Introduce Yourself!

Hi Everyone,

My son and I started with Gen8’s 3 or 4 years ago which quickly fell apart and since then we’ve mucked around with some cheap pistols. Late last year we both went to Nuketown GC at the Beenleigh Historical Village south of Brisbane and had a great time.

Hoping to learn & also share what I can about Gelsoft, have already been reading through some great information on gel growing techniques I’ve yet to try.

Late last year I bought a SRC SR4 Blaster then my son got the same blaster for Christmas. Have been mucking around experimenting with different gels and hop-ups, still a huge amount to learn.

Took our new gear out to Nuketown again Sunday just gone which was a great test of what we’d learned so far, came away with new idea’s and things to try (ie more money to spend).

Looking forward to reading more and asking a few questions




Welcome to the group, Jug! :+1:

Welcome aboard Jug, nice introduction. There are some really knowledgeable people on here so if you can’t find it with search top right just ask no matter how silly it may sound. Sounds like you are having great fun with your son :+1:

Welcome aboard and great to hear that you and your son are enjoying the hobby :+1:

There’s a few different specific threads here divided into discussions about the different parts/components/modifications for Gelblasters, so any questions you have simply pop them up in the appropriate thread and there’s plenty of experienced people here who will gladly share their knowledge and suggestions :ok_hand:

Thanks for the warm welcome


How’s it going guys, Im new here to this forum and was recommended by some friends, I fix and modify gel blasters for people here in the USA and I currently go by the name Masada. My main blaster that I use and built from the ground up is the Jinming ACR J10… If anybody has any questions please be free to ask me! Im also a content creator so you can find me or Youtube and Tiktok


Good to see you here mate and thanks for the introduction :+1:

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Thanks for joining! ACR is certainly one of our lovers!!

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And that is definitely a very nice ACR… :+1:

They’re a bit of a “Forgotten Weapons” kind of blaster here in Oz, quite a few years old. But I like them, they take me back to a time in the hobby when Jin Ming were still a thing and you could buy a reasonable blaster for around AU$150.

I know @DocBob has a soft spot for them. :wink:

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Welcome. Wow that does look cool. Nice touch with the side lettering love it.


I learned a lot about this blaster from Doc but thanks man!

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Wow never thought I’d see this again, hi guys and gals, I was active on the old forum. I’m now 43 :sob:…still living in the same place, can’t say where lol.

Welcome back. Yep new management it’s back. I remember ya :+1:

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Welcome back to the funny farm!

Still the same madmen and women, only with less drama these days :+1::sunglasses:


Hi all, newbie here.

Name’s Andy and by chance, I discovered gel blaster is a thing and I am in Brisbane.

Only got myself into this hobby in the pass 2 weeks but already spent too much money on varies blasters and stuff, for both myself and my 16 yrs old who’s graduated from full dart nerf → 1/2 dart → gel.

Hoping can learn from you lots and meet some like minded, nice people. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the group, Andy. :wave:

Plenty of great people and helpful advice in here… enjoy the ride! :+1:


Hey everyone. I’m from mauritius and i figured I’d introduce the blaster scene here:

In short: there is none :sweat_smile:

Ok just for the background: a long time ago airsoft (both gas and single action manual) guns were freely sold here (thinking early 2000s) and my dad and I were big fans. Then somewhere before 2010 (don’t recall exactly) the firearms act got amended and anything that shoots a projectile got banned. this included airsoft of course but also ALL toy guns unless the projectile is being propelled by a spring alone. all accessories are also banned so no attachements like sights for this chap. funnily, nerfs also got banned.

around the mid 2010s some people tried to introduce and legalize paintball. it was a good effort but ultimately they couldn’t do it. Some custom officers will allow us to bring in some nerf toys only if we got rid of the foam ammo.

Then suddenly, I don’t know how, gel blaster started getting sold in toy shops here. of course it was toy grade and mostly came with a graffiti paintjob but still. then came the slightly better toys. I did not question how or why, I started hoarding because I know all this could stop at a moments notice overnight. And recently i managed to find a shop that had an arp9. turned out to be a TG arp9 v2. so of course I got it. I’m confident that this is the only hobbygrade blaster available here.

I know there are a group or 2 of people who started to play together. I haven’t gotten in touch with them yet but fully intend to.

And that is the state of gelblasters in mauritius. Some toy guns. a few peeps having fun. and the fear that those toy blasters can also get taken away overnight.


Bienvenue sur le forum, Fluke. :wink:

Don’t stress, you haven’t joined a French gel blaster forum… I’ve got a few Mauritian mates and sometimes we lapse into half Français half Anglais now and then. :laughing:

Looks like things are similar in Mauritius to here in Oz. Gel blasters were everywhere a few years ago then one by one each state bar Queensland and South Australia banned them and made them illegal. Lots of people lost a lot of gear worth a fair bit of money over that, stressful times all around.

Looking forward to your input, enjoy the forum… there’s always interesting stuff going on. :+1:


stressful indeed :sweat_smile:

what irks me is that “technically” gelbalsters and nerf shouldn’t fall under those laws because it refers to airguns using projectiles less than 5.6mm but they just don’t care and no one wants to go through the hassle of going to court.

anyway, i’m looking forward learning more about the sport. I’m a tinkerer and will no doubt have questions soon :wink:


Welcome, thanks for the info on situation in your part of the world.

Alot of experienced members here with various blasters. Enjoy reading and learning. What this place is for :+1:

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