Members Motorbike related Hobbies outside of Gelblaster appreciation

Bwahaha……… looks like he was throwing out the air brakes!

Certainly tightened the sphincter on his Team Member :flushed::joy:

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Where’s the things finger on the left :thinking: High heels on a Harlet… right. :rofl:



Took my Gixxer up Mt Glorious for the first time in months yesterday. Left at 6:30 and was shocked at the amount of traffic on the way there, up and back. Theres now 4 sets of automatic traffic lights at work sites, where last time I rode there was only two. Litre sports bikes do not like that!

Most frustrating.


I have been up Mt glorious twice in 20 years.
The first time was twenty years ago and i was on my 1979 900ss Ducati.
Nice ride no traffic no cops enjoyable.

Went last year on my rg250
Prick of a ride traffic everywhere cops behind every bush.
Not to mention (but I will) bike riders who think it’s a race track .

Will never ride a bike up there again.
Tamborine mt is the same on weekends.
So I don’t ride on weekends for the last couple of years.
But I do ride every weekday rain hail or shine.
When I started riding some 45 years ago your bike was your only means of transport so racing around the mountains was done cautiously .
Knowing that the bike had to get you home and to work the next day.
Now motorcycle are just toys to have in the garage to use on the weekends.
I don’t begrudge any one having fun riding on weekends.
But most ride way beyond their abilities.

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I usually find the road to Dayboro over Mt Mee from D’ag pretty quiet, even on a weekend.

But then, I can choose any day of the week to hit that road, so it’s usually not on a Saturday.

My usual run is Cabo River Road through to Old North Road, Campbell’s Pocket Road to Mt Mee Road and onto Dayboro. Home via Scout Road through Nerangba.

If I’m feeling spicy it’ll be the back way to Wamuran, up through Woodford to Commissioners Flat Road then up to Stanley River Road to Maleny. Home through Peachester and Beerwah or via Commissioners Flat Road back to the D’ag Hwy.

Spoiled for choice and usually quiet. :+1:

Last year I found the ability to launch noggin first over the handlebars of an AG200 at 20klm/hr rounding sheep up. Didn’t see the strand of fencing wire in the grass wrapped up back wheel locked it solid. High tensile. Ejected. Damn hobbling for a week. Didn’t know what hit me.

Rest assured I have rearranged that fence. Fkn thing. I think I’ll leave my abilities at that :rofl:

I have got a plan to get a replacement later this year if things work out for me. The old yammy is getting a bit beyond worth repairing it.

Need a 2 wheel sheep rounder upper. Something red :thinking: 2 stroke. Should be the ticket.

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Would a pimped postie bike with Indian style front mudguard do ya?

Well, it IS red… :joy:

Check out that flash rear cowl… :heart_eyes:

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Christ I won’t get out the yard with that. Think me nuts might complain too :rofl:

I’m planning on…

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They are a beast hey, up to 80hp and 6 hours before charge.

Could always bolt a stereo to it to make some engine noise. Add a burner to burn some 2 stroke oil :laughing:

Funny that were talking about electric bike’s.
Just an hour ago I went to check the letter box.
And I hear what I thought was a push bike coming down the path, because all I heard was tire sound .
But it was a guy on an electric sports bike coming by.
Talk about stealth
I did ride one about 5 years ago called a zero was not impressed went about as fast as a 250 weighed twice as much and cost twice the price of one.
Five grand more and I could have bought a new Hayabusa.
Electric motorbikes are still expensive but as technology is improving so is the price.
By the time they become cheap enough for me to justify owning one
The only wheels I will be riding is a mobility scooter

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Indeed they are expensive by quite a bit. They are improving with weight and price though.

Not for this lil black duck. I’ll be same only electric thing I’ll get is a old fart cart.

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I ride Mt Glorious for one main reason. I know it like the back of my hand.

Prob sounds silly but i enjoy the reptition of it, rather then trying new routes. I save exploring for the dirt bike.

yeh i banged up my shoulder pretty bad last year hitting some black 2" water pipe at an angle. Nasty, slippery stuff.

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Don’t need a bike. Just cracked a rib getting out from under the dash on one of my cars after I reinstalled the brake booster. Local car show next Sunday and can’t bend over the mudguard to redo the brake line flares. Found out I can fall off motorbikes when I was 12 and ran the Trumpy through Mrs Jones’ rose garden