Current project on your bench

Hang on a minute… is this a new disease that came out of Wuhan, seems to be contagious :grinning:

M3 Allthread Rod DIN975 / Class 4.6 UTS Zinc Plated 1m Pack of 20 - Hobson (

would be interested in seeing if it works on the field.

You can always tell when I’m on the phone, cause auto correct always changes shit like that😅

I hear ya man, I had to turn that shit off was getting ridiculous when I told Mum to get fucked :face_with_peeking_eye: :rofl:

I’ve almost done that a few times but usually read them before I send them


It’ll just end up being a shotgun, a bigger shotgun

Was testing for a game at Wacol on Saturday. AUG decided it wanted to lock up the gearbox. OK grab the ACR. Looks like the spring on the non-reverse latch has gone. Not chancing a test on the remaining CYMAs. Wonder if it has anything to do with brewing some TT gels for testing


Looks like the AUG has multiple problems associated with non-functioning thread locker. Grub screw fell out of pinion and screw holding piston head came loose. New thread locker in order

Yep, had experienced those two chestnuts before, hence why I used to strip every new blaster and use my own LocTite instead of relying on hoping that the factory had secured these parts properly.

Two little screws that can easily destroy gearboxes when they come apart :frowning:

Nearly not on my bench! The arp9 is going nicely. Got an optical T238 1.7 into it, 12:1 gears short 4 teeth, upgraded the nozzle and return spring, T238 29k motor, and started on an m100 spring.

Getting around 26rps on auto, at 270fps pretty consistently.

Even with no pre cocking on 7v she’s very snappy, and on 11v even more so. With pre cocking up a bit it’s stupid snappy semi.

Pretty happy with it, might swap to an m110 to get that 300fps, however pretty happy with it as is giving it runs very cool and doesn’t need a large battery. Very efficient!

And I have to lengthen the stock inner barrel, it’s about 10-15mm too short to get a hopup on, but I have a muzzle and barrels coming to play with this week. Also a drum mag :grin:


That foregrip bugs my OCD thou :sweat_smile:

Oh yeah, after seeing some random Garand Thumb video where he had it on backwards I thought I would give it a go… It is alright actually, but tbh I don’t know what grip it will have, or what way haha. Annoyingly, it works as is and feels alright.

Ergonomics……. simple ergonomics……. who cares if it doesn’t look right, as long as it feels good for you! :joy:

I agree with that… I have changed it and prefer it right way… I think! It is so short it really doesn’t matter.

I run a straight stubby foregrip on one of mine. It’s more of a hand stop if anything, I don’t directly grip off it. Works well and is low profile.

Re: your hopup and too short barrel. I went like this.


Looks tidy, I have a few different muzzle devices coming next week to play with, so far tried a few different barrel lengths but not settled on one yet, might need to change the cylinder out. Short barrels are always a bit of fun to get consistent fps, given the small amount of time the gel has to accelerate. What inner barrel are you running on yours?

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Current project, this is just a prototype/proof of concept part :wink:


Standard one, 7.5mm iirc getting 300fps and accuracy is great so happy with it as is. Only changed the spring and replaced o rings.

Doing a thing for a friend. Might make one for myself… if i ever find time.

Hk23E… sort of. Basing of mp5 reciever instead of a G3 reciever. So will be a bit more compact and innaccurate around the reciever/barrel/loading area.

Outer barrels will need painting once i have them sorted for stability etc.


Man after my own heart😍