Escape from Nude York....( or, I'll have a Big MAC-10, and fries..!)

Here’s one for you see if you get it

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Mac and cheese…?? Nahh… gimme that big mac…!!

No slabs of cheese, were harmed, in the making of this photo…

I dont know what upsets me more…

You had a mac 10, and didn’t tell me… OR …

You withheld: 2 all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce,cheese, pickles onions on a seasme seed bun…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just to finish the first one off properly…all painted up…

Whadda ya think.??

The misalignment is not too bad…im tempted to live with it…

Laziness vs OCD, which will win…??

(who am i kidding, of course im gonna re-do it…!!))

Everything is for sale, at the right price…
Any takers.?? :rofl: :rofl:


Awesome job mate!
I wouldn’t be surprised if that thing is actually straighter than the movie prop gun itself in all honesty, definitely looks pretty near on perfect to me! :ok_hand::+1:

Nice fettling, came out better than the one you posted earlier :+1: :+1:


A tube thing that goes up! :laughing:

The vertical alignment is fine.

The lateral alignment, at the front is good, due to the alignment ring.
It just slipped a little, at the rear, during setting.
Not too bad at all…

But, OCD, ive GOTTA redo, or i’ll never sleep again…!! :rofl: :rofl:

And, do a plug at the front, to close the front off, and get gels through…

I’m sure @Bigmuthadrums would approve…!!


Thats when the viagra kicks in…!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Your up now, @Friendly_Fire …time for the all pink one…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I’m calling bullshit……… you just wanna keep playing with it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Your right…the bug is not yet quite out my system…
Now i know how to do the 2nd one perfectly right…

Also…Looks at Co2 Mac-11…hmmm…

i do hereby nominate friendly fire for the All Pink One…!

Snake Foreskin, wants to Head out and play…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Nah, I’d be too worried it’d come out looking like Bradley Phillips’ famous penis blaster…

One’s enough :joy:

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Unlike @BradleyPhillipsYT , at least you won’t have to register your Penis! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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squiddy would sign up, just to get his wang engraved…!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Kinky little gas mask wearing fkr would be inking everywhere from all those little vibrations! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’d better be a small serial number…

Available space, and all… :rofl: :rofl:

I just realised, the Mac-10, can remove the rear stock completely…

That’s in keeping with the movie model.

Also…Co2 Mac-11…

@gti2022 , your right, the mac -11 does feel better in the hand, and has much better performance ( for 1.5 seconds), as well…

Should i, or shouldn’t i…??!

I would need a smaller set of pvc pipes.
The front pipe, of the mac-10, could serve as the main body of the smaller one, but i’d then need another even smaller pipe…

Or, go with a conventional suppressor, and modify it.
It appears to have a std 14mm ccw thread, on the front…

A std suppressor, would handle the weight a lot better…


A one digit serial number? :joy:

for the sake of saving space…

A chinese serial number, for a chinese blaster…


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Ah verwy small number


Just got an email from tactoys…

Easter sale is on. Mac-10’s back in stock, for $104.

Grab one if your interested…

Remember…go pink…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

if you like pink guns then

Don’t forget to pick up a pair of these while you’re at it :joy: