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I’m just here, living vicariously through everyone else because my state doesn’t allow responsible fun.


But I’ll enjoy your stories nonetheless.

Where you from mate?

oh yes, I am from NSW of all places.

I should just move to brissie :rofl: :joy:

Yeah, I feel your pain!
You are much closer than I am mate, surely the QLD border isn’t that far away from you?

No no, it’s too far for me. I’m just dreaming.

I should probably surrender my games too cos they all have guns in them :joy:

Can only but dream mate!

I’m seriously getting hounded by all of the good folks here to relocate myself…… which is a big move from WA, but I’m still seriously considering it :joy:


maybe i should expand my job search :smiley:

It sucks because i’ve been interested in airsoft for over 20 years and I never get to know the fun that can be had or even a chance.

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Welcome and good luck saving up for the flight to America to fulfill your airsoft dreams.

They just tested a direct flight from USA to AU was successful 20hr flight, but you gotta do the macarena dance a couple times to make sure your leg doesn’t fall off :joy:



Ali had a really good 1887 lever action shotty, they stopped making it due to lack of sales sadly but there is a springer version still around at least, annoy em enough they might bring back the metal version again aye ^^

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Good to know but not sure what you’re referring to with “Ali”

ali express homie


Danm that is nice :raised_hands:t4:

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if you can be bothered fixing it I have another one sitting in the cupboard atm

your “little friend”.

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Is it co2? What shells do they take?

Its green gas and it takes plastic shells and nerf darts half length im pretty sure I dont shoot it tho I just like the kachunk

the action is full metal, everything else is plastic, and the barrel is held together by the plastic chamber and dreams, my first snapped in half after being dropped once, that one is the last they made which is sad it feels really high quality if they just made it a bit sturdier and gave more metal parts to switch in it’d be perfect, i told em people would be interested just work on the design and advertising so hopefully we see them again

the other version is a springer dunno if it’s metal or not

Hi blaster peeps (not rpm btw) :wave:


Hello! Great to see every new member here, whether from the old GBF or new to this hobby/sport community, is a great boost for every single new member to this community :+1: