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Found a good use for the DB G17 I haven’t really embraced…

Micro Roni carbine kit…

About as close as you can get to a GBBR without paying for one. :rofl:

Might look into these next time I’m down at X-Force. :thinking:

Definitely need to make yourself a barrel support for that handguard!
There’s quite a few standard and aftermarket handguards that are terrible when it comes to barrel support and stability.

The ACR is one model that comes to mind with no barrel support, but they are available aftermarket online as a 3D Printed insert that does the job nicely :sunglasses:

Good quality aftermarket handguards quite often include a barrel support in their design, but there’s many that don’t, yours included by the looks of it :confused:

Might want to put some heat shrink around those little wires under the motor/bevel gear area, as looking like they aren’t too far away from shorting out on each other! :astonished:

One has had a couple layers of liquid electrical tape as there was a small cut in the insulation and the red wire is perfectly find and insulated so there should be no issues there. No wires are exposed

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Just watched LG’s review :+1:

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Yeah, I saw that too. :+1:

Little bit of blade scraping to get rid of the shitty flashing and I reckon it could be a fun little thing.

The one LG reviewed came with a G17, but X-Force are selling the carbine kit alone for $185.

Only problem is my G17 SAI is a Double Bell and 20 round mags aren’t available as far as I can see. :man_shrugging:

Bit cheaper than the $480 I saw the included one for.

Pity about the mags, speed reloads here we come :thinking: :joy:

I found 50 rounders in Thailand… Double Bell brand too.

Problem is they’re airsoft mags. :man_shrugging:

I Wonder if you could get them sent and allowed in if the seller labels them as “for conversion to gelsoft only”

wishful thinking, but doubtful :joy:

Does the trigger spring that comes with the old Gen8 Singularity gearboxes go in a certain way? cause the spring provided doesn’t actually fit inside the box like a typical one does.

or am I just missing something?

Lile the spring is physically too long to fit.

Sounds like one for @DocBob

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Currently working on finding the parts to build this up, going to have to print on a new printer so i dont have to empty my room while it prints with tougher materials that can of gas some nasty stuff (The material i plan to use makes formaldehyde) Also yes ive been addicted to helldivers 2 and plan eventualy to make a mostly working kit out from it.

Edit: yes i know it uses airsoft parts, im just working on trying to find the equivilent gel bits to make this work otherwise ill take a hand at modifying the base design to better fit.

Gen8 trigger springs go in the trigger around the wrong way compared to a V2.
The can be a bit of a dick to at times.
Basically the bent end goes to the front of the gearbox and the straight end goes in the trigger
It does not lend itself to easy installation at all so have your “working words” ready :laughing:

Cool thanks, I ended up sticking the straight bit down the back of the opening for the trigger, it has a bit of a chamfer on it and it sits there and has tension but not as much as it should. I’m not done with it yet so will swap it around when I open it up next.

Yeah, the bent end goes around the back side top of the trigger, some have a small hole in the top trigger section to locate into, then goes down to the loop around trigger pivot, then forward along the base of the gearbox where it hits the front housing…then has that little 90⁰ bend that locks it into the bottom of the housing under the switch :hot_face:

I could find one somewhere to pull apart if you need clearer instructions than the babbling explanation above? :rofl:

In your picture the spring is upside down and back to front… but at least you have an upgraded 10.0A trigger switch fitted :ok_hand:

Haha, that last paragraph was enough description for me, thanks :joy:.

Today’s project has been

Still need to fix up a mag terminal plate cause the one originally designed has no way of actually holding the terminals aside from hot glue but I’ve had that come loose on previous builds.

Then a handguard and a couple little tweaks and shell be good.
Everything but the gearbox is printed so far, got myself one of those Bambu Lab P1S’s with the AMS so tried changing the colour of the text, didn’t quite come out as clean but wasn’t expecting miracles.


How sturdy is it? I’ve seen a few 3d printed ones and they never really lasted a game day

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I have a mate that had a nadda mcx that had lasted ages. But most of it was printed in petg which has excellent layer adhesion.

One day I will print one… every time I get a week off I have things to do that take precedence. Good ole adulting.

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That’s cool, pity Nadda had to get out of the blaster game. He’s local to me and moved on to automotive custom 3D printed metal parts and such last I knew. Very talented.

I know 0 about 3D printing is that a file or something Nadda made available and you print it yourself. Looks really good :+1:

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It was the files he posted on thingy so is a public access.

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