Introduce Yourself!

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Hi all, snoty here.
New to gell blasters after a mate got me onto it. Living in southern Queensland atm, originally from Vic. Having fun pinging cans with a few mates, I have a double bell sig p226. The forum has a lot of useful tips and is very informative


Goodonya, welcome to the forum and looking forward to seeing your blasters and experiences in this great hobby :+1:

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Hey All,
Name’s Autopilot. I run Ward 3D, I do a lot of designing and printing for gelsoft. Been in the sport since 2019, forgive me but I am a cursed speedster haha. I was apart of the old forum and this new one was brought to my attention decided to rejoin. Also part of the discords as well. I’ve got a few HPA’s, as I said I’m a speedyboi, but I did start as the humble gen 8 m4a1 noob haha.
Also from qld



Hi everybody
recently got back into the gel ball community after a year hiatus but now back and playing again. I have 1 blaster, an ldt HK416 and overtime thanks to 2arm2 helping me strip the hell out of my nylon gears have started modding. with a new mk box in the mail and a leviathan around the corner I’m super exited to have some fun on the field. look forward to hanging around and learning in here more often.
also lmk if you need any help with computer parts and the sort, I might be able to help out


Wassup Gamers
Name’s zawch but y’all can call me zach
personally i’d think im abit of an introvert since i’m shy to communicate with strangers but on the other hand, i’d love to meet new people!
i personally own 3 blasters which are
-Jinming ak74u j12 (stock)
-ldt hk416d v3.0 (also stock but i stacked a bunch of accessories on it, for the sake of being cool)
-Kublai p1 (my first ever GBB pistol, i’ve implemented alot of upgrades to this blaster, such as a G34 TTI slide + magwell, a better quality hammer and a longer “mag extension”)
-i used to one a shell ejecting “m870 nerf blaster” which i totally modded it to “launch” gel balls, unfortunately it kinda broke down so F (it was pretty strong tbh)

i mostly use my blaster for display purposes, since im a gun devotee ever since i was a lil boy and the place i happen to live in dOesN’t have a single field where i can play with other players which is quite sad

i’m pretty decent at solving problems, doing computer related things but i normally freak out/become super sad when im unable to do those things. I also love history and gaming!

i also find myself to be effective + productive or super lazy at random times
It’s a pleasure to meet you guys and be a part of this forum!


Welcome to forum always good to see new faces and in puts :sunglasses:

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Hey guys, long time between drinks, but here we are again… used to be a big lurker on the old forum, back before GBB, Gen 9s were a thing and we all bought the cheapest and weirdest blasters to tweak… crazy times but good fun…still have an F2000 bullpup running a Gen 8 box on the wall of shame.

Things have changed, forum’s changed, GB scene’s changed but good to see some familiar peeps in here… guess some things never change. :wink:


Welcome back :+1:
Yeah, things are evolving and the scene has definitely changed since the heydays…… but good to see is still rolling along in Australia and growing overseas to keep the manufacturing industry in business :white_check_mark:

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Thanks for the welcome… good to be back. :+1:
It’s weird to think that as far as gel blasters go we’re light years ahead of them in the states. Hard not to laugh when you see 'em “ooohing” and “aaaaahing” over a Kriss Vector V2 unboxing. :wink:


They eye opener for me is the proliferation of absolutely cheap and nasty WALMART stuff that everyone is expecting to be good and reliable performance blasters! :flushed:

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Hi all,

I’m Luke. I’m new to this forum, and although I’m no longer playing (due to the sad closure of my favourite field - Guerilla Blasters-) I enjoy helping out those wanting to know more and start this awesome hobby.

I’m based on the Gold Coast and own or owned:

  • SLR ION (we parted ways over the weekend :frowning: )
  • ACR with fully customised internals
  • HPA running Polarstar Jack and a U122 tank to last all day

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the community!


Welcome and hope you enjoy all the lunatics around here :joy:

Sorry to hear about your field closure, hopefully you can get together with a few locals and enjoy your own games elsewhere.

:sweat_smile: Thanks @DocBob the “lunatics” bit made my day!

Hopefully more fields will pop up on the Goldie!

Hi all, new here…
Just a small part of the collection. Mainly play indoor at GSA


Welcome to the group! :blush:

Nice collection of blasters there :+1:

Cheers thanks for the welcome👍

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Howdy, some friends are getting back into the sport and I wanted to join them.

Started playing back when Nuketown was still held in Heritage Park and Tactical Edge Hobbies was out of a garage, using the old Scorpion Evo and G36Cs with the blue and grey plastic. I eventually stopped as I got frustrated my little plinker couldn’t hit people from far away.

I have some internals knowledge from opening the old Gen 8 gearboxes and replacing the plastic triggers that were snap-prone.

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Now you’re talkin’ my language… :laughing:
Love the old school blasters…

Welcome to the group! :wink:

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Welcome back to the hobby!
It’s like riding a bike, I’m sure you will have fun and fall into it like you had never left :+1: