New GBB Rifles

You know I’m thinking an instruction booklet wouldn’t hurt when they’re shipping these things, literally cents on the dollar.
Another thing overlooked on all those YT vids on install? No instructions on taking it apart to get it ready for install - it always already taken apart at the start of the vid :rofl:


There was actually a Kublai one kicking around at one stage but the web store that had it on there shut down a while back.

Edit: found it


That looks awesome! The M16A3 is top of my list at the moment, pending pay day. In your early photos/posts your A3 was shooting at lower fps than the shorter M4. Have you brought the A3s speed up? If so, to what and how? :slight_smile:

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Haven’t done any further tests since then, just taking my sweet time taking it apart and lubing it up. I’ll probably test it out again maybe next week to see if the FPS issue is still present. This handguard is getting finalised tonight!

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Hi ,guys, l was looking at shimming my bolt release lever, on my GE , is the pin covered with paint, I see other models pin are easily spotted .


All hail @Jas ! Right as usual.

No more gaps, perfectly aligned. No handguard or barrel wobble.
Many thanks for your help mate!


I had a couple spare minutes so I shot another mag off - this is a quick 7 rounds from the start before any mag cooling.

Compared to last time the variance is tighter (55 v 40) and it shot at a faster fps overall. Caveat being it’s hot as balls tonight compared to 2 weeks ago but I’m still using Abbey greens (am I the only?) - so you should get higher numbers than mine theoretically.


What gas bud? We are getting solid results on asg. personally I wouldn’t go heavy.

Well the charging handle snapped at the game tonight.

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Abbey Predator (Greens Can) 144a - they don’t say what kg theirs are.


Try asg.
I wouldn’t go abbey red or warwolf 14kg. Too harsh.
We have found asg to be the good mid ground.


I’m fine with the current performance as there’s no lockback issues, plus I want to use up the 4 more cans of it first :sweat_smile:
But I will change up the gases once my current supplies run low.


What’s gas is asg , have been using Dino 12 , gas.

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Managed to figure out why the MWS hated pearls and fed badly.
The follower in the mag was flat topped and not slanted like traditional gel followers. Slanted the top of the follower and bam! Feeds well on pearls, reliable lock back on empty and accuracy dramatically picked up. :call_me_hand:t2:


Major oversight in the many design differences between Airsoft and Gelblasters I would imagine :thinking:

That little angle on top of the follower has a huge impact on soft gels feeding compared to hard BB’s.


Hi , are we talking about arm that pushes the gel , or the angle of the lips ??? . Iam trying to visualise it .

From Jas’s description, neither, he states the follower which is the plate looking thing that all gels sit on with a sproing underneath the follower. Similar to a real magazine.

It’s called a follower because it follows the ammo up :wink:


Yep that’s it. Top one is unmodified.
Bottom one is modified.


Oh right going for a stagger there is it? Nice work :+1: