Current project on your bench

No means yes…with just a little bit more persuasion required…

Or something like that…

Have to check with the harassment section, of the company manuals…!


looks edable :> mhmmm

You’d be able to stuff a gen8 on this for me mate… :thinking: :+1:

:rofl: :rofl:

Finally gathered the courage to open up my Sijun MCX to instal 13:1 gears and an M95 spring. Anyone have tips on opening a Sijun? I’ve opened Jinmings before but never Sijuns :joy: .

So far I’m stuck trying to get the upper off thanks to it getting stuck over on this bit and still scratching my head over it :sweat_smile:


Tap that pin out above the trigger to the right of selector switch.

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Still Hungry??

Its self cooking…!!



Gandalf approved…


Enough for seconds…!! Yummy…!!

I could just see someone luggin’ one of these around Donnybrook… shoulder it, pull the trigger and a stream of super-impressive 7.3mm gels dribble out. :rofl:

The airsoft version actually fires the rocket, and then releases bb’s…!!

Many models require the charging handle be pulled back to slide the upper receiver forward.

Also if it is front wired there is usually bullet connections to detach the battery plug… still need to be mindful of the wires and feed them through.

Not seen a Sijun in land of Oz yet so my help will be limited.

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CYMAs definitely do… just have to watch the thin metal fake bolt when you’re doing it. Easy enough to pop back in place though, as long as the spring doesn’t get twisted up. :laughing:

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i can already smell myself cooking very satisfying

Made a good start on my cyma scar today… better cylinder head and nozzle with a full cylinder, and shimmed 13:1 gears which have been short stroked by 3 teeth to get the volume right. Also will keep the fps respectable since it will be running a t238 28k brushless motor, should be around 26-27rps. :slightly_smiling_face:

Been filing the hell out of the mag well to fit SLR mags… that polymer is VERY resistant to abrasion! Done metal receivers quicker!
Gone from doesn’t even fit and SLR mag to fits but doesn’t drop when released. Little more filing tomorrow to go but it’s close.

Will see which version of my 3d printed mag terminal block works best with the scar and SLR mags, then fitting a optical t238 ETU and assembling the gearbox. Will have some fun with the wiring and the stock but not much to go now.

So first time opening a unit that’s not Jinming and damn it’s pretty different. The gears still eludes me, and somehow the spring cover unlocked in the lower, making the entire gearbox stuck in there.

It’s interesting, but going to crack open some liquid courage before taking another crack at this.

Pain peko…

I have had that a few times, one of the most infuriating problems to have! Least on an M4 you can kind shove it in through the buffer tube section, but even then it doesnt help much.

Best of luck, try to be patient as that is a rare problem! It looks like you might be able to get a flat head screw driver through the top and angle it to press the retainer in enough to remove the gearbox?

Managed to do it after essentially carefully moving the retainer back into the slots inside the gearbox and lots of coping :rofl:

Now how I’ll reassemble the thing again is going to be another challange…

Got the ACR/R back together. 340 FPS followed by whirring noises and no piston movement.

Pulled the you-beaut metal geared box out and installed a stock gearbox that had a Ausgel 1.28 spring in it. Remembered the discussion about non-linear springs and pulled out the 1.26, which was bent like a banana. Replaced with M100

330 fps from a stock box is very acceptable but now looks like I won’t get to Valkyre to test it out.

Note to self - cut the tab off the front of the gearbox before installing anything else

Slowly making progress on my cyma scar…
Filed out the mag well to fit SLR mags, took hours! Originally the SLR mag wouldn’t even fit, now fits and locks in, and drop out when released but f*** me that polymer lower is tough, most abrasion resistant I’ve done, and I have done nylon and metal receivers loads of times!

So it was an ex demo, did not have power to mag terminals… something in the mag terminal board was not working. Mag prime switch was mashed because that’s what happens to any cyma demo model. And the mag didn’t work lol. Cyma things.

T238 1.7 optical in, 13:1 gears short 3 teeth as… it was cheaper and more ideal overall than me buying an 80% cylinder… And you generally need to remove one tooth anyway on cyma metal boxes with certain pistons. So just went the extra.

Also has a 28k t238 brushless motor. So will be snappy and around 27rps… by my maths anyway.
Will run an m110 to hopefully see fps just over 310 with teeth off.
Tappet plate trimmed… shimmed all the normal things for this sort of build.

I did have it together, but the nozzle (which is for a cyma) flops around like a semi… you know…

So back to the drawing board for nozzle change, i know ldt style works just need to fit different t-piece.
the only cyma nozzles I can find seem to be the ones I got, which I’ve used before but don’t want to try again as trust has been broken!

Had two weeks off work looking after the wife post surgery… Still haven’t finished it!

Things not working or fitting… Just one of those gel ball things that happens!

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That’s coming along very nicely. :+1:

I was recently talking to Armoured Heaven about that…

We were in agreement that no matter how much you pay, you nearly always have to do things to sort little issues with gel blaster… we all know it’s the price of entry into the hobby based on years of experience in it. Hard for a newbie to accept though that paying $750 plus doesn’t guarantee that there won’t be breakages, design flaws, etc.

It’s that kind of industry, it’s that kind of hobby. I always tell new players that sooner or later they’ll be breaking out the tools and fixing things. :man_shrugging:

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100% spot on!
I enjoy it when things fit together and work because it so rarely happens! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You don’t cut/straighten and reloop your tappet springs, or have found a brand that isn’t made from recycled Snappy Tom tin food cans? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: