Current project on your bench

:rofl::rofl: yeah your not wrong there :+1:
Even after chewing a cord they’ll give you those puppy dog eyes and we tend to melt like butter :laughing:

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Chewed the zipper out of my work pants unbeknown to me I put them on and was wtf :rofl: Funny he has left my shoes alone completely, they are normally a canditdate to go for several laps around the house :rofl:

Growing pains, they grow out of it, after a dozen new power plugs, leads and buttons touched up on my sewing skills again :rofl: :roll_eyes: :rofl:


Looking at making an ammo crate coffee table.
Or just a Blaster coffee table
The guys at my local Men’s shed are going to help me
If I make it out of my large ammo crate it will have a glass top to display the blasters.
Or the slide out one
Stuff it I’ll just make both
For display purposes only
Patent pending :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey DocBob found another great project.
Now you know what to do with all those bonnets you find in the bush


Love it mate!
The neighbours wouldn’t be surprised to see something like this hanging off the wall :joy:

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Man so many projects started but not 100%

Also been trying figure out a Groza kit, a V3 SMG kit, still got the MDR to finalise, man my bench is huge ATM :sweat_smile:


Theres some AS Groza kits that are 3d printable. but instead of a bar for trigger to gearbox link id suggest a mosfet or something?

Yeah the one I’ve been printing is designed for a MOSFET, but it’s originally for Airsoft so I gotta redesign some parts for gel, had to do the same for the MDR but up to the going running t stage and just haven’t finished it yet.


Had it sitting there for a while, but the DB barrels do just drop straight into the AAP-01

13cm to a 35cm barrel. Extra length would make using a carbine kit viable too, poor man’s GBBR :sweat_smile:

Working on the Lexington kit for it too.

EDIT: When you have parts just laying around, shit gets weird

Don’t dislike it thou

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Bejeezus H Christ mate :flushed:
You are delving into the delusional depravity of @Bigmuthadrums territory here! :joy:

That looks like something the nurse used yesterday :rofl: does it vibrate?

Quite vigorously when you flick the little switch, and it dumps it load of small white balls in a matter of seconds :smirk:

Iooks like the makings of a sex toy.
I don’t know if I am discussed by it Impressed or turned on .:thinking:

I’m pretty sure the little grey guy with the big head and huge eyes who visited me at 3:33am had one of those in his back pocket…

You are going to name it “The Anal Probe” yeah? :thinking:

Maybe the Long AAS-02

Longer AAS-02

Take it out to test shoot and realise I left it on auto, mags gone in ½sec…

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Not trying to be rude…. but it looks like a LEGO model!

Bring on the downvotes and hate upon me :joy:

I see the dead squid, fart mask, hiding in the bottom right corner…!!

Actually, folded headsets, look like a gas mask…from that angle and lighting conditions…!!


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Not far off

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Looking at it a bit more it kinda looks like that folding 9mm carbine, think it was a Krytac but can’t remember it now.

EDIT: Keltec sub2000, not Krytac
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