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You really need, some straightening out…

bing Feng , + straight mag = one sick Uzi…

Or, in this case, call it, the Fluzi…!!! :joy: :rofl:

Or, if its cheap and nasty, call it the Floozi…!!

Dealers choice… :rofl: :rofl:


Cool almost looks like the original MP5 mags before they went bananas in the 70’s :+1:


Is everyone ignoring those hideous toes? :joy:

Hideous toes…!!!
@Docbob, wash your mouth out…!!! :joy: :joy:

I’ll have you know, these toes won " best in show", at the 2021 toe show convention…! :joy: :rofl:

I even plucked excessive toe hairs, for the “sleek and sheen”, blue steel appearance…!!! :joy: :rofl:

For the nails, ive gone for the "uncaring Goth " look, of 1 week unclipped…

But seriously, someone’s gotta be the one, to ‘kickstart’ the toe fetish thing, around here…


… yes… most definitely ignoring :stuck_out_tongue:

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Those, are high quality toenails, on display…

If you think, you can do better…Then…

Show Us, Your Tips…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Sorry but don’t want to put a man down. My hardware is for certain eyes only :joy:

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Time to service and clean out the trusty wells.


Now I wanna see this in gel form.


I just finished replacing an IGL in my retro arms hpa build
I’ve got a pup that thought it was a chew toy :laughing: my fault because I left it where he could reach it :woozy_face:


I feel your pain. I have a pup and no power cord or button is safe.

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