New GBB Rifles

the emotional roundabout, of gelblaster purchases…

Excitement / High hopes / Anticipation / Elation of receiving / discovery of fault / subduing of mood / experiment and attempt to fix / breakage / “your fault, no warranty” from store / additional expense to fix / disgruntled acceptance, with caution…

Wait, is that a new model coming out…???

Wash / rinse /repeat…

You think we’d learn…!! :rofl: :rofl:
And, the people in the banned states, wish they had them…!! :rofl: :rofl:

You gotta laugh…

I’m so disappointed that you have had issues with your much anticipated purchase already :frowning:

Definitely get in touch with the supplier ASAP and have it repaired/replaced.

It’s not “user error” nor your fault, as products must meet certain consumer standards for durability and quality.

By some miracle i found it but i expect this to happen more often so rpm better stock the extras or im poopin in some mouths

Has it broken the feed lips?
Something has to be seriously wrong/damaged for the follower to be able to launch into space?

Hopefully you can at least get a few pew pews out of it before returning for repairs :crossed_fingers::+1:

Nono no damage at all basicly the way to load the mags is u gotta pull the followe down a little bitto the point it matchs the exterior cover and then pull them both down at the same time otherwise the spring goes weeeee and launches the follower with it as theres no retaining alls other than the cover

post some pics, of what went wrong…
And tell them, what you did to the neighbours dog…to get it in the first place…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Okay cool, but still sounds like a weird system :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Definitely post up some pics, maybe open a new thread to share it with the community here :+1:

So basicly the follower u see is needing to be pulled down to match the exterior casing and then both pulled down along side eachother to the bottom where it clicks into place, you can see the tip of of follower in the pics.

Open it too fsr and spring pops out, fail to pull the follower with the casing down at same time and follower and spring pops out slapping me in the face and sending it to the moon

If you have not already watch LG’s video, and see how he loaded the mag. I recall he only pulled the mag down just enough to load the gels in, and i thought it was a bit strange. ( i dont own a gbbr)

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Ye u can pull it down a little bit but then theres still alot of forcing being applied u may as well go full way so theres just the open boy push the cover bsck up and then feed them in

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Certainly a fiddly design and process, but your “user error “ comment makes perfect sense after the pics and information :+1:

This is why images are so much better than explanations :joy:

It would be a good little modification to have a travel guide and pin to limit the amount of distance in pulling down the outer casing to load the gels……. especially if trying to in a hurry reload whilst running around the field.

Would never find those parts out in the dirt and grass!

With some work im getting more adept at it but it really hurts sliding ones finger down the channel with the follower so it doesnt go weeee

I get a giddy little smile shooting it tho and theres the odd dont feed a gel bit other than that im pretty content with it

Nothing like sucking down a gut full of gas…… happy times!

Just be sure to stop when you start seeing purple and yellow spotted flying hippos :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

But i wanna see the hippos, anyway it seems to feed aight on ihobny hard boys still yet to try my actual ones id use maybe pearl whites or gold pack, ultre elites or whatever got so many to test.

Would also like to expand wet gels seem to cause too much friction for feeding against the metal inside the mag so im thinking maybe painting it with a bit of silicone grease for better consistence

Probably best to simply give the mag a light spray with Aerosol silicone oil occasionally, instead of using grease, which could clog up in the workings somewhere and create issues/attract dirt etc. :+1:

Definitely worth playing around with different gels/gasses to find its happy place.

maybe ill keep both spray n oil with it anyway but ye had none at work today, i think its just really wet gels cause grip on the i think stainless steel? inside the mag

The main issue is that the gels are held under compression by the feed spring, which causes the gels to squish together and expand into every nook and cranny in the feed tube, which obviously creates much more friction than an electric wheel magazine.

Obviously the harder the gels you use, the less squish and friction created in the feed well……. which are really a BB designed system that works fine with hard plastic balls, but not so well with soft gels.

Some people have trialled cutting loops off of the feed spring to lessen the amount of pressure on the gels, which reduces much of the squish pressure and has helped feeding problems, but you would really want to have a few spare springs/mags laying around before starting to cut up the springs for testing!

Apparently they were able to find that fine line where the fully loaded spring pressure was greatly reduced, yet had just enough to push the follower right up until the last gel.

Any that were cut a little too short, or were missing that last little bit to fully empty the magazine, they simply stretched them out longer to compensate until they worked just right :+1:

maybe but i dunt wanna do that atm, i was using i hobby gels coz thats what i had free at the time ill try some yellow pack ultras and uh ultra elites and some squishier white pearls as i know they are softer but they seem to have stronger surface structure

Yes, definitely try harder gels before touching anything else for sure!

What’s the hardest gels currently? Goat?