Escape from Nude York....( or, I'll have a Big MAC-10, and fries..!)

Gee, I dunno… tough choice right there! :man_shrugging:

The Mac10 or the lacy pink cocksocky thing…
Decisions decisions :joy:

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Mac 10 V2 ordered… well, once Easter’s done and dusted and everyone’s back at work.

Not super happy to be giving my shekels to TT, but if they’re the only ones who have them, needs must… :man_shrugging:

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At least your giving them less money…!! :rofl: :rofl:

I assume your going to do a similar conversion…but lathe based.?
I’d be interested to see, your progress with that…

I used 40mm PVC, and 32mm PVC pipes…
I also have some spare (flat) scope mounts, you can have them if you want.

They were cheapy’s off ebay, and i ended up going with the slightly curved mounts, from Xforce…they hug the pipe well…

The scope was a simple 4x32 centrepoint, cheapy from ebay.(2nd hand)
Optics were terrible ( blurry around the periphery), but fine for display.



Had a quick look on fleabay…

Here is a chinese cheapy…

It will ship from china, but its cheap, new, “clean” (smooth lines and minimal white decals, nearly all black).

This could be worth a look too…

Oz based, bit more expensive, but i suspect its a compact model…

And, a 5/8 nut for the front…

Wrong way around.

When worn correctly, they are a “emergency crap holder”…

Incontinence pouch…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I don’t know if I’ll go the full Snake Plissken on it with a rifle scope but it’ll definitely be getting a suppressor… just because they look so damn cool with 'em. So it might as well be an EFNY style unit, gives me options down the track if I want to turn it a movie replica.

Either way, when it happens we’ll certainly be comparing notes… in the interests of science.

Thanks heaps for the headsup on the TT restock too, BME… I would have missed it. :+1:

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Never knew that…

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Scratch the beeman, it is a compact scope.

Its worth mentioning, the nut on the barrel.

Its one piece moulded nylon, and you’d need to be a bit careful with it.
A long, full metal suppressor would weigh a bit, and might run the risk of fracturing, over time.

With mine, i’m mindful of it. If your using it, one hand supports the weight of the suppressor, so thats fine.

For display, I’ll make up a stand of some sort, to help support the weight.

If it was all metal, it would be a lot stonger, but its nylon so therefore weaker…

I might just go for a standard suppressor for the mac 11.

EFNY might be overkill for the 11, the scope would be too big…!! :rofl:

I dont know if any standard gel suppressors, run a 5/8 thread…xforce will know…

I can tell it was freshly made, and painted…

Look at how shiny and glossy the paint is, compared to the old weathered Mac…!!

Ive just got to finish my front end cap off…

I think the hole might need to be a bit bigger than that, to get gels through…

Thanks for that handy info, BME.

I can almost guarantee 99.9% of the available suppressors will be M14CCW as they’re made in China and that’s pretty much the industry standard. The only one I can think if that’s not CCW is the old Vector suppressor which oddly has an M14 clockwise thread. In engineering terms they’re left and right hand threads, left hand being CCW.

I’d guess a suppressor with a 5/8" thread would be available in 'Murica.

Lucky we’re good at fudging stuff and making anything work, hey? :laughing:

and one of these :laughing:

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Pretty certain that I only ever had 2 Mac 10’s in my vast collection, one that I actually purchased brand new for shits n giggles to add to the collection of famous models……, and the second one was thrown in as part of a package deal when I brought a job lot sale consisting of several other model blasters.

I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that I only paid $70-$80 for that original one, including postage, way back when they were first released on some Easter/Xmas discount sale :thinking:

Was shocked to see what TaccyToys are still asking for them at a discounted sale price these many years later!

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Could be time to clear your browsing history, Maiphut. :joy:

I accidentally stumbled across a bunch of gimp suits, ball gags and other BDSM paraphernalia on ebay once… looked at one or two, said to myself “I didn’t think they sold this shit on here” and moved on.

Problem is, ebay saves your recently viewed items at the top of your home screen… and my missus and I share the same ebay account. :joy:

Had a few chuckles explaining that one away. :laughing:

I would be more worried that I suddenly activated a hidden fetish I didn’t know my misses had.

Kinda puts " The Flash", in a new perspective…

Escpecially when ezra miller has a history of allegations of abuse and grooming…


Maybe daredevil, is a safer bet…


At least we know, where they do their costume shopping…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Well, this just feels like cheating…

Went to xforce, and picked up a suppressor for the Mac-11… $35.

Pay your money and just screw it on…feels too easy…! :rofl: :rofl:

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Here they are, all together…

“The sounds, of Silence(r)…”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"Hello darkness, my old friend,
I’ve come to muffle your shots again,

When squiddy goes to sleep, creeping,
We can sneak up, when he’s still sleeping,

And the gels, impacted deep into his brain,
Still remain,

All done, in the sounds , of silence…"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Could possibly do a EFNY Mac-11, but…

  1. once again, custom pvc pipes to length ( but could use current suppressor, for attachment to blaster.)

  2. smaller, compact 4x32 scope…reduced length.

  3. being arsed enough to do it all…maybe after the states…


Good day today @BME

Email tells me my Mac 10 is being delivered this arvee so I thought I’d get a headsup on knocking out a suppressor for it this morning.

Decided against doing an EFNY replica (that gig’s all yours, matey :wink:) so this one’s based on the Sionics suppressor the Mac 10s originally came out with, albeit about 2cm shorter.

Just have to wait for the blaster to arrive, tap out the alloy end cap to suit the barrel thread and shoot some paint on it. :+1:

What material is the body?
PVC Pipes.?

You have your own lathe, and made your own 5/8 bolt.??
Looks the goods, already…

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Thanks matey. The larger tube is a shortened Kriss Vector suppressor, the white tube is standard Bunnings PVC, the black 21mm inner tube you can just see poking out of the front came from who knows where. :joy:

The threaded cap is just a random piece I had kicking around that happened to be a perfect fit in the KV suppressor, it’s M14 but I’ll tap it out to suit later.

No lathe work in this, man… all went together by hand IKEA style… sometimes you just get lucky. :wink:

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