New GBB Rifles

I mean personally I’m not a fan of ultra elites. Black Labels are my go to but I do use pearls due to field restrictions as
Much as I hate them with a passion.


x-force are currently testing the latest batch of AKA’s - so far so good this afternoon


So I’m up to loading 25rds in the MWS mag. It feeds fine.
Loading from 20 gels onwards requires a real technique where you close up the mag to the spacing of one gel and then keep your thumb in the gels holding them in place while popping in extra gels one at time with your finger. It’s a little hard to explain.

But it works.


Hey @Clyde ….

Not GE, but might be a handy reference for you……at least much more detail than anything that the manufacturer instructions would cover.


Cheers , docBob , I’ve noticed that a few times I’ll check it out :wink:

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Hi Jas, grew my AKA tenacity 3hrs , to big most were smashed in the breech , I looked down into the1 feed the jel looked basically to big , Iam now growing for 2.5 hrs , see how it goes

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Ooooo, they were grown fresh this morning.

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That is my finding with most gels. Softer gels will push through. Harder gels can feed poorly or block the barrel.

Cheers jas , I’ll give the softer gels ago to, I have white pearls , tac booms, ultra elites , ext .

Please I don’t recommend softer gels. But they are more tolerant to irregular grow times when pushing through a barrel.

I prefer the harder gels but I typically grade my gels for the best experience.


Problems , not locking back on empty, will lock if the magazine is push right up with your hand ,will smash gels , one mag works well , lock back no smashed gels. I throught it was the gels and sizing . What to do.

Check the magazine that isn’t working for smashed gels inside the mag channel. It will affect feeding and also lock back on empty.

I’ve checked that the two other mags are doing the same I think Iam going to seng it all back for another one , Iam not goin to muck around, the gbbr as well

Hi Jas , well, well ,well. You learn something everyday, I blow out the magazines l yep bugger me, their was bits of gels in each mag , yep they all locked back. I hope when I load up their is no more smashed gel , it’s about 32 deg + had to pop the mags in a ice bucket, they were just about to vent out with the heat.

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So the thing to remember with GBBRs are they are mechanical.
Mech spring, mech bolt catch, mech bolt, recoil spring buffer etc.
Anything that can jam these movements up will affect the performance.
After a game they need be cleaned/blown out and internals wiped down with an appropriate lubrication.
During a game you need to check empty mags before loading to make sure there are no gel bits caught inside.
Hardened gels are the most reliable once graded as they are less likely to smash up inside or shatter.
So it is definitely a balancing act.

To be perfectly honest I ran black labels grown for 2.5 hrs no grading in the GE with no issues. Feeds perfectly and locks back consistently.

Pearls can shatter. Not all the time but enough that throughout the game you have to be aware that lock back may stop working.

I would mag check on the way back to respawn.


Hi Jas , much improved , I did take off the sharp edges on the feed arm , another good clean , taken off sharp cast , edges, over lapping some areas on the bolt, still intermittent lock back on empty.Iam always looking for tips any more tips ,guys !, does any know the inner barrel iID ???.

Are you talking lock back on empty after firing gels to the point of empty or are you firing empty on an empty mag??
Don’t expect lock back on an empty mag all the time. It doesn’t always work. I can’t answer why.
But after emptying a mag by shooting all the gels it should lock back on empty as long as it’s not gunked up.

Cool , thanks for all your tips , much appreciated.

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Just a visual for some pearls I’ve grown.
Graded with sieves.
Bottom are 7.1-7.3mm
Top are over 7.3mm

Seems I may want to grow for no longer than 2hrs.

My guess as to why the mag doesn’t always lock back on empty is to do with pressure. The bolt needs to reciprocate enough to pass the lock in the first place, and if the mag is nearing empty on gas or you’re using a lower rating of gas like 12kg, that could happen intermittently.

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