Current project on your bench

Looking to see what my next project will be and was eyeing off a HK417, but I don’t have deep enough pockets to afford a E&C or GE model (being like $1k).
Been looking at the LH model but can’t find spare mags, however if I’m not crazy don’t the GE mags look almost identical? In terms of fees tube and contact placement.


GE spare

Have contacted iHobby and asked but they reckon it wouldn’t fit, not that they would of tested it.

Try @AKgelblaster might know something or where to get LH. They sure do look similar.

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I had messaged them but they don’t range the GE models so couldn’t test.
The E&C ones are weird as they have he feed lips modelled so it looks more like a real one, for some reason.

How did you go with these? might look into this as a winter project for myself.

Oh yeah, it came through fine. No issues. I am now the proud owner of 7 whole 40max grenades.

Lucky - I’ve got two Glock beaver tail backstraps stuck in customs in Sydney. Can’t pick it

one word.


That is all…

Good luck…

We now need a video of it working, bonus if its on field in gameplay video footage.

Finally finished off my Mogadishu era M16A2 receiver. 100% anatomically correct, unlike the Ken and Barbie dolls. :+1:

Easiest conversion using the CYMA M16A1 receiver, quick swap of the grip from A1 style to A2, and a swap of the forward assist button from Vietnam era teardrop shape to round. Fit that loooong handguard and it’s done.

Time to get my “Black Hawk Down” loadout sorted. :wink:

Post edit : The rear ron sight is not correct for an A2… working on that. :laughing: Will swap it over for the straight knurled knob from an M4.


Gotta love cyma! All you gotta do now is get some hearing loss…

Awesome work mate! :clap:
Love the patina on the front barrel, just need the throw it down the driveway a few times to get the rest to suit :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

Unintentional patina, Doc. :laughing:

The A pillar, barrel and flash hider are getting a coat of gunmetal grey, then smoke to tone it down to match the receiver. The only black bits will be the stock, grip and handguard.

Then I’ll give it a bit of a light relic to make it look like it’s been dropped in a few dusty Somali streets. :+1:

Time to show the J10R some love. Motor well is full of grease so next step will be to service the gearbox (metal gears). Going back to 7.5mm inner to see if it stops some of the jamming issues - but it’s probably the poor t-piece design causing the problem


Never had an ACR…

What’s the deal down the bottom.of that t-piece where the gels feed in? Looks odd, or is it just a trick of the photo? :man_shrugging:


That’s the way it has been manufactured. It’s a real PITA to fit and you have to run the wiring either side as the wiring exits at the front of the gearbox. The base fits around a moulding in the chassis. Pictures later today. Everything is very tight fit

Feed hole sits far back against gearbox

T-piece in position with wiring passing on either side

Certainly a pain in the arse to assemble, but is a much stronger fitting that helps to keep the t-piece locked and aligned perfectly in place!:ok_hand:

Yeah they are a bit of a dick to fit around the wiring, had to resolder mag terminal wires so many times on them. The upside is you can’t break the t-piece by inserting the mag a bit hard like the original J10 with 5.56 mags.

J11 and J12 mags fit too! They look pretty mean with a J11 mag!

Agreed … that extremely rare and awesome realisation that a magazine from a completely different model blaster will actually fit and work with another model is Unicorn type shit! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

Yep and the J12 mags hold a lot more gels than those short sandy mags. Just wish I could figure out why the gels keep getting stuck in the barrel