And some more…
say have u used the mp7 gbb? if so how would compare?
Never used the mp7. Saw it in the flesh working.
I never really wanted one so can’t compare.
bugger aighto guess ill just get the m4 can u link the one u bought or should i just buy the one i linked coz it comes with mlok standard?
hey uh the golden eagle gbbrs have disapeard off the website
mmm just noticed that myself. Wonder what’s going on there. Unless they are updating the site.
ill be really sad if i missed out
move on to the next store
thats gbu then sips tea
Is your bolt starting to wear ?
I have heard this is a problem
eeww ihobby not on your ok list
huh u took that out of context kek but hobby still like 800 instead of 600 is a big fukin diffrence and is depressing 600 i was comfortable with now i just wanna give up
iHobby’s prices aren’t what they appear. Take another 15% off it.
720 still only coming inline with extac
There is wear.
Not sure how much of an issue it will be.
I asked about spare parts and upgrades and ihobby said yep.
The bolt lock is steel. The bolt has a replaceable plate that the bolt lock interfaces with.
Can’t ask much more than that
This is with the MC6604RISM (M4A1 with the quad rail) on Abbey greens and months old Black Labels.
The MC6610M (M16A3) is a bit more picky and shoots lower and more inconsistent.
Sand Viper shot this on Abbey greens.
I only see GBU GE’s for $1100, there is no $600 model
GOLDEN EAGLE MC6624M M4 CQB FULL METAL GAS POWERED GEL BLASTER GREEN G ill buy this even tho i dont want to spend this much