Introduce Yourself!

Resident retard who knows nothing genius who knows everything here.

My collection is small, a GEN9, a J10 ACR, a HiCapa and my beloved ARP9 which is currently out of service on my desk.

oh and a

3DG Glock 17
that I briefly gave to someone after being kindly given it by someone whose name I can no longer remember from the old forum but they stopped playing so I have it back now

but we don’t talk about that thing.


Checking back in as well. Thanks @DocBob for looping me in :+1:

I’m a QLD gel blaster enjoyer that started this hobby as an excuse to exercise and spend time with my son. Now I’ve got a modest collection of about 6 AEG blasters in various states of functioning from completely busted to haha blaster go brrr. Spent the last few days without the forum wading through the shit show that is r/GelBlaster and lurked on Discord. Good to see some kind of effort to rebuild what was a great resource for noob and pro alike.

You can usually find me most Wednesday nights at The Pitt for the Silverback session.


Awesome to see you found your way here mate :+1:
Was terrible to see all of your new found enthusiasm lost in the old Forum, but you are a great bloke to have in the group and looking forward to your continued involvement in this Hobby :sunglasses::ok_hand:


Another place for people to question the sanity behind my builds!:rofl:
Where to start…:thinking:
North of Brisbane QLD.
Middle aged
Ruggedly handsome :sweat_smile:
Been doing this for too long.
Mainly modding/custom builds now.
Own too many blasters to remember where they all are.
Did I mention questionable sanity?:thinking:


Hey, yet another blow-in from the old forum!

Green-Screamer (or John, whichever you prefer) here, from the wilds of the upper Brisbane Valley. Mostly into historic stuff, mainly WWII/Korea/Vietnam era. I’d also like to get into modding soon.

Here’s my “good” collection, got a few other blasters knocking around as well though (don’t we all? :rofl:)



Hey, its Davbot. Good to be amongst likeminded folk again. Still buying blasters :crazy_face: Havent played a skirmish for a while so Im looking forward to “In Country” Vietnam event soon. The VC now have lots of options for blasters, they used ZB26, Kar98, MP40 and STG44 as well as AK47.


Good morning vietnam

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Hello all, FGW from the old forum here. I had no idea of the shenanigan’s going on behind the scenes at GBF and was a bit gutted for it to disappear overnight but extremely grateful to @AFX and the mods to get this place back up and running again.

I’m from SA, have too many blasters that need work but enjoy the hobby side of getting them up and running well. Favorite blaster would be the Wingun Colt.


Sounds like you have quite a collection and still pretty active in this Sport/Hobby :sunglasses:
I hope that you are all fully licensed and everything registered in accordance with SA Laws :thinking:

I hear that the fields are struggling to get enough players in SA ?

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All good on the law front. A rough calc I reckon its over $3k combined i’ve dropped on license, rego’s, safe, alarm & CCTV - bloody madness :crazy_face: but at least we were given the option in SA to keep our blasters unlike you poor blokes over the border.
Being regional I don’t get to the fields in Adelaide, there were a couple struggling although from what I heard some of it was down to the bullshit this sport attracts at times. The field at Loveday 4 x 4 Adventure park is the closest to me, still bit of a drive but a great place. Plenty to do there aside from the gelblasting(


Noice to see Forums make a new appearance.
Back again. Hello all.
SA, speedbrawler, new to milsim (in Australia), larper for years. Licensed for gels and lead. Always looking to sell loads of blaster bits and gear I have collected over the years so I can afford to keep replacing my sneakers I tear up on the speed ball fields.


Nice K-bar you have there sir :slight_smile:

Hey guys, I was a member on the old forum although I didn’t post too much, came to find this though docbobs Reddit because I wanted to be back in the loop And I wanted to document my 3d printed things


Good to have you onboard :+1:
Your 3D printing knowledge is invaluable in this hobby :ok_hand:
As long as everything is kept legal and within our laws, we can enjoy a productive hobby for many more years to come :sunglasses:



For the writing and liking mechanical shiz.

I am Puppy, pronouns are fuckaround/findout
live in Qld have a decent stock of stuff, no none of it works properly, I once offered to suck someones dick for an m1 garand…

I also write and stream and have a corner in the forum to quarantine my rambling so come by n say hi I promise I bite…

Favourite genre is shotgun, but I like oddarms in general, grenade launcher flame thrower belt fed or manual action, slide pistols, assault rifles, and smgs are neat but I like the weird shit more

Fun fact the Kriss Vector has negative recoil because the bolt follower travels down instead of backwards, which is why the front grip is so bulky.

Imma go lay on the hoard of weird gvns like a slightly confused dragon now, cya round homies


Hi all, Big Damo here from the old forum. Located in SE Qld and still relatively new to gel blasters. My current favourite blaster is my JG Works m4.


Great to see so many familiar faces joining up here :sunglasses:
Hopefully can build up the old knowledge bank that we once had. :+1:

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knowledge number 1

do not touch the trigger on any blaster lest you be cursed with bullshit forevermore

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Hi all. I was part of the old forum and thought I would show support for this new forum.
I live up in Bundaberg Queensland. I have a P90 in pieces after I fryer the motor and a JG SIG552.


Hi everyone, Dr sayus here from the southside of Brisbane.
Been delving into the sport from mid 2020 when I bought a wells cqb, caught the bug and have slowly been adding to my collection since (when the wife permits :sweat_smile:).
Currently I have the wells cqb, a custom M4 built from all different parts, a double bell ak and a we tech hi capa pistol, all modified to varying degrees.
My interest in the sport is mainly tearing apart my blasters and modifying them, however I have ventured to a few games too.
Used to go by say_nuffin in the old forum, and am very happy to be back.
Here for the banter, knowledge base and am keen to contribute as well.