Current project on your bench

pulling the you fellas LH 1911 Vietnam springer pistol apart trying to fix it. keeps jamming for some reason.

pretty sure it’s not the gels, thinking it may be an accumulation of broken gels clogging it, will soon find out

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A good strip, clean and oil should sort that out. :+1:

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yeah just a pity I can’t get it entirely apart, almost there, has to be pulled entirely apart as components have been misaligned while trying to dissemble, had no chance of taking pics as I went as things started falling out of place as I went, I’m unsure if I will be able to put it back together again correctly.

has anyone else ever pulled one of these LH 1911 Vietnam springer pistols before on this group? I’m leaning towards probably not as it is only a cheap springer, most would probably just buy another or a better one

there’s definitely a lot more involved with this one compared to the other springer pistol I was working on when I first joined the forum, this one is a bit more tricky

I can’t get it to let go at this point, already chewed it a little trying to gently pry it open

edit: missed two screws that were under the grips, broke the screw mounts so think I’m fairly screwed at this point, no pun intended as there’s nowhere for the screws to go anymore :roll_eyes::rofl::man_facepalming:t2:

I could try gluing the mounts back on but not sure how well it will hold, may have to get slightly longer screws, the joys of learning the gel blaster game, trial and error

Is the receiver ABS or Nylon?

Nylon can be easily repaired, but ABS you will have to rely on 2 part epoxy to fix the screw mounts

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is abs so I’ll need to get 2 part epoxy n YouTube how to use it properly as I’ve never used it before, but thank you doc

I’m a bit stuck on the trigger mechanism. because it all fell apart as I was dissembling it I couldn’t take photos to reference back to so pulling my hair out a bit as it’s fiddly asf and the springs keep flying off n taking me back a couple steps. wasn’t able to find a video online dissembling and reassembling so doing a bit of trial and error.

been at it on and off all day as it’s doing my head in a bit… bloody noob I am lol

edit: got the trigger mechanism functional but the slide catch is still giving me issues, will load it and empty a mag n see if it locks the slide back properly or continue to f#k with me lol :joy:

yep, having feeding issues now, wont bring the gels up into the t piece so something ain’t right. another time perhaps, kind of over looking at it atm

Definitely might be a good time to walk away, crack a beer and have another go another day with a fresh set of eyes and a clear brain! :grin:

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Good on you, for having a go.

Everyone was a beginner, once.

Failing, many times, is essential to learning and success.

Just keep getting up, and trying again…!

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thanks guys. definitely rather practise on a cheapy rather than one of my good blasters for sure, baby steps lol

Nice one. Oh yes, definately do the, shelve that and walk away and come back maybe tomorrow. Or the next day.

I just did a bit of electronic stuff that was similar. Nope wrong software. Ok fuck you. Next day. Oh the manufacturer hasn’t got a stable driver out yet. Double f u. Oh they released a new one. Oh cool it fixed 2 things out of 6 faults.

HAPPY DAYS :melting_face:

It is done! Full custom boneyard build.
It’s one of those wells marine engraved receivers ausgel have on special…

Except mine was from a graveyard and cheaper. Missing a few bits… front receiver pin hole and mag release holes were a bit skewif needing some filing to make things work…

Actually almost friggin everything on this build needed filing and fitting! Taken nearly a month!

Features a slong gearbox, apache as that was the only way to get this Airsoft box feeding and sealing as it doesn’t have the required tappet travel for gels… :thinking:

13:1 gears short 4 teeth, t238 33k Brushless motor, t238 Bluetooth ETU, and SHS m110 spring.

It is 32rps and a nice 320fps in semi, 330fps in auto because apache…and it does it all on only 7.1amps!

I am just glad it is done as the nightmare is over!
But you get that when you buy a boneyard receiver to put parts from my scrap and spares bin together.

Wouldn’t be gel if it didn’t need modifying to fit!

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Very neat build :heart_eyes:… gotta be satisfying seeing all that effort work out and acheiving a result like that.

I love the clean lines on an M4 with flip up iron sights… all you need. :+1:

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So tempting… :rofl:

Question is, could I be arsed? :laughing:

That looks damn close to belonging in there!

Is there a way to force a standard AEG to multi feed? I’m thinking to give it that buckshot effect. I know it will impact performance but I’d rather a shotgun act like a shotgun unlike that BS that is the gen12 and saiga we got ATM.

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Way too damn close… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Sure to be oozi-er than previous projects…!!

:crazy_face: :grin:

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One of the pluses is the way the two halves of the shell fit together… steel knurled pins friction fit into each half.

Means zero problems with screws getting in the way. All the space in the world in there when you gut it. :man_shrugging:

It’s even got a ready made battery slot in the buttstock. :rofl:

Sounds like you just talked yourself into it…

Hate me later…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Could you fit a gen 8 into this…??

A guy in Qld is selling them…resin copies…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That would look good, mounted above the TV…!!

No, BME… just no. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: