New GBB Rifles


You know, I think given that these have the anti-walk pins that iHobby’s GE ones have, I think these may have been the same batch that WAT was looking to get in, back then.

It looks like the ones they were having a squizz at in Taiwan were VFC or WE, too.

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doubt i could import that nor would it work withh what we have access too

More to the point, it’s a doable thing with a bit of engineering, and probably a 3D printer.

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Wat Int’s GBBRS were Lucifer A1s with polymer bodies that use a system based on the TM MWS system.
Definitely not the same as Ihobbys GE which are metal and use the WA system.

Are ihobby m4s on par with we tech? Dont see how eccb can charge more than double the price

I know it gets confusing but the long and the short of it ECCB are very low number converted airsoft. They do not leave We Tech as a gel blaster. They are converted by an individual.
The Ihobby are factory gel blasters from Golden Eagle.
From what I understand Golden Eagle are entry GBBRs and We Tech are considered a little bit higher but still entry level. Comparisons though seem to point to the GE being on par with the We Tech with some aspects better and some not.
But as a general rule the reviews are relatively solid for the GE.

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Question: does running GBB blasters too much cause it to jam from the green gas/CO2 getting too cold?

If you mag dump, reload the same mag with gels and mag dump it again, yes. If you give the mag time to warm up again, no.


RPM Tech shop just unloaded some info on their new GBBR


Dont want to watch the whole thing. Can you give us a summery?

Got dragged out of my hovel by my wife so I missed most of the vid so I had to rewatch it - knackered and the stream quality may give rise to errors, so apologies if I don’t get everything right.
Platform is researched and designed by them over the last 2 years, CNC 7075 receivers and stainless steel internals.
Won’t know exact pricing until the first batch is finalised and delivered but they’re aiming for 1500, with mags around 150.
They want to design their own mag later on to potentially make cheaper mags down the line.
The plan is to have a lot of options and mods such as higher fps bolts.
Mag capacity can be 30 but probably won’t feed well, experience is 25 will be a more consistent feed.


Also from the rpm live they’re planning to release multiple upper receiver lengths. I think standard was 14” length but you can quickly remove and swap down to a smaller length for cqb fields. Stock is attached to lower so your just removing receiver pins and quick swap.

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i kinda want one ay ;-; or do you think the golden eagle is better/on par?

Absolutely not. But it might be good enough. Brad preordered one I think so wait for the review.

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Can you imagine the utter disaster it would be if the lower priced GE performed better than their MWS?

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I ordered the GE as well (not the higher end one price wise).
For me the GE will probably do a good enough job to satisfy the itch (fingers and toes crossed).
The verbiage from RPM has too many “in the plans”, “we’re developing…”, but potentially this could be my high end white whale as it ticks a lot of boxes for me. Will definitely keep a very close eye on it.


Also interesting to note that RPM already has plans for tapping theirs for hpa.

Got my shipping notice from ihobby. Was just talking to them and they said they are printing labels and GBBRs should post out tomorrow or Wednesday.
I’ll let everyone know what I think when it arrives.


Wow thats quick
Which one did you get