New GBB Rifles

Other than a broken charging handle it is going well.
Ihobby have sent a replacement from a new batch that may be better materials. I should have it tomorrow or Tuesday.

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Same here :+1: only had a slight problem with my bolt stop but nothing a little epoxy couldn’t fix :laughing:
I’ve got a new bolt coming from
I emailed them and they will ship to QLD only and you can let them know it’s for gel blaster parts and they’ll remove any unwanted logos :+1:


What do you mean unwanted logos?? From boxing or from the item itself??

Done , I’ve just purchased the bolt as well :wink:

Yeah, like my metal gearbox that got seized, was from a UK Company that had Airsoft in it’s name/packaging.
Even though what I ordered was a gel blaster part, customs would have just seen the name and seized it without even checking out what it actually was :roll_eyes:

Just the naughty words from the packaging

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Ah ok.

Fair enough.

I’ve ordered heaps of things from them without issue other than a metal receiver back in the day. That was seized.

I haven’t tried any prohibited items since then.

Will be interesting to see how you go with a bolt carrier as that’s on the prohibited items list.

Receiver, barrels, slide, frame, trigger group and bolt carrier group.

I would love to get bits for my new gbbrs but not game to order anything from that list.

I’ve put in a b709a for a BCM receiver for my GE. It’ll be 3 weeks next week.
Normally I get knocked back straight away for anything in the past so hopefully I might get this one. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Yep , fingers crossed, I hope they import these parts ASAP .

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Hi , bandit75, let us know how the apoxy works , I’ve done my GE. As well I’ve had to bit bigger than a dot ,

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You need a bigger hammer :rofl: :joy:

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So just asked WAT and it looks like they’ll be getting in parts for their upcoming king-arms gbbr’s, which apart from a few bits is the same western arms system that the GE’s are.

Also believe they will be getting in some G&P western arms parts aswell, which seems to be the only company thats still making high end parts for this system.

Boggles the mind that ihobby didnt bring in at least a few spare parts for the first shipment of these


I’m reaaaaaally looking forward to this new gear coming in. They said it’ll be March-April that the M1s arrive, which. :drooling_face: Just in time.

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took me 17 days to get the giddyup, but im now a paid up GBBR member!!

I got the GE MC6604RISM, as a base for my “Hal Spencer” tribute.

Mission accomplished id say, except I couldnt get the KAC can i wanted - so near enough good enough will need to do.


I’ve finally got to shoot through a few mags this afternoon - and the bolt consistantly fails to lock back on empty. I’ve checked some of the earlier comments and can confirm:

  1. I’m firing through a fully loaded mag (not magless) - cycles fine on every shot - no crushed balls - great!
  2. If I cycle the charging handle on an empty mag (or magless), the bolt fails to lock back consistantly.
  3. Even with the bolt not locking back, cycling the charging handle correctly loads a ball and is ready to fire at the next trigger pull.
  4. Have tried 12kg and then 14kg gas (aircon temp 22c) - dont think its a cycling issue though (see 1.)

I split the reciever and lubed well before any live shots. I’m not familiar enough with this action to know what might cause this issue though. As its DOA AFAIK, I have’nt pulled the bolt or any other part to inspect either.

Very much hoping theres something simple and I dont have to pull all this stuff off and return … any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Two things come to mind.

Is the bolt catch system itself lubricated? It may be sticking a bit and fail to engage reliably.

On the other side of the equation, have you perhaps added too much lubricant? An excess can similarly cause stickiness and malfunction.


hmm … if either, most likely the second. I shall check that though thanks!

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Is this every magazine or just one magazine?

Firstly it doesn’t always lock back if you fire it after inserting an empty mag, cycle it and then shoot. The only thing I can think of is sometimes the magazines lever to activate the bolt catch may push down and stay down because it’s been cycled empty.

Secondly the magazines lever can jam very easily. Most commonly due to crushed gel fragments in the mag.

Pull the follower down a few times and make sure there is no debris in the gel channel.
If the channel is clear press on the lever at the back of the mag to make sure it is sitting high, it is firm and there is no play. If it isn’t then likely something is jamming it.

If it is every mag that is failing to lock back them check your bolt. Make sure the steel protector plate at the front of the bolt is still there or hasn’t broken.

If it looks good pop an empty mag in and pull the charging handle back and if the bolt locks back then everything is inter facing fine.

If not then check the bolt catch is not sticking or the catch hasn’t broken or is unusually worn.

If everything is ok then the only thing it can be is gas so make sure you are filling the mags correctly.


alas no joy … but I see Jas has plenty for me to move onto!

Thanks guys! Will report back tmrw.

will go through these checks, but can confirm ive only tried the one mag that came with it. Shall report back!

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So checked it all visually and couldnt find the issue. Took it back to retailer this morning who inspected and seemed to get it to catch a couple of times, but not consistantly. Left it with them for further checks. Fingers crossed some good news in a day or two.

edit - same issue with one of their mags - so not that.