Escape from Nude York....( or, I'll have a Big MAC-10, and fries..!)

Funny you mention that, but…

Knock out , all the cap gun crap, and several through screws…

I reckon, it would only need 3/4 screws , to hold the base together…

WAY outside my current skillsets…but always humbly willing to learn…

MP-9 gearbox / mag should fit, i reckon…!!

Oh heck yea bit of fettling here and there. As long as the width is there could be doable. :+1:

Collectors Armoury still have 'em…

Anything’s possible if the gearbox will physically fit in the shell.

While I’ve got the Mac apart tomorrow I’ll take some internal measurements of the shell. If it comes in under the UZI shell it would make that box a contender. I’ll do the same with the VZ61 too.

If that VZ box fit it would be an epic build… select fire options :+1:

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Hope your ready, for some pre-orders…!! :rofl: :rofl:

“Hobby level income”, is tax free, apparently…!! :rofl: :rofl:

“love it, when a plan comes together”

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To help, with the sense of scale…

The uzi, is wider, than the mp-9…and longer.
get rid of all these “through screws”, and you’d only need 3/4 to keep it together.

Rearwards, mickey mouse eyes etc…even if you need a couple of external nuts, that should be ok…but lets see, how gearboxes fit…

Even the “folded/ retracted stock”, would help keep it together…

P.S… Mac -10 pics…!!



Uzi shell, with scale, and MP-9 top removed…

“it’ll fit…”


Mac 10 , in the uzi shell, with the measuring tape…

Hope it helps…

It should fit too, but i reckon the mac-10 shell, is larger…
Straight mag, though…

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Well, it sounds like your next project’s sorted, matey. :wink: something to do in between flights.

Great to see stuff like this up on the forum again… thinking outside the box and getting elbow deep in tricky and innovative builds. We need more of it. :+1:

You’re gonna need to start a new thread, it’s a big one. I can see a few issues just eyeballing the two units together however. Most of the screws run down the centreline and they’ve got to go if you’re shoehorning a gearbox into it. Which ones you can keep

Supporting the box and t-piece would be easy enough in the gutted shell. JBWeld works wonders, adds weight as an added bonus gives you a lot of leeway for correct alignment and such. The grip area could be held together with a wrap, no problems there. The muzzle end can also be secured with a sleeve to hold the two halves together.

It’s a viable project, assuming the magazine lines up and you can rig a mag catch in there. Mag terminals would have to be insulated of course with that diecast shell, but easy enough to do. You do run the risk of losing the UZI if things go south, but as it is it’s basically a static prop, so you can always just glue the two halves back together to get it back to that if it doesn’t work out.

But you know what they say, BME… no guts no glory. :wink:

Is that a screaming Dremel I hear coming from your workshop? :joy:

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Its gonna take awhile…

Like, after i get back from the states…but worth the try…!

If someone else wanted to have a crack first, i would gladly sit back, watch, and take notes…(nudge nudge wink wink…) :rofl: :rofl:

And, whats the bet, after it gets done, Bing Feng will release a $120 local gel model… :rofl: :rofl:

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Found this image on the net, MP9 gearbox…

It looks to be quite compact, and the battery is front mounted, where it will need to be for the uzi…

Its looking, like a likely contender…

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dont want to spend your $$ but go the conventional/retail option and build up from their. The MAC11 is all metal so the supressors ive tried on mine are rock solid.

I’ve gone sans-suppressor lately as I like the marialito look rather than the movie look for this particular piece.

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Yeah, im gonna go mac-11 as well.

The retail suppressor is rock solid, and the pvc pipe is a near perfect intimate fit. A bit of araldite, and it aint going anywhere…

I’ll just need a smaller pvc pipe to do the front, but i’ll see what fits…

Big Mac, and the junior burger…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Getting a cap UZI…??

nah … ill wait in futile hope for a gel Uzi to arrive.

Agreed… after knocking out a Sionic style suppressor, I’m finding I like the compact L.A. gangbanger look more. :wink:

Bloody good little gearboxes in these Gel Fight blasters… like the VZ Scorpion this little Mac 10 will happily choof out Ultra Elites at a consistent 210FPS with no feed issues or barrel jams.

@BME I’ll pass on the UZI project for now, I’ve got other things snapping away at my wallet at the moment. :joy:

But happy to help out with your build if you’re brave enough to go ahead with it… :+1:

Brave, or foolish…? :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe a bit of both? :joy:

Looking back through history, most geniuses were considered crazy… soooo…

Take from that what you will. :rofl:

@Bigmuthadrums comes to mind! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ok…last " proof of concept, for round 1"… The end cap.

The cheapo suppressor, i bought for the Mac-11, has a screw off, front cap…

As is , it’s just a little bit too small, for the Mac-10, front can…

Beef it up, with some masking tape, then insert it…

it protrudes a little, right now, ( a bit too much tape) but this is about proving concept…

Pushed in, it fires ALL the gels through flawlessly, no internal impacts …( alignment must be ok then.!)

Hole is a nice size, cocentric, looks reasonable compared to the real thing…

Final fix, for the final suppressor…just enough tape to have it loosely bind…araldite it in ( its non load bearing), then paint it all black / use paint to fill in the small gaps, around the rim…


Start on the Mac-11…while thinking about the UZI…!!

There ya go :+1:

Good result and an easy solution. Nice work!

I learned long ago that masking tape is your friend when it comes to building up tubes to fit tubes. :wink:

Annnd…prototype 1 , is all finished…!!
Painted the end cap, so it looks nicer, while i wait to do the second one…

As i said, for the second go, i will use a rear alignment plug ( and some tape around the nut plug), to get alignment 100%…

And , have the end cap recessed properly / flush fitted, and not protuding slightly.
Maybe, a flash of black paint, over the white scope decals.

Im glad all the gels currently clear, 100%

This is how it will all end up…

Ordered the rings / compact scope, for the mac-11, and grabbed a smaller PVC pipe, for the suppressor.
Bring on, the Junior Burger…!!

Now, off to save the US president…hmmm…wait a sec, lets see…

Y’know, if its either trump Or Biden, the Duke of New York can keep em…!! :rofl: :rofl: