R.E. Wesker...(Or.. Bad boys,Bad boys.. watcha gonna Glue..?)

Found this ebay seller, selling, well , everything…!!


This could be a real Go-er…!!

Yeah its high quality 3d-printed…but, obviously scanned off of the real thing.
As such, it should fit onto the square bottomed Wesker DB blaster…!! ( i Hope).

The L-shaped nozzle wont be as strong as the solid original…but, all its gotta do, is support a Very lightweight suppressor…!

Wont put any downward strain on the barrel, either…!

I had actually thought that could have been a solution (3D printed bits) , seeing that the originals are rare as…

And then, i stumble across this…!!

Wont need a B709 for this, placing order soon.!!