Is legit?


Agree 100% :+1:

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Definitelyā€¦ seeking advice and previous customers experiences with retailers, especially from online stores has been fairly crucial to a lot of my online purchases as I too have sought information from other buyers on their experiences with different online retailers in the gel world.

there are a lot of dodgey online sellers that have been flat out ripping customers off such as failure to provide the goods purchased, I know Iā€™ve stopped myself from buying off a couple of these sellers after having sought out information regarding the legitimacy of various websites, from not only this forum but places like Reddit as well

without places like these forums that are helpful for gaining important information regarding dodgey vendors, many more people would fall victim to fraudulent sellers, and thatā€™s not a bad thing at all

I support it fully

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For every bad review, there is likely hundreds of satisfied customers that had no issues so didnā€™t take the time to leave a review. That is the nature of online these days.
I try to take the time to leave good reviews with places I had good experiences. But call me old fashioned, I also try to have issues dealt with directly before leaving a bad review. A lot of 1 star reviewers go full Karen at the drop of a hat without trying to resolve their problems with the business first; then wonder why they are aggressive in their response.

I deal with businesses with a bit of compassion, because having two jobs and a side hustle I understand that work isnā€™t always fun and people make mistakes! But I seem to be the minority in that respect.

Rant off, best of luck dealing with it.

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I agreeā€¦ and sometimes itā€™s easier to criticize than praise, a sign of the times in the online community.

Iā€™d certainly never condone an all out assault on a business because of a few logistical problems, particularly with a new business starting up. There are always teething problems at the beginning of any venture and sometimes patience is required. :+1:

But in the interest of sharing buying experiences, good or bad, anything like no communication with long delays, nil stock but sales going ahead anyway, bullying or intimidating tactics, etc should be discussed on here. It gives prospective buyers the opportunity to make an informed decision about a seller based on their perception of what constitutes good customer service and professionalism.

That said, if a negative post about a vendor results in a positive resolution, in fairness to that seller the result should also be posted in the thread for everyone to see.

Nobody blames anyone for legitimate mistakesā€¦ itā€™s how the mistakes are rectified and the matter resolved to the satisfaction of both parties thatā€™s the measure of a successful buyer/seller interaction.

And thatā€™s what we want to know. This issueā€™s been given more legs than it deserves.

Hey everyone Mathew here from BlasterMasters, i can see alot of people commenting on this thread and id like to apologise to the customers affected by this.

We have since updated to a new Supplier and refunded all customers affected by this, i can only but imagine what image this gives my company and this is not what BlasterMasters is about.

If anyone does need assistance or help with their orders please get in touch via our support email - [email protected] or our web chat so we can give the best service for you.

I encourage everyone to come try out our new service and enjoy the benefits of not only a better supplier but a 20% Discount using the following code at checkout - REDDITVIP20%OFF - Come join the ranks!

I appreciate all the support and patience of our Customers.
Mathew - CEO of BlasterMasters


Nice one for my stuff buddy, i appreciate it and hope things get sorted with these reviews as you did amazing with my stuff!
Cant wait for the M249 to come :innocent:

I have used these guys in the uk. it did say instock and i got a mail shorly after saying it was out of stock! i did mail i and get replys. it came after 3 weeks and was as expectd. Id us em again

Are you uk mate? dunt seem to be many gelblaster lovers like me haha. Wht did you get? i got the m4a1 pro and akm

Yeah mate i am, i got the ARP9 XYL along with some extra inside and im near newcastle buddy what about you?


What a proper trustworthy companies look like:


Thatā€™s weird :thinking:, I smell fish :nose:t2::fish::tropical_fish:

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Hello, sorry our service has let you down. Please take my appoligys and if there is any outstanding issues im here to rectify.

Kind regards

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Mathew here. im open to be questioned, inbox email ect. me and ,y team are here.

Im fully reqisterd have spend thousends with invoices of over 20k a time so please rest assure my and my team are here to stay.

i had been quiet for a few weeks ill hold my hands up and please know that i have got trust worthy staff to support the worldwide supply.

We do miss some emails as we are human but im happy to interview my staff on video to prove we check and reply to every one.

i am sorry to every one if we have had delays, please rest assure this is in no way attacts, im here with my hands open and ready to supply where ever needed as long as your compliten, which can be said that i have acted insome way simular!!

As a token of my ownership and my determination to stay and supply we are very happy to issue some discounts.

Please note that when we have stock we get it out nect day as a lot of my customers will see.

we recently had some ding dongs which had had a ripple of my loyal customers.

Currently we have had to down size from the unit to domestic mananagment with independend storage so we do apploige if the reg address is a house.

we are here to stay and i am here to ensure all of blastermasters tem members are pleased and we will make sure of that.

i am in no way a snowflake and i do take this on my chest and i will ensure my eyes are wide open.

Please do feel free to mail us again.

Judge me not on my few mistakes but on my teams many joys that we dont see.

Kind regards
Mathew SEO BlasterMasters UK ARE HERE TO STAY!

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Not gonna lie i dont quite understand this?
Is this an ozzy term?

No itā€™s not really an Oz termā€¦ in other countries it would mean that the matter referred to smells fishy, i.e. suspect.

Regardless of online ratings etc. I guess you are to be commended for speaking out on the forum, apologising, attempting to set the record straight and do the right thing by your customers.

Weā€™re more used to blaster vendors ducking and running for cover when they receive negative feedback.

Really fishy, one account says they are genuine the other throws about defamatory and delete thread posts and also deletes that request once the second account pops up.


Yeah, I dunnoā€¦

Part of me wants to give the benefit of the doubt, the other part says " Those Trustpilot ratings donā€™t come from nothing".

Fortunately I donā€™t buy from the other side of the planet, so not my circus, not my monkeysā€¦ the tough choice is on our UK based members.

Iā€™m in Western Australia, so I havenā€™t purchased anything from you at all.

I was asked by people in the Gelbaster community overseas if you are a trustworthy company, so I simply posted the review results that are available to the public online.

I always do an online search forANY business that Iā€™m looking to purchase expensive productsBEFORE I hand over my hard earned cash.

Canā€™t be too careful these days, especially purchasing online from unknown sellers.

With so many dishonest online retailers, it pays to seek advice if you are unsure of a vendors legitimacy.

I know I have suffered the headache of chasing up refunds from dodgey online sellers before but thanks to forums like this and itā€™s communityā€™s feedback on various retailers, I have been able to make informed choices on reputable retailers and this avoided purchasing from unreliable sellers.