Escape from Nude York....( or, I'll have a Big MAC-10, and fries..!)

Yeh sorry … MAC-x’s send me on strange tangents. Your topic says it all :slight_smile:

Gimme that UZI…!!!

seriously, if BF can make a awesome, $100 MP-7…
Bring the uzi on…!!

it would sell like hot cakes…!!

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Agree on the Uzi - Thats all thats really left on my wish list …

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The funny thing was, i went into bunnings today, and saw my guy who had been really helpful, and knowledgeable, in the past…

I showed him all the bits (pvc pipe, plug, nuts, rod etc)…and he asked…whats it for?

I told him, “a mock suppressor, for a mac-10 gelblaster…”

He laughed, pulled out his phone, and showed me all his pics of his modified nerf blasters…!! :rofl: :rofl:

He would have given @bikersmurf, a run for his money…

We talked for about 10 mins, while he ignored other customers…!!

So worth it…!!

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It’s a gift
The ability to take a perfectly functional item as is
And modify it until it breaks
Then take it back half a turn

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Hang on, wait…what…??
“perfectly functional item”…??

were talking gelblasters, right.??

“And…you’ve walked out our front door…sorry, your warranty period has now expired…!!” :rofl: :rofl:

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Alas not sure morales are so relevant these days when you see whats going on around the world and the stinky BS in the shadows behind it.

Be the example, of the way, you want the world to be…

Assholeness, has always been around…

Say No, to it, and choose better…for yourself , and others in your life…
Its always a choice.

No one, can ever outrun, the consequences, of their actions…
So, just make good choices…

Exactly … focus on the family and ignore the rest

Nice going. Getting there.

Only problem I see may be stray gels hitting the front end cap. But it’s for display still having normal use with it removed then won’t matter.

The front end cap, is not a “gel through hole”…
its an alignment keeper…

To align , the rear plug, with the front plug, and the suppressor body, through the 6.5mm rod…
There is a smaller section, of "front suppressor " to go on…and to be aligned the same way.

When i’m done, i will gradually increase the size, of the final front hole, to allow (most) gels through…after about 30cm of travel…

Photos to follow, as the scope rings/ mounts arrive…!!


Rings and rails, arrived…

Im going to have to use a slightly smaller diameter pipe, for the main body.
This is the best fit, for the rings, rails, and the scope just touching the front sight.
It is also quite close to the original size can anyways.

A bit concerned about the weight, now i can feel how heavy the cans / mounts/scope all weigh, together…

Its all going to hang , of the nut expoxied into the wooden plug, epoxied into the can…

A bit of weight, we’ll have to see…
i’ll use the “100 kg rated” araldite…

Now, i’ve got to find another hole bit, that is an almost perfect fit, like the first plug…

I hope “murphy” is having the weekend off, at St Paddy’s day…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Close up, of the ring/rail set.

The rings, were $10 off ebay. Score.
The rail set, was $25 from xforce. 3 piece set.

$100 for the blaster…$100 for scope / rings / rail…

The one thats fitted, is one piece (Gum Gum, Pistol…!!), and they all have a slightly curved base, so it fits on a PVC pipe Really well…

Cleavers cheapest was $40 rings, and $60 flat rails, so fleabay wins this round…

It’ll be easy to fit, drill through the can, small length screws and retaining nut underneath…

Mini smg , comparo…

bingfeng MP7, vs MP-9, vs the Big MAC. and fries…

We might need a KFC bucket , for the tie breaker…!!

MP-9, is tiny…!!

I honestly had no idea how small the MP9 actually was until seeing these photos!

I had a couple of those old BF MAC-10’s and laughed at their size when I pulled my very first one out of the box……… which really has me surprised seeing all of these models in comparison to each other. :flushed:

Wait till you get your hands on a powder springs Mac :crazy_face:

I know which one i like best :wink:

I see X-Force still have the original MAC-10 that comes with a silencer - $130. I had one of those before my V2 and loved it. It felt better in the hand. The V2 has metal barrel though which is much better. Not sure what other internal differences there are though. I “think” the v2 has easier access to replace the battery.

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That puts the iggity, in my giggity…!!

Im sure we could do the same, with gels as well…!!
It’s gotta rust away , eventually…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Nice setup, suppressor looks good…!!
Just needs, the all black version, with the scope on top…!! :grin: :grin:

Why cant we have nice things, in Oz…??!