Escape from Nude York....( or, I'll have a Big MAC-10, and fries..!)

Lucky you, to have a threaded cap that is a perfect fit…!!

Murphy was obviously busy, somewhere else… :slight_smile:

I’ve gotta do an end cap for mine yet, it has a dull hollow thunking noise, with the front end open…

I’ll try for the smallest opening, but i think it will have to be reasonabley large, as the gells will have travelled a bit and spread, by the time it reaches the end.

Post more pics, when youre done…!!

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Where did you get the Uzi from??

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An abject lesson in the value of patience…

After the Mac 10 arrived I slobbered over the box for a couple of seconds before ripping it out. :wink:

Looking at that outer barrel kind of got the brain gears turning… just by fluke I dug out an old Kriss Vector flash hider, the ones that friction fit over the nylon outer barrel. Perfect tight friction fit over the thread.

So this is the Mac 10 suppressor issue #2… pretty solid fit and I don’t have to tap any holes, just paint. Shorter than it should be but it’ll do for now.

All that effort this morning for nothing. :joy:

@BME These Gel Fight MAC10s are oddballs, hey? :joy:

Considering they’re from the same manufacturer as the Quazar and VZ61 Scorpion that have mag prime and fire select it’s surprising these don’t. :man_shrugging:

First thought was that I was dealing with a blown MOSFET out of the box, then I read the idiot sheet. :laughing:

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  1. the charging handle is supposed to prime only. Mine does.
    Good ole medinchina QC…report it, via email, so it has a history if it blows.
    I think these have a 3 mth warranty.

  2. yeah, full auto only…dummy switch is correct.

  3. It does fold out,… you just need to use a bit of force, to break it first time.
    I was reluctant, until i watched a review, where the guy pulled it down.
    Then , press the black button underneath to extend / retract / remove the stock.

Could you please post a photo, with the suppressor off…?

I’m curious to see exactly how it goes on.

It just friction fits over the barrel, and thread…?
And stays on firmly…?

Also, any spare thread on circular nut assemblies like you showed before.?
I’d buy one from you, if you do…


The uzi is actually a fell metal cap gun.

Its a weird one, it has a 12 shot cylinderical cap mechanism.

I’ve never seen a 12 shot cap before…

All metal, no moving parts / switches, apart from the cap.

I cant remember where i got it from…i think in a random (non chain) toy store, when i was pressy shopping for my sisters kids…years ago…

They get the Lego…I get the Uzi…!!!

It had a “permanently folded stock” attached to it as well, but i removed it…looks better this way.

I had a Larami UZI water pistol when i was a kid…good plastic replica…!

Or…maybe i got it from collectors armory…
They still sell them there, for $137…!!

Gonher is the brand…
If you get someone from behind…is that…

Gonher-Rear…??! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dont tell me i’m sending you out, when you should be saving your $$…!!

Also, @DocBob …allowed in WA…a decent cheapie, if your interested…

Here ya go…

That smaller bit poking out is the Vector flash hider and yes it’s a tight fit over the thread. Not going anywhere. I still have to wet set it in there properly with resin but I’ll call this proof of concept. No doubt I’ll be doing an Issue #3 down the track to acheive a better length anyway. This one’s a little short for my taste.

I see what you mean about the outer barrel… super thin and pretty flimsy just like the VZ61.

Considering where this came from (TT) and considering they’re out of stock of these MAC10s already, there’d be no point making it a warranty issue… I’ll be voiding that when I tear this down tomorrow to look into the mag priming anyway. :joy:

If it proves to be a MOSFET problem I’ll just pull the microswitch and live without mag priming. :+1:

Wow…out of stock already…!!

Maybe this thread inspired some other snake pliskin wannabes…!! :rofl: :rofl:

If your going to wet set it with resin, for a permanent seal, i would reccommend the 6.3 mm metal rod from bunnings.

It sits deep into the barrel, and you can either make an alignment plug, like I did, or just eyeball it. Or cut two matchsticks of equal length.
Ie if its 20cm diameter, two 10 cm spacing sticks, one from each side.

my .2c anyway…

Damn you OCD, you are a hard task master…

Looks like, im going to HAVE to do, a MAC-11 EFNY…

BY curious coincidence, the smaller 2ndry PVC suppressor…
Is an intimate fit, for the store bought suppressor…

It also shows the metal ring, like the prop…

This metal barrel / metal suppressor screw in setup is much more securely mounted
One handed swinging around would be do-able, and alignment much easier to sort out…

The mag only last 1.5 seconds, but thats longer than squiddy at a gas mask conference…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Just grab one of those smaller, scaled down beeman scopes, and Viola…!!

Big Mac-10, and the Junior Burger…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

(i dont know wether to laugh or cry, damn you OCD…!!)

Who am I kidding? Wait until tomorrow to pull it down… pfffft! :joy:

Had it apart, the good news is no MOSFET… in fact, identical wiring to the old JM SCAR V2s.

So rewiring to get that mag prime right tomorrow will be a breeze. :wink: Ran a few through the chrono, consistent 190-200 FPS, so no complaints. :+1:

Oh yeah, painted up the suppressor so looks better. Wet setting tomorrow, but it needs to be fatter… that’s what she said… :laughing:

Awesome work…!!

Looks the goods…well done…!!

Just like the original suppressor…EFNY took “hollywood liberties”…!!

Looks like your getting your $100 worth of fun, from it…!!

Welcome to the world, of PVC upsizing…!! :rofl: :rofl:

200 fps, is where its at, with these types…

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Concerning the UZI…

I just had a moment of madness flash, like i did with the pulse rifle kit…

We have, empty, hollow, metal UZI shells available…( cap gun)

Surely, something could be done…??!

Mac 11 running gear, or MP-9 gearbox should fit, right…right…?!


Y’know…it looks like it will fit perfectly…

" The MP-9ZZi…"

Seriously, this could be a real gel blaster conversion thing…
the MP-9 gearbox would have to fit…and a straight uzi style mag…

One way, to get a proper, metal gel uzi…with a long mag…

or even arp-9 gearbox, and mag…

Yep…with the top of the MP-9 off…

Looks like it’ll fit…
Mag will too, length and width wise…

Like this idea, will leave my brain…

Damn you OCD…thinking about the next project already…!!

UZI does it…!! ( no retailer i have spoken to, has talked of bringing in an uzi…this may be the only way…!)

Lol … now thats a good project!

We’ll temporarily suspend the uzi thread,

To give @Friendly_Fire a chance, to showcase his works…

were all eagerly awaiting, his updates, on show…!!

( i literally just realised, we have metal uzi shells available, and the mp-9 gearbox, should fit)

But, on with the Mac-10 show…!!

On no, man… this is your thread. I’ve done enough hijacking. :joy:

Funny thing though… TT were sold out of MAC 10s not that long ago, then they had stock, now they’re sold out again. The one I got clearly has issues with the mag priming. Dangerous, in fact… because with the physical safety engaged, racking the charging button WILL make it fire.

I’m wondering if this one’s a customer return that they’ve just reboxed and resold… nah… they wouldn’t do that, would they? :joy:

I’m liking your direction of thinking with that UZI though :wink:

Its not my thread.
It belongs to all.

All are welcome, to contribute…
(slight mentality difference, from the old forum?)

The uzi thing, was a flash of lightning.

Why stuff around in the US, trying to bring in just shells, when we have them here already…???

I got mine years ago, I didnt remember where i bought it from…till i did a google search, and then remembered collectors armoury…

I have hopes, it can be made to work, like the PR kit…
A solid metal shell, would last forever, and be realistic…

Would you be interested, in having a look.?

And, post as many of your mac-10 pics, as you can…!!
Fill ya boots.!
We all wanna see it…!!

This will test you out :grin: I like it.

Can you disassemble the UZI to see what space you got. Guess you’ll figure it out.

Looks like the TMP gearbox is about the size. ARP 9 having a V2 wouldn’t work by the looks, need a box with horizontal motor. Maybe P90 :person_shrugging:

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