New GBB Rifles

Subjectively (no scientific measuring , just feel) still think Elites (latest batch) are strongest but x-Force have some new formula in the works that were harder to crush that elites

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Check out @LowGuido channel, he’s pretty much covered everything in testing gels that are available on the market :+1:

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How you finding the fps and accuracy at 20m or so?
Ive been comparing the GM, WE tech, Golden eagle and the RPM to make a decision these seem to be best quality in parts but only average 270fps

I do be workin too much so i havent done much other than put all my stuff on it at work n shoot my coworkers in the butt, i have no idea on fps sadly.

All i can say is i got 7 mags worth out of a propper gas fill which takes a good half min to actually fill the mag, wet gells create too much friction to feed so dry is best and uh i was getting a double feed now and then but i was using half grown ihobby gels.

Accuracy was okay to poor even at 5m, this may be due to undersized gells or the hop bein fucky or what i have a suspicion on is how squished the gels are when they get fed becuase they get forced into ovals in the feed lips.

This is all i can say at the moment friends

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Thankyou! Keep us updated, the accuracy seems to be a concern maybe need the ultrahards elites or predators etc

I will test on my day off i have gold pack ausgel and some pearly whites ready to go when needed ill try find me sum ue but my pack is open and they have been sitting there for a year so probs wont grow

I use pearly whites and yellow pack ausgell in my pistol which doesnt confetti em after all my modifications so i have high hopes for em working in rifle

Hey bud,
Just a couple of things to set straight here -
These are GBBRS - fps is going to vary depending on temperature and kg gas you are using so anything you see or hear from people is completely irrelevant. I have seen people run a GBBR at one time in the day and it be legal at the field they are playing at and as the day warmed up I’m the same blaster on the same gas was running too hot.

The other thing is gel size is going to dictate fps. The closer the gel is to the barrel ID the higher the fps.

So it is going to be dependent on gel size in relation to the inner you are running and the gas you are running on any given day.

For example I was running my RPM MWS completely standard with my go to MWS gels which are CEH White Knights grown to 6.9mm - 7.0mm to ensure perfect feeding.
The standard inner is 7.2mm (measured) I was getting 280fps average on 12kg gas early this morning while still cold. Middle of the day means that’s going to be over 300 fps.

I run a custom made barrel with an ID just under 7.1mm in my Guns Modify. I will do the same with the RPM. I will also be increasing barrel length to 11.5” to the correct BCM length. Both of these changes will boost fps to consistently over 300.

As for accuracy the RPM MWS is more than accurate to standard 25m ranges. Again gels play a large part in this. Also barrel stabilisation. The standard barrel still needs to be braced with electrical tape to take out inner barrel wobble.

As for choice between the brands you mentioned. Get either of the MWS. From a quality of parts and functionality point of view the RPM is the better choice of the two. To be perfectly honest though both are excellent.



Great info Jas!, much appreciated :sunglasses: great to hear the comparison on both mws types (both BCM too​:muscle:), so they’re the same fps from your experience running the gm and rpm mws at the same time of day they’re the same fps and accuracy? I heard rpm limited fps deliberately for fields but maybe that was a reumour

You can’t really compare them as they come with different barrel lengths barrel inner diameter and that all plays a part.
But in so saying the nozzle for the RPM has a smaller diameter and the valve sits slightly forward vs the GM. This indicates to me that less gas will go into the barrel to propel the gel and more gas will be used to cycle the system.
This makes sense as the standard RPM BCG and buffer comes in at a hefty 340g vs the GM at 248g. Recoil spring is heavier on the RPM vs the GM.
They are both set up very very different.
I felts the standard GM with 14.5” barrel was way too hot standard.
But as I’ve gone along I’ve changed so much that it is almost completely different. My GM sits at around 340ish.

When you shoot them side by side there is no visible difference in performance gel wise.
My GM is more accurate and consistent but that’s because I’m running a custom inner barrel and hop up set I’m in it.
I will put the same set up in the RPM so that is neither here nor there.

In all honesty fps would be the least of my worries when choosing one.

For me it would be which blaster is going to be the best start for my build.

For example if I was building a MCMR 11, then either the GM MK18 (which is the dumbest name ever because it isn’t as it has a BCM receiver) or the RPM BCM would be viable.

GM is $100 cheaper - I have to change stock, trigger guard, grip, barrel, inner barrel, flash hider and handguard.
RPM - I have to change stock and grip as standard are ugly AF, barrel (wrong length), inner, flash hider and handguard (wrong length).

Neither have trademarked BCGs. Neither have trademarked QD plates or gas blocks. So all those have to be changed.

To me the biggest advantage the RPM has is correct forge mark and it’s a MK2 receiver.

But I’m a nerd. :man_shrugging:t3:

Yeah you are :grin::rofl::rofl: I had no idea my RPM BCM was so far from the real specs. They are great fun, does pew pew. Me likey a lot.


Soooo first world problems these dont like aus gel gold packs too beeg? They dont feed through the mags so unless someone knows any gels that are hard and small plz point mt way

I got a bag of these with a GBB pistol recently…

I haven’t measured them but they’re definitely smaller than AKAs and Ultra Elites.

Thats what we had at work and i was playing with, so i know they feed out of the rpm mag.

i would also like to expand apon the guns modify mags are shit the channel the gels feed through js so fucking gripy i cant pull the follower down very well when trying to load them. So maybe they need polishing but some 30w silocon oil on the rpm mags provides smoothest feeding

n edit i think the channels need to be polished otherwise they just dont work its like raw freshly scraped metal that just grabs everything possibke. the rpm mags kinda do it but they are alot smoother

So the RPM magazines are just GM mags with the channel polished and the follower chamfered. Exactly what I did to my GM mags 7 months ago to assist feeding.
Polish the channel with some alloy polish and you are good to go.
There was a recent video RPM loaded up outlining what they do to there magazines prior to sale to customer.


The rpm mag video. Basically says, polish channel and profile the follower.

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200 bucks for shit i have to work on to be functional, severe disappointment and puppy punching urges

Could always buy a gbbr from the Guru of shit talkers. Thats if he ever has stock available :laughing::rofl: edit, you’re not new to gel blasters are you? $200 and its able to be made functional is almost standard :rofl::rofl: ( I know you’re not new)

I just want things to work out of the box for how much dollarydoos we spend ;-;

You and me both brother. It is disappointing that so much product is half arsed.


Whilst I agree I feel this really boils down to 2 factors -
Gels are inconsistent. In So many ways they are inconsistent. Size, hardness, texture, moistness etc etc.
How hard must it be to convert an airsoft concept to take into account so many variables.
Secondly, lack of understanding of the ultimate end user and testing for this.

When I first got my GM I could not get any feed back on the problems I was experiencing with gels binding. I feel this is because no one tested it with the mindset of the mags being loaded and staying loaded for extended periods of time.
So I had to find my own solution.
Which I have. :slightly_smiling_face:

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